CL 58

NOVEMBER 1, 1944


NOVEMBER 30, 1944


The U.S.S. DENVER is a part of Cruiser Division TWELVE consisting of U.S.S. CLEVELAND, COLUMBIA, MONTPELIER, and DENVER. Rear Admiral R. W. HAYLER, USN, commanding in DENVER. DENVER is assigned to the SEVENTH Fleet and is operating specifically with Task Group 77.2 proceeding from Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands to Manus Island, Admiralty Islands.

Wednesday, 1 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with units of Task Group 77.2 consisting of U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, DENVER, COLUMBIA, AULICK, CONY, SIGOURNEY, and MAC DONOUGH accompanied by the escort carrier Task Group 77.2, O.T.C. is Rear Admiral RUDDOCK in WEST VIRGINIA. Formation is 5RO. Steaming in company with Special Task Group in Cruising Disposition "5-R0" modified. This group consists of the following: U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, MANILA BAY, KADASHAN BAY, SAVO ISLAND, MARCUS ISLAND, SAGINAW BAY, PETROF BAY, SANGAMON, CHENANGO, DENVER, COLUMBIA, HAILEY, AULICK, CONY, SOMERS, SIGOURNEY, TAYLOR, O’BANNON, TRATHEN, MC CORD, MAC DONOUGH, FRANKS, SUESENS, HAGGARD, ABARENDA, ABERCROMBIE. Rear Admiral Ruddock, USN, in the WEST VIRGINIA is OTC. Steaming on course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM); base course 120oT(PGC); fleet axis 120oT(PGC); zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. U.S.S. COLUMBIA is guide, bearing 210oT; distance 1,700 yards from this ship. DENVER station 2.5340. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. Boilers No. 1 and 3 are on the line for steaming purposes.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), at speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. Fleet axis 120oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 1025 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1201 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 1400 Half-masted colors in compliance with burial service on U.S.S. SANGAMON. 1410 Two-blocked colors. 1549 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1640 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 1724 Ceased zig-zagging. 1730 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 1756 Changed course right to 120oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). Fleet axis 120oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 158

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). Fleet axis 120oT(PGC). 2111 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 04o 14.8’ N

137o 55.0’ E

1200 03o 41.7’ N

138o 41.2’ E

2000 02o 54.2’ N

140 21.2’ E

Thursday, 2 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2 and 77.4. Steaming in company with Special Task Group, consisting of the following: U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, COLUMBIA, DENVER, MANILA BAY, KADASHAN BAY, SAVO ISLAND, MARCUS ISLAND, SAGINAW BAY, PETROF BAY, SANGAMON, CHENANGO, HAILEY, AULICK, CONY, SOMERS, SIGOURNEY, TAYLOR, O’BANNON, TRATHEN, MC CORD, MAC DONOUGH, FRANKS, SUESENS, HAGGARD, ABARENDA, and ABERCROMBIE. Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA is OTC. In Cruising Disposition "5-R0" modified. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III; boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. On course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. U.S.S. COLUMBIA is fleet guide, bearing 210oT; distance 1,700 yards.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23; base course 120oT(PGC). 0401 Ceased zig-zagging. 0503 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), fleet axis 120oT(PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 0800 Assumed radar guard. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0906 Held steering casualty drill. Shifted control to steering aft. 0922 Completed steering casualty drill. Shifted control to pilot house. 0940 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1009 Commenced test firing of 5" battery. 1043 Ceased test firing of 5" battery.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), fleet axis 120oT(PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 1305 Commenced maneuvering independently within destroyer screen to test No. 1 and 2 shafts. 1345 Completed making tests on shafts. Shaft vibration normal at speeds tested up to 25 knots.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 155

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 120oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23. 1629 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course. 1714 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC). 1721 Changed course left to 120oT(PGC). 1740 Changed fleet course and axis right to 133oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 154

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 133oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 155

G. C. Wilson, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before, on base course 133oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), fleet axis 133oT(PGC). Cruising Formation "5-R0" modified. 2304 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 01o 26.1’ N

142o 49.0’ E

1200 00o 59.7’ N

143o 46.2’ E

2000 00o 08.3’ N

145 18.5’ E

Friday, 3 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Groups 77.2 and 77.4. Steaming in company with Special Task Group, consisting of the following: U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, COLUMBIA, DENVER, MANILA BAY, KADASHAN BAY, SAVO ISLAND, MARCUS ISLAND, OMMANEY BAY, NATOMA BAY, SAGINAW BAY, PETROF BAY, SANGAMON, CHENANGO, HAILEY, CONY, SOMERS, SIGOURNEY, TAYLOR, O’BANNON, TRATHEN, MC CORD, MAC DONOUGH, FRANKS, SUESENS, HAGGARD. Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA is SOPA and OTC. In Cruising Formation "5-R0" modified. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III; boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Base course is 133oT(PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 23, speed 15 knots (150 RPM). Guide is in U.S.S. NATOMA BAY, bearing 293oT, 2500 yards. 0322 Made Radar contact with Manus Island, bearing 160oT, distance 57 miles.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 155

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, on course and axis 133oT(PGC), fleet speed 15 knots (150 RPM). At 0425 Task Group 77.4 left the formation to proceed independently and remaining ships assumed a special circular disposition. 0425 Task Group 77.4 left formation proceeding independently. 0431 ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course. 0432 Sighted land bearing 185oT(PGC). 0439 Commenced maneuvering to form Cruising Disposition "5-LS", U.S.S. COLUMBIA guide bearing 233oT(PGC), distance 1400 yards; WEST VIRGINIA is OTC; above heavy ship, plus MARYLAND and DENVER evenly placed on 1000 yard circle, screen from left to right in direction of axis; U.S.S. AULICK, CONY, MAC DONAOUGH, and SIGOURNEY. 0453 Changed course right to 165oT(PGC). 0511 Changed course left to 155oT(PGC). 0559 Changed course left to 133oT(PGC). 0615 Changed course left to 108oT(PGC). 0734 Changed course right to 133oT(PGC). 0738 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 0741 Changed course right to 200oT(PGC); slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0742 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC). 0747 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0748 Went to 20 knots (200 RPM). 0749 Slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0755 Commenced maneuvering independently preparatory to entering port. 0755 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 154

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 215oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), maneuvering independently at various courses and speeds to entrance of Seeadler Harbor. At 0808 entered Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands, anchoring in Berth 240 at 0846. 0808 Passed through harbor nets, entering Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands. Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds conforming with channel. 0846 Anchored in Berth No. 240, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, in 14 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, with the following anchorage bearings: Beacon "F" 026o; Beacon "E" 256o; Signal Tower 091oT; Beacon "G" 143o; ship’s draft forward 22’ 6", aft 25’ 5". 0850 Secured main and steering engines. 0904 Let fires die out under boiler No. 4. Commenced listing ship to port. 1000 Ship’s list 7o to port. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Anchored as before, with 7½o port list.

W. H. Frey 1st Lt., USMC

16 – 20 Watch

Anchored as before, with 7½o list to port. 1930 Ship is now on an even keel.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Anchored as before.

K. H. Brooks, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 01o 56.7’ S

147o 18.8’ E

1200 Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands

2000 Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands

Saturday, 4 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Anchored in Berth 240, Seeadler Harbor. Anchored in Berth No. 240, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, in 14 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor with the following anchorage bearings: Beacon "F" 026o; Beacon "E" 256o; Signal Tower 091oT; Beacon "G" 143o; one other Beacon 182.5o; all bearing True and PGC. Boiler No. 2 is in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship has a 3o list to port. Ordnance security watch maintained in Mount 5 lower handling room. Ships present: U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA; MARYLAND; WEST VIRGINIA; COLUMBIA; HONOLULU, and various other units and auxiliaries of the Pacific Fleet.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Anchored as before. 0545 U.S.S. CALDWELL stood in to Lombrom Repair dock.

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Anchored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0845 Fired no-load Shot on starboard catapult. Results: normal. 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Normal.

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Anchored as before. 1207 U.S.S. NIOBARARA underway to shift berth. 1215 U.S.S. JAMES LAWSON underway to shift berth. 1240 U.S.S. CALDWELL underway to shift berth. 1500 Half-Masted Colors following movements of U.S.S. HONOLULU. 1530 Two-blocked Colors.

J. R. Hatcher, Ensign, USN.

16 – 20 Watch

Anchored as before.

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Anchored as before.

J. B. Heifner, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Sunday, 5 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Anchored in Berth No. 240, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, in 14 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Modified Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" is set throughout the ship; ship is darkened. Boiler No. 2 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA; MARYLAND; WEST VIRGINIA; COLUMBIA; HONOLULU, DENVER, KITKUN BAY, NATOMA BAY, NASSAU, SANTEE, SANGAMON, KALININ BAY, SAGINAW BAY, FANSHAW BAY, WHITE PLAINS, PETROF BAY, MANILA BAY, KWAJALEIN, MARCUS ISLAND, SAVO ISLAND, OMMANEY BAY, plus various destroyers, destroyer escorts and auxiliaries of the Pacific Fleet. Ship has a 2½o list to port, to facilitate work on damaged section.

P. F. Simmons, Ensign, USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Anchored as before. 0510 U.S.S. COLUMBIA underway to shift berth. 0615 YO 24 came alongside to port to receive sludge.

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Anchored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0835 Held Divine Services. 0915 Completed transfer of oil to YO 24. 0933 YO 24 cast off from port side. 1050 Commenced putting on 7o list to port. 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1130 Hoisted aboard one plane, Bureau No. 1122. 1150 Ship has 7o list to port.

W. H. Frey 1st Lt., USMC

12 – 16 Watch

Anchored as before, ship has a 7o list to port.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

16 – 20 Watch

Anchored as before, ship has a 7o list to port.

K. H. Brooks, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Anchored as before, ship has a 7o list to port to facilitate work on damaged section.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

Monday, 6 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Anchored in Berth No. 240, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, in 14 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Ships present: U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA and various units of the Pacific Fleet, yard, auxiliaries and patrol craft. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and modified Condition of Readiness III is set. Boiler No. 2 is in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship has a 7o list to port, put on to bring water line clear to work on starboard quarter. 0330 Lighted fires under number 4 boiler.

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Anchored as before with 7o list to port. 0540 Cut in No. 4 boiler on the main steam line. Underway at 0635 to go alongside U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth 335. Having made all preperations for getting underway, at 0635 under way to go along side the U.S.S. MEDUSA in berth No. 335. Ship’s draft forward 22’4", aft 24’5". Captain at the Conn, the Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Proceeding on various courses and speeds. Alongside and moored starboard side to at 0658. 0658 Moored starboard side to U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, on the following bearings, Beacon "E" 229.5o, Beacon "D" 322.5o, with the following lines in use; Bow line, Cross springs forward, Cross springs aft and stern wire. 0715 Secured main and steering engines. 0725 Secured No. 4 boiler. Assumed air search radar guard. 0753 Received LCI No. 944 along side port quarter.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0816 LCI No. 944 cast off. 0945 U.S.S. MANILA BAY underway and stood out. 1115 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1125 U.S.S. HUTCHINS got underway and shifted berths. 1140 U.S.S. RAYMOND underway and shifted berths.

J. R. Hatcher, Ensign, USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before.

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before.

J. B. Heifner, Lt.(jg), USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before.

P. F. Simmons, Ensign, USNR.

Tuesday, 7 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, on the following bearings: Beacon "E" 229.5o, Beacon "D" 322.5o; with six manila lines. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III modified. Boiler No. 2 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship has a 7½ o list to port. Ships present include U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA and various units of the Pacific Fleet, and various yard and district craft.

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before. 0500 Lighted fires under boiler No. 3. 0559 U.S.S. HUTCHINS underway and stood out. 0712 Boiler No. 3 placed in use for auxiliary purposes. 0715 Hauled fires under boiler No. 2.

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0850 Pursuant to the order of the Commanding Officer, the following named men left the ship for temporary duty at Lombrum Seaplane Base, Navy 3205, records and accounts retained aboard: Rodgers, A.B., AMM1c, USN, 387 44 83; Mardigian, D.A., AMM2c, USN, 201 93 74; Millard, R.G., Pr2c, USNR, 615 29 38; Jones, E.V., ARM3c, USNR 609 09 11; Utter, E.S., S1c, USN 312 05 81; Collins, G.W., S2c, USNR, 753 19 05; Talley, J. W., S2c, USNR, 878 26 89. 0905 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, the following named officers and men left the ship for temporary additional duty at Lombrum Seaplane Base, Navy 3205, involving the maintenance of DENVER planes: Ensign D.G. Hartlaub, A-V(N), USNR, 346932, in charge; Ensign P. R. Anderson, A-V(N), USNR, 315108; Ivy, T.R., ARM2c, USNR, 617 83 30; and Rigsby, G.P., AMM3c, USNR, 245 46 14. Records and accounts retained on board. Transportation via ship’s planes.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before. 1330 U.S.S. ROI, KIMMEL, NICKELS, PIEFER and JOY stood in and anchored in assigned berths.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before. Made daily inspection of magazine and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before. 2130 Commenced taking aboard provisions from Naval Supply Depot Goti, Manus Island.

J. M. Gallagher, Lt.(jg), USN.

The following ammunition was transferred from U.S.S. HONOLULU to this ship by means of an LCM: 248 rounds 6"/47 A.P. projectiles and 347 rounds 6"/47 projectiles.

Wednesday, 8 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, on the following bearings: Beacon "E" 229.5o, Beacon "D" 322.5o; with the following lines in use: bow line, cross springs forward and aft, and stern line; all lines are manila. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III modified is set. Boiler No. 4 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship has a 6.75o list to port. Ships present include U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA, and various units of the Pacific Fleet, various merchant, auxiliary, yard and district craft.. 0215 Completed loading stores.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0955 U.S.S. LEOPARD underway and stood out. 1023 U.S.S. CLYMER stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1100 Commenced receiving ammunition aboard. 1152 U.S.S. CAPE COD underway and stood out.

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before, continuing to receive ammunition. 1220 Made daily inspections of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

J. B. Heifner, Lt.(jg), USNR.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before, continuing to receive ammunition. 1640 Received storm warning and at 1650 let go port anchor with 18 fathoms of chain. Doubled up 1, 3, 5, and stern line. Ship was placed on one half (½) hour notice for getting underway. Storm did not materialize and ship was place in previous standby condition.

P. F. Simmons, Ensign, USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before. 2100 Weighed port anchor.

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

The following ammunition was transferred from U.S.S. HONOLULU to this ship by means of an LCM: 569 rounds 6"/47 Smokeless cartridges, 483 rounds 6"/47 Flashless cartridges; 25 Service Catapult charges, 8 No Load Catapult charges; and 150 Aircraft Floats lights.

The following ammunition was received from U.S.S. MT. HOOD by means of an LCM: 1643 rounds 5"/38 Smokeless cartridges and 40 rounds 5"/38 Flashless cartridges.

Thursday, 9 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands. Anchorage bearings: Beacon "E" 229.5oT(PGC) and Beacon "D" 322.5oT(PGC). Following lines are in use: bow line, cross springs forward and aft, and waist breast, all lines are manila. Wire stern line doubled is in use. Ship is darkened. Modified Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" are set. Boiler No. 4 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship is listed 6.75o to port. Ships present are as follows: U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA, various units of Pacific Fleet, various merchant and auxiliary, and various small base craft. 0120 Heavy rain and wind (velocity 29 knots) arose. 0205 Rain creased and wind subsided to 18 knots.

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before. 0605 Commenced transferring fuel to increase list to port to permit repairs on starboard side. 0750 Ceased pumping fuel. Ship has 10o to port.

J. R. Hatcher, Ensign, USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0935 U.S.S. SANTEE got underway and stood out of harbor. 1050 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1100 The following ships got underway and stood out of harbor: U.S.S. DALY, SUWANEE, CHENANGO, EDWARDS, DENNIS, RICHARD S. ROWELL, and HERMAN.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before. 1350 The following ships stood in and anchored in berths assigned: U.S.S. KIMBERLY, YOUNG.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before. 1610 Commenced taking off list. 1705 Lighted fires under No. 3 boiler. 1900 Completed taking off list. Ship is now on an even keel. 1927 Cut in No. 3 boiler on main steam line. 1930 Secured fires under No. 4 boiler.

J. M. Gallagher, Lt.(jg), USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

Received the following ammunition from the Naval Ammunition Depot, Manus by means of an LCM: 1108 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common projectiles, 322 rounds 5"/38 Common projectiles, 170 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common Special projectiles, 27 rounds 5"/38 W.P. projectiles, 2 rounds 5"/38 Illuminating projectiles, and 188 rounds 5"/38 Smokeless cartridges.

Friday, 10 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to port side of U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands Group, on the following bearings: Beacon "E" 229.5oT; Beacon "D" 322.5oT. The following lines are in use: bow line, crossed springs forward and aft, and stern line; all lines are manila, except stern line which is wire. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III modified set. Boiler No. 3 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present include U.S.S. ARGONNE SOPA, and various units of Pacific Fleet, various merchant, auxiliary and district craft.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before. 0605 U.S.S. COLUMBIA underway and stood out of harbor. 0615 U.S.S. MARYLAND underway and stood out of harbor. 0640 Commenced listing ship 11o to port to facilitate working on damaged section. 0700 Assumed duties of Military SOPA. 0715 The following ships underway and stood out: U.S.S. TRATHEN, HOWARD, MC CORD, MAC DONOUGH, LANG, HAZELWOOD, PYRO and HARRY LEE.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0850 Ammunition ship, MOUNT HOOD exploded, causes unknown. Located on bearing 294oT, distance 6 miles. 0855 Sent fire and rescue party to scene of accident. 1015 U.S.S. CETUS stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1100 U.S.S. PRESIDENT ADAMS stood in and anchored in assigned berth.

J. B. Heifner, Lt.(jg), USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before. 1215 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1434 Received LCT 178 alongside port bow with 6" ammunition. 1500 Commenced shifting ballast to return ship to even keel from 11o to port.

P. F. Simmons, Ensign, USNR.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before. 1710 Completed shifting LCT 178 to port quarter. 1805 Ceased shifting ballast, ship is on an even keel. 1900 Completed receiving ammunition.

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before.

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

The following ammunition was received from the Naval Ammunition Depot, Manus via LCT: 463 rounds 6"/47 A.P. projectiles and 454 rounds 6"/47 Flashless cartridges.

Saturday, 11 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to port side of U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands Group, with the following bearings: Beacon "D" 322.5oT, Beacon "E" 229.5oT. Lines in use: bow line, crossed springs forward and aft of 8"manila, doubled, and stern line of 1-5/8" wire doubled. The ship is darkened, is in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III modified. Boiler No. 4 is in use for auxiliary purposes. LCT 178 is secured on port quarter. Ships present: SOPA in DENVER; U.S.S. ARGONNE (Administrative SOPA); HONOLULU in ABSD No. 2; KADASHAN BAY; MANILA BAY; MARCUS ISLAND; NATOMA BAY; OMMANY BAY; PETROF BAY; SGINAW BAY; SAVO ISLAND; ROI; AULICK; CONY; FRANKS; A.W. GRANT; HAGARD; HAILEY; HALLIGAN; HARADEN; SIGOURNEY; TWIGGS; YOUNG; MEDUSA; CEBU; BRIAREUS; MINDINAO; WHITNEY; SIERRA; PIEDMONT; various vessels of the train including transports, mine-craft, amphibious-craft, merchant craft patrol craft. 0400 Set Condition III in AA battery.

J. R. Hatcher, Ensign, USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before. 0520 U.S.S. ROI underway and stood out. 0545 U.S.S. LCT No. 178 underway from alongside and stood clear. 0600 Modified Condition III in AA battery. 0600 Lit fires under No. 1 boiler. 0606 U.S.S. WARWICK, DONALDSON and CROWLEY stood in and anchored in assigned berths. U.S.S. GEORGE CLYMER underway and stood out.

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees; none. 0855 Cut in boiler No. 1 and secured boiler No. 4. 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. At 1050 YO77 came alongside with diesel oil and oil was taken aboard until 1210. 1050 Y.O. 77 came alongside to port. 1104 commenced pumping diesel oil. 1115 U.S.S. RIGEL stood in and anchored in berth assigned. Tested catapults. Fired one no load and two dead loads. Dead loads weight-5000 pounds.

J. S. Sewall, Jr., Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before. 1210 Completed taking on fuel. 1220 Y.O. 77 cast off from alongside port side. 1235 Hoisted on board plane No. 7, Ensign R. R. Anderson, 351108, USNR, observer, Rigsby, R. G. AMM3c, V-6, USNR. 1240 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8, pilot Ensign D. G. Hartlaub, 346932, USNR, observer, Jones, E. V. ARM3c, 609-09-11, V6, USNR. Lighted fires under boiler No. 2.

J. M. Gallagher, Lt.(jg), USN.

16 – 20 Watch

Moored as before. 1725 LCT No. 178 moored on port quarter. 1730 The Captain returned aboard. 1814 Cut in No. 2 boiler and let fires die out under No. 1.

W. M. Foster, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Moored as before.

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Sunday, 12 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Moored starboard side to U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, with the following bearings: Beacon "D" 322.5oT, Beacon "E" 229.5oT. Lines in use: bow line, crossed springs forward and aft of 8"manila, stern line is 1 5/8" wire; all lines doubled. LCT 174 moored alongside port quarter. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and modified Condition of Readiness III. Boiler No. 2 is in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S DENVER (SOPA), ARGONNE (Administrative SOPA), HONOLULU, KADASHAN BAY, MANILA BAY, MARCUS ISLAND, NATOMA BAY, OMMANY BAY, PETROF BAY, SGINAW BAY, SAVO ISLAND, ROI, AULICK, CONY, FRANKS, A.W. GRANT, HAGARD, HAILEY, HALLIGAN, HARADEN, SIGOURNEY, TWIGGS, YOUNG, MEDUSA and various ships of the train. 0345 Lit off boiler No. 4.

H. M. McCammond, Lt.(jg), USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Moored as before, ammunition lighter (LCT 174 ) moored on port quarter. 0545 Set special sea detail Cut boiler No. 4 in on main steam line. 0622 LCT 174 cast off from alongside. Underway from alongside U.S.S. MEDUSA AT 0625 and at 0710 moored starboard side to U.S.S. CACAPON in Berth C-20 for fuel. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 0625 underway from alongside U.S.S. MEDUSA in Berth No. 335, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands and proceeded on various courses and speeds to Berth C-20. Ships draft forward 23’ 3", aft 25’ 3". 0710 Moored starboard side to U.S.S. CACAPON, in Berth C-20, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands with the following lines in use: bow line, cross springs fore and aft and stern line; all lines are doubled. The following bearings recorded at the time of mooring: Beacon 4 150.5oT, Beacon "E" 214.5oT, Beacon "A" 343oT. 0725 Received LCT 174 alongside to port with ammunition. Received 1161 rounds 6"/47 H.C. projectiles from Naval Ammunition Depot, Manus via LCT while there. 0743 Commenced receiving fuel through forward and after connection.

K. H. Brooks, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Moored as before, continuing to take on fuel oil and ammunition. 0800 Commenced receiving aviation gasoline. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0815 Completed receiving aviation gasoline, having received 185 gallons. 0925 Completed fueling, having received 310,820 gallons. Ship’s draft forward 24’ 0", aft 25’ 8". 1000 Completed taking on ammunition. LCT 174 cast off from alongside. At 1003 underway from alongside U.S.S. CACAPON, and at 1605 formed Task Unit 77.2.1 and proceeded out of Seeadler Harbor bound for Leyte Gulf in accordance with Commander SEVENTH Fleet’s Secret dispatch of 110825, November. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1003 underway from alongside U.S.S. CACAPON in Berth No. C-20, proceeding to Berth No. 1, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands. 1030 Anchored in Berth No. 1, Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands, in 15 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor. Anchorage bearings: Beacon "B" 359.5oT, Beacon "D" 077.5oT, Beacon "F" 096.5oT, Beacon "C" 187oT. Placed engines in stand-by condition, orders having been received to get underway at 1600. 1059 Secured boiler No. 4. 1158 Made daily inspection magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

P. F. Simmons, Ensign, USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Anchored as before. 1206 Set Condition of Readiness III. 1400 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4. 1440 Cut in boiler No. 4 on main steam line. 1512 U.S.S. CONY underway and stood out of harbor. 1515 Commenced making preparations for getting underway. 1558 U.S.S. SIGOURNEY underway and stood out of harbor.

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Anchored as before. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1605 underway from Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands Group, Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge; maneuvering on various courses and speeds conforming to channel leaving harbor. Ship’s draft prior to leaving port, forward 24", aft 25" 8". Ships in company with DENVER are the destroyers CONY and SIGOURNEY, the latter replacing AULICK which was not ready for sea. Rear Admiral HAYLER in DENVER is CTU 77.2.1. U.S.S. CONY and SIGOURNEY are in company. 1612 Went to General Quarters for sortie from Seeadler Harbor. 1618 Passed through entrance net and took departure on course 005oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM), with following bearings: Beacon "B" 284.5oT, Beacon "A" 078oT. 1622 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC), went to 17 knots (170 RPM). 1626 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler is OTC in U.S.S. DENVER, fleet guide; fleet course and axis designated 300oT(PGC). 1630 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 1640 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1700 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1721 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III, except in the 5" battery. 1743 Set Condition of Readiness III in the 5" battery. 1746 Ceased zig-zagging changed fleet course and axis to 314oT(PGC). 1752 Resumed zig-zagging.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 155

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 314oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1810 U.S.S. SIGOURNEY left formation to investigate radar surface contact, bearing 235oT(PGC), distance 18,000 yards. 1843 Surface radar contact identified as U.S. merchantman. 1845 U.S.S. SIGOURNEY ordered to rejoin formation. 1850 Sounded anti-aircraft call for sleeve firing. 1902 On signal ceased zig-zagging. At 1923 commenced night firing with automatic weapons on illuminated sleeves. 1923 Commenced firing 40 mm battery to port on sleeve. 1925 Ceased firing. 1927 Commenced firing 40mm battery to starboard on sleeve. Ceased firing at 1928, the following ammunition having been expended: 340 rounds 40mm H.E. Tracers. 1928 Ceased firing. 1930 Lighted fires under boilers No. 1 and 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 314oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), fleet axis 314oT. 2020 Completed firing 40 mm practice. Set Readiness Condition III throughout the ship. 2028 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 2050 Let fires die out under boiler No. 3. 2209 Cut boiler No. 1 in on main steam line. 2235 Let fires die out under boiler No. 2.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands

1200 Seeadler Harbor, Admiralty Islands

2000 01o 19.5’ S

146o 33.8’ E

Monday, 13 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1 Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler in U.S.S. DENVER OTC. This unit consists of U.S.S. DENVER, SIGOURNEY, and CONY. Ship is darkened in Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. Boiler Nos. 1 and 4 are in use. On course and axis 314oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 0323 Ceased zig-zagging remained on base course. 0330 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0340 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 0415 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0500 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0700 Commenced taking station for Radar Calibration. 0701 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 300oT(PGC). 0710 Commenced present exercises; (Exercise 1"A", USF 10A).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0800 U.S.S. SIGOURNEY left formation for exercise 16"D". 0800 Completed exercise 1"A". 0812 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0929 On signal ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 300oT(PGC). 0945 Went to General Quarters for exercise 16"D". At 1003 commenced firing main and secondary batteries in calibration exercises. 1003 Commenced firing Main and Secondary batteries for exercise 16"D". Ceased firing at 1114 with the following expenditure of ammunition: 23 rounds 6"/47 A.P. projectiles with Smokeless powder, 24 rounds 6"/47 H.C. projectiles with Smokeless powder; 32 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common projectiles with Smokeless powder, and 16 rounds 5"/38 Common projectiles with Smokeless powder. 1114 ceased firing, completed exercise 16"D". Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 1158 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), Speed 17 knots. Zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1215 U.S.S. CONY and SIGOURNEY rejoined the formation and took proper stations. 1400 Held signal hoist drill with all ships in the formation, U.S.S. DENVER leading. 1435 Secured from flag hoist drill. Note: Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1718 Went to General Quarters for dusk Alert. 1755 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before. 1830 Lit fires under #3 boiler. 1940 Let fires die out under #3 boiler.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). Zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 00o 39.7’ N

144o 04.7’ E

1200 01o 12.2’ N

143o 10.9’ E

2000 02o 19.6’ N

141o 18.5’ E

Tuesday, 14 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1, which consists of U.S.S. DENVER, CONY and SIGOURNEY, on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. Fleet axis 300oT(PGC); DENVER guide; Admiral R. W. Hayler in OTC in DENVER. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use for steaming. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III set through out the ship. 0230 U.S.S. CONY left the formation to take station for tracking exercise.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0430 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0515 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0540 U.S.S. CONY rejoined formation. 0728 Went to 18 knots (180 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 300oT(PGC), speed 18 knots (180 RPM). 0800 Sounded flight quarters, made preparations for launching one plane. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0824 Manned automatic weapons for practice firing. 0828 Catapulted one plane, No. 7 to starboard. Pilot: Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), 251058, USNR; observer: Rogers, A.B., AM1c, 382 44 83, USN. 0829 Secured from flight quarters. 0844 Sounded flight quarters, preparatory to recovering plane No. 7 and launch plane No. 8. 0901 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0904 Ceased zig-zagging in order to recover one plane. 0906 Recovered plane No. 7 to port by "D" method. 0907 Increased speed to 18 knots (180 RPM), resumed zig-zagging. 0934 Catapulted plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot: Lt.(jg) E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), 251058, USNR; observer: Ivy, T.R., ARM2c, 607 93 30, USNR. 0945 Increased speed to 19 knots (190 RPM). Conducted practice firing from 0949 to 1054 with the following expenditure of ammunition: 395 rounds 40mm H.E. Tracers, 360 rounds 20mm H.E. Incendiaries, and 180 rounds 20mm H.E. Tracers. 0949 Commenced practice firing with machine gun battery. 0951 Secured from flight quarters. 1054 Ceased firing exercises, set Condition of Readiness III in machine gun battery. 1140 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1300 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM) to recover one aircraft "D" method to port. 1304 Recovered plane No. 8. 1305 Went to 19 knots (190 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 188

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1738 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1825 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III. 1830 Ceased zig-zagging resumed base course.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM). 2030 Changed course left to new base course and axis 298oT(PGC). 2350 Sighted light bearing 330oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 04o 03.7’ N

138o 39.1’ E

1200 04o 33.6’ N

137o 40.2’ E

2000 04o 44.5’ N

135o 38.5’ E

Wednesday, 15 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1 Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2.1. OTC is Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler in U.S.S. DENVER. Task Unit consists of following: U.S.S. DENVER, CONY, SIGOURNEY. Fleet course and axis are 298oT(PGC), fleet speed 19 knots (190 RPM). U.S.S. DENVER IS guide. Boilers No. 1 and 4 are in use for steaming. Ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" are set. 0125 Made radar land fall on Anguar Island, Palau Group, bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 39,000yards. 0128 Made radar land fall on Peleliu Island, Palau Group, bearing 010oT(PGC), distance 65,000yards. 0350 Made radar contact on three friendly ships, bearing 296oT(PGC), distance 32,000yards.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 189

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 298oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM). 0417 Changed base course to 328oT(PGC). 0500 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0510 Changed course to 298oT(PGC). 0512 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24 on base course 298oT(PGC). 0550 Secured from General Quarters and set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0553 Made radar contact on Task Group 77.2, bearing 310oT(PGC) distance 20 miles. 0554 Changed fleet course and axis to 300oT(PGC). 0735 Sighted smoke on the horizon bearing 315oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. At 0820 other units of Task Group 77.2 were sighted and at 1517 Task Unit 77.2.1 joined them in formation 5R. 0820 Sighted Task Group 77.2 hull down bearing 315oT(PGC). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0933 Held steering casualty drill. 0945 Changed Fleet course and axis right to 303oT(PGC). 1030 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 190

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 303oT(PGC), speed 19 knots (190 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 24. 1359 Ceased zig-zagging resumed base course. 1403 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6 on base course 300oT(PGC). 1450 Ceased zig-zagging, commence maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising disposition 5 – "R". O.T.C. was now Rear Admiral RUDDOCK in U.S.S. MARYLAND with ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, CONY, SIGOURNEY, MC CORD, TAYLOR, MAC DONOUGH, LANG, NICHOLAS, HAZELWOOD, and TRATHEN. The entire formation proceeded on toward Leyte Gulf. 1517 Joined Task Group 77.2 consisting of following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, OTC Rear Admiral Ruddock, and Fleet guide, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, CONY, SIGOURNEY, Mc CORD, TAYLOR, Mc DONOUGH, LANG, NICHOLAS, HAZLEWOOD, and TRATHEN; fleet speed 17 knots, fleet course and axis 300oT(PGC); guide bears 180oT(PGC), distance 1500 yards. 1530 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 188

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1900 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on base course 300oT(PGC). 1959 Changed course to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 2028 Changed course right to 300oT(PGC). 2130 Changed course left to 286oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 172

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 07o 37.6’ N

132o 24.6’ E

1200 08o 14.7’ N

131o 24.0’ E

2000 09o 19.9’ N

129o 20.0’ E

Thursday, 16 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2, Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND OTC. This group consists of U.S.S. MARYLAND, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, COLUMBIA, CONY, SIGOURNEY, Mc CORD, Mc DONOUGH, TAYLOR, LANG, NICHOLAS, HAZLEWOOD, and TRATHEN. In cruising disposition 5-"R"; U.S.S. MARYLAND is fleet guide. Ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 4 are in use. On course 286oT(PGC), axis 300oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0331 On signal changed course right to 306oT(PGC). 0335 Lit fires under No. 2 and 3 boilers. 0355 Changed course left to 286oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 286oT(PGC), speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0530 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0616 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 0622 On signal ceased zig-zagging and changed course to right to 310oT(PGC). 0623 Cut in No. 3 boiler on main line. 0632 0530 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0645 Hauled fires under boiler No. 4. 0708 Entered heavy rain squall, visibility reduced to 300 yards. Hauled fires under boiler No. 2. 0730 Passed out of rain squall.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 174

M. F. Healy, Jr., Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 310oT(PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, speed 17 knots (170 RPM). 0808 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0822 Slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0829 Bogies reported bearing 035oT, distance 24 miles and 035oT, distance 20 miles. 0830 Set Condition of Readiness No. 1 in anti-aircraft battery. 0831 Changed course to 300oT(PGC). 0853 Changed course to 290oT(PGC). 0855 Set Condition of Readiness II in anti-aircraft battery. At 0921 entered Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands and at 1040 sighted Task Group 77.1, units of which were to be relieved by arriving ships. 0921 Changed course to 300oT(PGC), conforming to swept channel entering Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands. 1008 Passed Manicani Island abeam to starboard. 1030 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1040 Sighted several ships ahead, hull down, identified as Task Group 77.1. 1110 Screening destroyers closed into circle 3. 1112 Changed course to 270oT(PGC). 1122 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1133 Changed course to 090oT(PGC). Rendezvoused with Task Group 77.1. 1136 Stopped all engines.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 136

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Lying to as before in Leyte Gulf. 1225 U.S.S. MISSISSIPPI designated as fleet guide. 1333 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds, taking station in formation. Stopped all engines. Steady on course 245oT(PGC). 1523 U.S.S. NEWCOMB came alongside starboard quarter. 1435 U.S.S. NEWCOMB departed from alongside.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 24

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Lying to as before. 1713 Commenced maneuvering to form cruising disposition 5-"R-B" with Task Group 77.2. 1739 Went to General Quarters for air raid Alert. After transferring mail and passengers to relieved ships, the latter proceeded out of Leyte Gulf and at 1741 DENVER was in station for formation 5-RB, O.T.C., Rear Admiral RUDDOCK in MARYLAND with PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, NEWCOMB, H. L. EDWARDS, LEUTZE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, CONY, LANG JENKINS, and MC CORD. 1741 On station in 5-"R-B". U.S.S. MARYLAND formation guide bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards. Fleet course 100oT(PGC), speed 12 knots, (120 RPM), axis 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steamed inside the gulf throughout the night. Steaming as before on course 100oT(PGC), speed 12 knots, (120 RPM). Ship is at General Quarters. 1824 Changed course to the left to 040oT(PGC). 1903 Changed course to the left to 220oT(PGC). 1907 Changed formation to 5-"V-B". 1940 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". Changed formation to 5-"R-B".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 74

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on base course 220oT(PGC), speed 12 knots, (120 RPM). 2002 On signal changed course to 150oT(PGC), 2048 Changed course to 030oT(PGC). 2132 Changed course to 350oT(PGC). 2141 Changed course to 320oT(PGC). 2200 Changed course to 050oT(PGC). 2302 Changed course to 225oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 123

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 23.5’ N

126o 16.5’ E

1200 10o 49.6’ N

125o 16.5’ E

2000 10o 39.6’ N

125o 16.7’ E

Friday 17 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2 Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2, in Leyte Gulf Philippine Islands. Admiral T. D. Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND OTC. This group consists of the following: U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, and anti-submarine screen consisting of U.S.S. NEWCOMB, H. L. EDWARDS, LEUTZE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, CONY, LANG, JENKINS and , MC CORD. U.S.S. MARYLAND is guide, bearing 000oT, distance 2000 yards. Steaming in cruising formation "5-RB" with fleet axis 180oT, on course 225oT(PGC), speed 12 knots (120 RPM). Ship is darkened in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 3 are in use. 0030 Changed course right to 030oT(PGC). 0142 Changed course right to 195oT(PGC). 0310 Changed course left to 032oT(PGC). 0354 Changed course to 210oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 122

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 210oT(PGC), speed 12 knots (120 RPM). 0420 Changed course left to 030oT(PGC). 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0543 Changed course left to 225oT(PGC). 0618 Changed course right to 290oT(PGC). 0630 Secured from General Quarters, set Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery which remains in Readiness Condition I. 0640 Set Material Condition "B". 0650 Set Readiness Condition II in anti-aircraft battery. 0658 Slowed to 8 knots. 0758 Changed course right to 090oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 108

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0803 Changed speed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 0805 Stopped all engines and commenced using engines only to maintain position in formation. 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 1130 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 11

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Lying to as before course 090oT(PGC) in cruising formation "5-RB". 1250 Lit fires under boiler No. 2. 1310 Let fires die out under boiler No. 2. 1324 Lit fires under boiler No. 4. 1500 Cut boiler No. 4 in on main steam line. 1510 Let fires die out under Boiler No. 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 13

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Lying to as before course 090oT(PGC) in cruising formation "5-RB". At 1630 U.S.S. MINNEAPOLIS joined this task group. 1630 Underway to form cruising formation "5-RC", speed 5 knots (050 RPM). 1632 Stopped all engines. 1634 Speed 5 knots (050 RPM). 1638 Attained assigned position. This ship on station 2.030, fleet speed 5 knots, fleet course 090oT(PGC), axis 180oT(PGC). Guide U.S.S. MARYLAND bears 030oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards. 1731 Stopped all engines. 1754 All engines ahead one third, 5 knots (050 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 35

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 5 knots (050 RPM). 1808 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1827 Changed course right to 150oT(PGC). 1849 Went to General Quarters for dusk alert. 1854 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-VC", axis 180oT(PGC). 1909 On station in "5-VC" on course 150oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1924 Changed fleet course right to 215oT(PGC). 1932 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-RC". 1936 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B", and Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery which remains in Readiness Condition I. 1949 Set Readiness Condition III in anti-aircraft battery. 1954 On station in cruising formation "5-RC".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 96

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 215oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2004 Changed course right to 035oT(PGC). 2045 U.S.S. EDWARDS joined formation and took assigned position on circle 5. 2145 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 2210 Changed course left to 230oT(PGC). 2320 Changed course left to 160oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 102

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Steamed within Leyte Gulf throughout the day and night.

Positions: 0800 10o 50.7’ N

125o 12.4’ E

1200 10o 48.5’ N

125o 12.4’ E

2000 10o 30.0’ N

125o 22.8’ E

Saturday, 18 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming within Leyte Gulf in company with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2, in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, on course 160oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), in formation "5-RC". Fleet axis 180oT. The group consists of the following: U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, CALIFORNIA, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, COLUMBIA, NEWCOMB, H. L. EDWARDS, CONY, LEUTZE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, LANG, JENKINS and MC CORD. Rear Admiral Ruddock in the U.S.S. MARYLAND is OTC. The guide of the formation is the MARYLAND bearing 030oT, distance 2000 yards. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 4 are on the line for steaming purposes. 0005 Changed course to 030oT(PGC). 0146 Changed course to 180oT(PGC). 0306 Changed course to 320oT(PGC). 0347 Changed course to 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 101

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0432 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 0445 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0530 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0540 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0547 Commenced forming "5-VC", went to 15 knots (150 RPM) and changed course left to 270oT(PGC). Maneuvered at various courses and speeds to attain position in formation. 0555 On Station. 0630 Secured from General Quarters and set Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery. Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to take position in formation "5-RC". 0637 Set Readiness Condition II in anti-aircraft battery and Material Condition "B". 0700 Attained position in formation "5-RC". 0714 Commenced maneuvering at various courses to form formation "5-VC". 0722 Attained station in formation "5-VC". 0753 Changed course right to 130oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 102

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 130oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0815 Mustered crew on stations. Absentees: none. 0835 Changed course right to 220oT(PGC). 0840 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM) and maneuvered on various courses to take station in Cruising Formation "5-RC". 0852 Went to 6 knots (060 RPM). 0855 On station in "5-RC". 0906 Changed fleet course to 310oT(PGC). 0918 U.S.S. CONY, TAYLOR and EDWARDS left the formation. 0950 U.S.S. TAYLOR rejoined the formation. 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1015 U.S.S. EDWARDS rejoined the formation. 1028 Changed fleet course right to 090oT(PGC). 1030 Stopped all engines and hove to. 1030 U.S.S. JENKINS rejoined the formation. 1040 U.S.S. TAYLOR and NICHOLAS left the formation and proceeded to fueling area.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 49

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Lying to as before, ship’s head 070oT(PGC). 1213 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 1242 Went to 6 knots (060 RPM). 1302 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 1354 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC). 1555 Went to 12 knots (120 RPM). 1558 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 61

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), Cruising Formation "5-RC". 1600 Sounded anti-aircraft call to repel possible air attack. 1602 Went to 14 knots (140 RPM). 1603 Changed course to 320oT(PGC). 1605 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). Lighted fires under boilers No. 2 and 3. 1606 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1608 All engines stop. 1610 Changed course to 015oT(PGC), went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1614 Changed course to 140oT(PGC), went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1632 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1645 Let fires die out under boilers No. 2 and 3. 1649 Set Condition of Readiness II in anti-aircraft battery. 1650 Changed formation to "5-RC" and course to 110oT(PGC). 1655 Slowed to 6 knots (060 RPM). 1658 All engines stopped. 1707 Went to one third speed. 1726 Sounded anti-aircraft call to repel air attack, and went to 15 knots (150 RPM), commenced changing formation to "5-VC". 1728 Went to General Quarters. 1729 Changed course to 170oT(PGC). 1732 Changed course to 150oT(PGC). 1745 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III except in the anti-aircraft battery which remained at General Quarters. 1757 Changed course to 060oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 110

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 060oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1805 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1823 Changed course left to 310oT(PGC). 1845 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC) and went into Cruising Formation "5-RC". 1854 Changed course left to 310oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1859 On assigned station. 1908 Changed course left to 205oT(PGC). 1945 Set Condition of Readiness III in the anti-aircraft battery and Material Condition "B" throughout the ship. 1948 Changed course left to 110oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 103

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 110oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). Changed course left to 330oT(PGC). 2036 Manned the anti-aircraft battery for air raid alert. 2106 Set Readiness Condition III in the anti-aircraft battery. 2158 Changed course right to 094oT(PGC). 2345 Changed course right to 340oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 99

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 52.7’ N

125o 18.0’ E

1200 10o 50.0’ N

125o 13.0’ E

2000 10o 32.3’ N

125o 19.2’ E

Sunday, 19 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2 Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND is OTC. This Task Group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, CALIFORNIA, PENNSYLVANIA, COLUMBIA, DENVER, ST. LOUIS, MINNEAPOLIS, EDWARDS, R.P. LEARY, LEUTZE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, LANG, JENKINS, MC CORD, CONY, and TRATHEN. In cruising formation "5-RC", U.S.S. MARYLAND is guide bearing 030T 2000 yards. DENVER position, 2.030. Course 230oT(PGC), speed 10 knots axis 180oT(PGC). The ship is darkened in Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in use for steaming purposes. 0114 Changed course right to 320oT(PGC). 0126 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 0223 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC) because of sound contact report. 0225 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0243 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). Results of sound contact reported negative. 0250 Changed course left to 240oT(PGC). 0301 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC). 0329 Changed course left to 130oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 103

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before in Leyte Gulf on course 130oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), in formation "5-RC". 0432 Changed course to 035oT(PGC). 053 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0553 Changed course to 295oT(PGC). 0618 Secured from General Quarters. Set Readiness Condition III, except in the AA Battery which remained at General Quarters. 0645 Set Condition of Readiness II in the AA Battery, Material Condition "B". 0653 Changed course to 270oT(PGC). 0758 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0808 Slowed to 6 knots (060 RPM). 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0835 U.S.S. LEARY left formation on assigned duty. 0845 U.S.S. TAYLOR came alongside port quarter. 0850 U.S.S. TAYLOR departed from alongside. 0907 Stopped all engines and commenced using engines only to maintain position in formation. 1159 All engines ahead one-third, speed 6 knots (060 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 25

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). 1204 Changed course left to 290oT(PGC). 1255 U.S.S. LANG rejoined formation. 1258 changed course right to 020oT(PGC). 1300 U.S.S. LEUTZE rejoined formation and U.S.S. MUGFORD left formation. 1316 U.S.S. TAYLOR left formation. 1326 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1329 Changed course right to 150oT(PGC). 1341 Commenced forming cruising formation "5 V-C", changed course right to 170oT(PGC), went to 14 knots (140 RPM). 1348 On station in formation "5 V-C", resumed course 150oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1531 Changed speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1402 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1408 Changed course to 340oT(PGC) and commenced maneuvering to form cruising disposition "5 R-C". 1416 On station in cruising disposition "5 R-C". 1502 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 1525 Slowed to 6 knots (60 RPM). 1541 Went to General Quarters, Condition "A" set. 1559 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 85

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). 1603 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1614 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1622 Formed cruising formation "5 V-C". 1624 Changed course to the right to 140oT(PGC). 1633 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B", with Condition II set in anti-aircraft battery. 1713 Changed course to the left to 340oT(PGC). 1718 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1730 Formed cruising formation "5 R-C". 1735 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1743 All engines stopped. 1745 Went to 4 knots (40 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 112

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before. 1807 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1808 Changed fleet speed to 5 knots (50 RPM). 1811 Changed fleet speed to 10 knots (100 RPM). Lit fires under boilers No. 2 and 3. 1900 Changed course to 310oT(PGC) and speed to 5 knots (50 RPM). 1905 Changed formation to "5 V-C". 1906 Changed course to 340oT(PGC) and speed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1907 Changed fleet speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1910 Changed course to 130oT(PGC). 1920 Changed speed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1922 Changed speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1933 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III except in AA Battery. 1934 changed fleet course to 190oT(PGC). 1935 Changed speed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1942 Flash White, set Condition of Readiness III in AA Battery, Material Condition "B". 1942 Let fires die out under boilers No. 2 and 3. 1955 Changed fleet course to 210oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 98

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 210oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM) in cruising formation "5 R-C". 2102 Changed course right to 010oT(PGC). 2200 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 2250 Changed course left to 010oT(PGC). 2344 Changed course left to 350oT(PGC). 2350 Changed course to 300oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 51.2’ N

125o 11.2’ E

1200 10o 47.3’ N

125o 19.2’ E

2000 10o 40.0’ N

125o 23.8’ E

Monday, 20 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2 Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2, Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND OTC, in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands. This group consists of the following: U.S.S. MARYLAND, CALIFORNIA, PENNSYLVANIA, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, COLUMBIA, EDWARDS, R. P. LEARY, LEUTZE, NICHOLAS, TAYLOR, JENKINS, CONY, MC CORD, and TRATHEN. The R. P. LEARY is on special duty and is not in formation. In Cruising Formation "5-RC", MARYLAND is guide, bearing 030oT, distance 2,000 yards, fleet axis 180oT(PGC). The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B", Readiness Condition III. Boilers No. 1 and 4 are in use. On course 300oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0002 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 0034 Changed course left to 010oT(PGC). 0238 Changed course right to 150oT(PGC). 0346 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 0358 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0509 Changed course right to 060oT(PGC). 0629 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0638 U.S.S. MACDONOUGH left formation to release LEARY for fueling. 0649 Set Condition of Readiness II in the anti-aircraft battery. 0714 Set Condition of Readiness I in the anti-aircraft battery. Commenced opening to 3,000 on guide to from "5-VC". 0730 Resumed base course and took station in formation "5-VC"; guide bears 030oT, range 3,000 yards. 0732 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 0740 Changed formation to "5-RC". 0759 Set Condition of Readiness II in the anti-aircraft battery.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 101

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 000oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0805 Took station in formation "5-RC". 0815 Mustered crew on stations. No absentees. 0817 Changed course to 270oT(PGC). 0835 Slowed to 6 knots (060 RPM). 0933 Stopped all engines, and hove to on station. 1117 Received boat from U.S.S. LEUTZE along starboard side to transfer mail and passenger. 1130 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 41

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Lying to as before. 1206 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM) and changed course left to 030oT(PGC). 1308 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC). 1320 Left formation to proceed to fueling area; commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to go alongside tanker. At 1353 went alongside U.S.S. CARIBOU for fuel. 1353 Moored port side to U.S.S. CARIBOU. 1357 All lines singled up; following lines in use: bow line, breast lines, spring lines forward and aft, stern line. All lines are manila. 1429 Commenced fueling, draft of ship forward 22’ 6", aft 25’ 0". 1437 Discovered small electrical fire in hangar; sounded fire call. 1447 Fire extinguished, secured from fire stations. Fire was caused by short in hangar hatch motor. Completed fueling at 1546 and got underway again. 1546 Completed fueling, having received 250,773 gallons of fuel oil. Draft forward 23’ 6", aft 25’ 6". 1558 Underway from alongside U.S.S. CARIBOU, backing clear.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 188

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Underway as before, backing clear of U.S.S. CARIBOU. 1603 All engines ahead, went to 10 knots (100 RPM), came to course 140oT(PGC). 1612 Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds to rejoin and take station in Task Group 77.2. Cruising Formation "5-RC". 1652 On station in formation "5-RC"; fleet course 090oT(PGC), speed 5 knots (150 RPM); U.S.S. MARYLAND is guide bearing 030oT, distance 2,000 yards; fleet axis 180oT(PGC). 1740 Went to 8 knots (080 RPM). U.S.S. COLORADO joined formation in late afternoon relieving CALIFORNIA.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 87

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 1907 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC) and went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1910 Set Readiness Condition III throughout the ship. 1940 Lighted fires under boilers No. 2 and 3 to boost steam.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 89

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 210oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2000 Hauled fires under boiler No. 2. 2010 Cut boiler No. 3 on the main steam line. 2030 Let fires die out under boiler No. 4. 2055 On signal hanged course to 340oT(PGC). 2155 Changed course to 000oT(PGC). 2255 Changed course to 090oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 10o 53.7’ N

125o 19.2’ E

1200 10o 47.8’ N

125o 14.5’ E

2000 10o 40.4’ N

125o 27.3’ E

Tuesday, 21 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2 which now consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND with O.T.C., Rear Admiral RUDDOCK, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, RENSHAW, JENKINS, MC CORD, MUGFORD, LANG, SAUFLEY, TAYLOR, NICHOLAS, and H.M.S. WARRAMUNGA. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, in company with Task Unit 77.2; Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in MARYLAND is OTC. This Task Group consists of U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, RENSHAW, JENKINS, MC CORD, MUGFORD, LANG, TAYLOR, SAUFLEY, NICHOLAS and H.M.A.S. WARRAMUNGA. In Cruising Formation "5-RC"; MARYLAND is guide, bearing 030oT(PGC), distance 2,000 yards. DENVER’s position 2.030; course 090oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM); axis 180oT(PGC). The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1 and 3 in use. 0018 Changed course right to 265oT(PGC). 0047 U.S.S. RENSHAW departed from the formation on assigned duty. 0127 U.S.S. RENSHAW rejoined the formation. 0137 Changed course left to 145oT(PGC). 0313 Changed course left to 070oT(PGC). 0338 Changed course left to 335oT(PGC). 0349 Changed course right to 030oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0425 Changed course left to 290oT(PGC). 0527 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 0616 Set Readiness Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery. 0627 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 0703 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 000oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0811 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0815 Held quarters for muster. Absentees: none. 0836 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC). 0845 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds around U.S.S. CARIBOU fueling ship. All ships in formation commenced same maneuver with heavy ships maneuvering counter-clockwise, destroyers clockwise. 1030 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 86

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before, speed 10 knots (100 RPM), maneuvering on various courses in a counter-clockwise movement around U.S.S. CARIBOU. 1226 U.S.S. MINNEAPOLIS completed fueling and rejoined the formation. U.S.S. ST. LOUIS left the formation to proceed to fueling area. 1421 U.S.S. ST. LOUIS returned to the formation. 1444 Went to General Quarters to repel possible air attack. 1522 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" throughout the ship. Set Condition of Readiness II in the anti-aircraft battery and Condition of Readiness III throughout the rest of the ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 86

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, maneuvering on various courses and speeds in a counter-clockwise movement around the U.S.S. CARIBOU. 1622 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to form Cruising Formation "5-RC". 1638 On station, course 180oT(PGC). 1650 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1657 Went to 7 knots (070 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 50

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 7 knots (070 RPM). 1815 Set Readiness Condition I in the anti-aircraft battery for Dusk Alert. 1828 Changed course left to 135oT(PGC). 1840 Went to 9 knots (090 RPM). 1905 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout the ship. 1925 Manned the anti-aircraft battery. 1926 Changed course left to 340oT(PGC). 1945 Set Readiness Condition II (AA) in the anti-aircraft battery.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 90

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 340oT(PGC), speed 9 knots (090 RPM). Set Readiness Condition I in the anti-aircraft battery. Went to formation "5-VC". 2005 Lit fires under boilers No. 2 and 4. 2016 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2020 Let fires die out under boiler No. 4. 2024 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 2035 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). Formed "5-RC". 2040 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout the ship. Changed course right to 270oT(PGC). 2046 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). Cut No. 2 boiler in on main steam line. 2105 Let fires die out under boiler No. 1. 2145 Changed course right to 125oT(PGC). 2255 Changed course right to 220oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 108

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 10o 49.0’ N

125o 29.3’ E

1200 10o 53.3’ N

125o 24.3’ E

2000 10o 39.2’ N

125o 25.2’ E

Wednesday, 22 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Unit 77.2. Steaming in company with Task Unit 77.2 in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands. The formation consists of the U.S.S. MARYLAND which is guide, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, MACDONAOUGH, RENSHAW, MC CORD, LANG, SIGOURNEY, TRATHEN, JENKINS, NICHOLAS, HAZELWOOD, MUGFORD, Rear Admiral Ruddock in MARYLAND is OTC. In Cruising Formation "5-RC", on station 2030; course 220oT(PGC), axis 180oT(PGC), speed 10 knots. Guide bears 030oT, distance 2,000 yards. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use for steaming. The ship is darkened in Material Condition "B" Condition of Readiness III. 0010 Changed course to 350oT(PGC). 0158 U.S.S. MACDONOUGH lost steering control. Executed emergency turn to course 270oT(PGC). 0210 MACDONOUGH regained steering control. 0211 Changed course to 130oT(PGC). 0230 MACDONOUGH lost steering control again. 0231 Changed course to 000oT(PGC). 0244 On signal changed course to 125oT(PGC). 0250 MACDONOUGH regained steering control.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 125oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0421 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0500 Changed course left to 210oT(PGC). 0545 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0613 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 0632 Secured from General Quarters and Readiness Condition III except in the AA battery. Set Material Condition "B". 0650 Set Condition of Readiness II in the AA battery. 0702 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 96

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 000oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0800 Changed course left to 200oT(PGC). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0904 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 0940 Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 1022 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC). 1024 Stopped all engines. 1040 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal 1105 All engines ahead, went to 6 knots (060 RPM). 1142 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 64

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). 1226 Changed course left to 120oT(PGC). 1240 U.S.S. TAYLOR came alongside to port to transfer mail. 1245 U.S.S. TAYLOR cast off and stood clear. 1315 Changed course left to 030oT(PGC). 1329 Stopped all engines while U.S.S. COLORADO transferred provisions to the U.S.S. H.L. EDWARDS. 1355 Went to 8 knots (89 RPM). 1440 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1443 Changed course left to 210oT(PGC). 1447 Set Condition of Readiness I in Anti-aircraft battery because of two enemy air raids approaching. 1450 Lighted fires under boilers No. 1 and 4 to boost steam. 1455 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM), and went to General Quarters. 1514 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 1527 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness II in Anti-aircraft battery. Set Material Condition "B". Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1555 Let fires die out under boilers No. 1 and 4. 1558 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC)

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 81

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1619 Changed course to 120oT(PGC). 1715 Changed course to 240oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 99

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 240oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1811 Went to General Quarters, and commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-VC". 1829 Attained assigned station, course 000oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1838 Changed course right to 135oT(PGC). 1845 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1846 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition of Readiness III except in the AA battery. Set Material Condition "B". 1850 Set Readiness Condition II in AA battery. 1851 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-RC". 1900 Attained station, course 135oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), 1914 Set Condition of Readiness III in AA battery. 1930 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 108

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 210oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2014 Changed course right to 340oT(PGC). 2205 Changed course right to 110oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 52.8’ N

125o 26.2’ E

1200 10o 48.5’ N

125o 24.5’ E

2000 10o 33.7’ N

125o 22.8’ E

Thursday, 23 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2. Steaming on course 020oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM) in company with Task Group 77.2, in cruising formation "5-RC", axis 180oT(PGC); OTC is Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND. This Task Group steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, consists of the U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, MACDONAOUGH, RENSHAW, HAZELWOOD, MC CORD,MUGFORD, LANG, SIGOURNEY, TRATHEN, JENKINS, and NICHOLAS; guide is U.S.S. MARYLAND, bearing 030oT(PGC) distance 2000 yards. Boilers No. 2 and 3 are in use for steaming purposes. Ship is darkened with Material Condition "B" Condition of Readiness III set through out. 0031 Changed course to the left to 230oT(PGC). 0206 Changed course to the left to 080oT(PGC). 0247 Changed course to the left to 280oT(PGC). 0347 Changed course to the left to 135oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 135oT(PGC), at speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0412 On signal changed course to 000oT(PGC). 0525 On signal changed course to 140oT(PGC). 0552 Changed course to 000oT(PGC). 0640 Commenced forming cruising disposition "5-R". 0650 On station in formation "5-R" with guide bearing 030oT(PGC) distance 1500 yards. 0717 Slowed to 8 knots. 0725 Changed course to 270oT(PGC). 0744 Changed course to the left to 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 97

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0833 Changed course left to 030oT(PGC). 0923 Stopped all engines. 0958 Went ahead to 6 knots (060 RPM). 1008 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC). 1050 Made weekly inspection of magazines, smokeless powder, bombs, pyrotechnics, magazine sprinklers, shell stowage sprinklers, hangar space sprinklers. Conditions normal. 1110 U.S.S. H. L. EDWARDS came alongside starboard quarter. 1120 U.S.S. H. L. EDWARDS cast off.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 62

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 210oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). 1205 Changed course right to 320oT(PGC). 1305 Changed course left to 282oT(PGC), and went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1306 Sounded anti-aircraft call. 1308 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-V". 1315 On station, course 140oT(PGC), speed 13 knots (130 RPM). 1320 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1325 Changed course left to 050oT(PGC). 1326 Observed destroyers firing at enemy aircraft on port beam. 1333 Changed course right to 140oT(PGC). 1342 changed course right to 230oT(PGC). 1348 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 1403 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1412 Set Readiness Condition II (AA) in the anti-aircraft battery. 1414 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-R". 1416 On station course 000oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1427 U.S.S. EDWARDS came alongside port quarter. 1428 U.S.S. EDWARDS cast off. 1430 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM). 1453 Changed course right to 130oT(PGC). 1527 Stopped all engines and hove to.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 86

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Lying to as before maintaining approximate station in cruising formation "5-R". 1705 U.S.S. REID and U.S.S. OBANNON reported to this Task Group for duty and U.S.S. SIGOURNEY left the formation to proceed on picket duty. 1720 Went to 8 knots (080 RPM). 1730 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 1750 Formed cruising formation "5-RC".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 100

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 1813 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1844 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1851 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-VC". 1905 Changed course to 090oT(PGC). 1909 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1932 Changed course to 030oT(PGC). Secured from General Quarters and set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III except in the anti-aircraft battery. 1930 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1940 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout the ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 110

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2010 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 2023 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC). 2120 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 2142 Set condition of Readiness I in the anti-aircraft battery, alert for possible air attack, and increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2151 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 2157 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2200 Set Condition of Readiness III in anti-aircraft battery. 2304 Changed course left to 020oT(PGC). 2329 Changed course left to 330oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 103

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 51.2’ N

125o 25.7’ E

1200 10o 48.8’ N

125o 24.0’ E

2000 10o 38.6’ N

125o 30.6’ E

Friday, 24 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in company with Task Group 77.2 in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands. Rear Admiral Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND OTC. This group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, NICHOLAS, EDWARDS, JENKINS, H. L. EDWARDS, LANG, TAYLOR, O’BANNON and WARRAMUNGA. in cruising formation "5-RC"; U.S.S. MARYLAND, is fleet guide bearing 030oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards; axis is 180oT(PGC). Ship is darkened in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 3 are in use. On course 330oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0029 Changed course left to 330oT(PGC). 0120 Changed course left to 200oT(PGC). 0152 Changed course left to 145oT(PGC). 0208 Changed course left to 125oT(PGC). 0300 Task Unit 77.2 entered the gulf. 0302 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 0350 Changed course left to 030oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 101

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0423 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0549 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 0631 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 0645 Set Condition of Readiness II in anti-aircraft battery. 0647 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 99

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 000oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0815 Held quarters for muster, no absentees. Participated in fueling exercise from 0825 until 16oo during which this ship circled U.S.S. CARIBOU in a clockwise direction while other ships of the formation fueled. 0825 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds in a circular disposition around U.S.S. CARIBOU with the capital ships moving clockwise on the inner circle, the destroyers moving counter clockwise on the outer circle. 0900 Secured siren for repairs. 1108 Restored power to the siren. 1145 Made daily inspection of the magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 90

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before at various courses and speeds in a circular disposition around the U.S.S. CARIBOU. 1437 Manned the anti-aircraft battery for possible air attack. 1438 Went to General Quarters. 1519 Secured from General Quarters, set Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery. 1527 Set Readiness Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery and Material Condition "B" throughout the ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 106

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before in clockwise movement around U.S.S. CARIBOU for fueling exercise, on various courses at various speeds. 1600 Ceased fueling exercise. 1607 Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds to form cruising formation "5-R". Fleet course and axis 180oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). U.S.S. MARYLAND is fleet guide bearing 030oT)PGC) distance 2000 yards. 1631 On station in formation "5R". 1648 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 77

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 150oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (060 RPM). 1803 Sounded anti-aircraft call for Dusk Alert. 1852 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1858 Changed course to the right to 240oT(PGC). 1908 Changed course to the right to 300oT(PGC). 1910 Set Condition of Readiness II in anti-aircraft battery. 1920 Changed course to the right to 330oT(PGC). At 1923 opened fire with five inch battery for one minute to repel a single enemy plane approaching the formation. Pilot apparently thought better of the idea and reversed course. 1923 Commenced firing 5" battery to port to repel enemy plane. 1924 Checked fire enemy plane bearing changed and heading away from this formation. 1930 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1931 Went to Cruising formation "5-VC". 1933 Went to General Quarters having more bogies reported on screen. 1906 Changed course to the right to 000oT(PGC). 1959 Changed course to the right to 030oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 104

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC) at 15 knots (150 RPM). 2017 Changed course to 120oT(PGC). 2045 Changed course to 180oT(PGC). 2049 Slowed to 12 knots (120 RPM). 2056 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III except in the Anti-aircraft battery which remained in Condition I. 2100 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2108 Changed course to 270oT(PGC) 2117 Set Condition II (AA) in the anti-aircraft battery. 2122 Changed course to 320oT(PGC). 2139 Changed course to 330oT(PGC). 2140 Commenced forming cruising disposition "5-R". 2140 Set Condition or Readiness III in the anti-aircraft battery. 2149 Changed course to 230oT(PGC). 2153 On station in formation "5-R". 2200 Changed course to 310oT)PGC). 2223 Changed course to 000oT(PGC). 2322 Changed course to 090oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 110

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

Ammunition expended this date: 41 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common projectiles, 6 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Special projectiles, and 47 rounds 5"/38 Flashless cartridges.

Positions: 0800 10o 52.0’ N

125o 22.5’ E

1200 10o 55.7’ N

125o 22.9’ E

2000 10o 41.0’ N

125o 19.0’ E

Satruday, 25 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, in company with Task Group 77.2 Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock, USN, in U.S.S. MARYLAND is OTC. This group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, COLORADO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, COLUMBIA, DENVER, LANG, NICHOLAS, JENKINS, H. L. EDWARDS, TAYLOR, O’BANNON and H.M.A.S. WARRAMUNGA. In cruising formation "5-R"; U.S.S. MARYLAND is guide, bearing 030oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards, axis is 180oT(PGC); this ship’s position 2.030, course 090oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). The ship is darkened, and Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III are set throughout the ship. Boilers No. 2 and 3 are in use. 0120 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 0158 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC). 0205 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC). 0223 Changed course right to 318oT(PGC). 0333 Changed course right to 130oT(PGC). 0354 Changed course right to 170oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 98

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 170oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM) 0424 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0537 Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 0613 Manned the anti-aircraft battery. 0618 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0640 Set Readiness Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery. 0652 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC). 0705 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-V". 0709 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0715 On station in "5-V" on course 270oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM); fleet bears 030oT(PGC), distance 3000 yards. 0716 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC). 0725 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 0727 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0735 On station in formation "5-R". 0743 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM). 0746 Changed course to 030oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 102

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (80 RPM). 0805 Stopped all engines and hove-to on station. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. At 0855 U.S.S. PENNSYLVANIA, H. L. EDWARDS, and H.M.S. WARRAMUNGA left the formation. 0855 U.S.S. PENNSYLVANIA, H.M.A.S. WARRAMUNGA and U.S.S. H. L. EDWARDS left the formation to proceed on duty assigned. U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA joined the formation. At 0945 U.S.S. CARMICK joined the screen. 0945 U.S.S. CARMICK joined the formation in the screen. 1025 Went to 8 knots (80 RPM) and changed course to 180oT(PGC). 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, Conditions: normal. 1140 Changed course to 350oT(PGC). 1150 Slowed to 6 knots (60 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 37

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 350oT(PGC), speed 6 knots (60 RPM). At 1230 the following ships joined the formation: U.S.S. NEW MEXICO, MONTPELIER, WALLER, PRINGLE, REID, CONWAY. O.T.C. is still Rear Admiral RUDDOCK in MARYLAND. 1230 The following ships joined the formation, U.S.S. MEXICO, MONTPELIER, WALLER, PRINGLE, REID, and CONWAY. 1252 Commenced taking new station 2000 in formation "5-R", changed course to 015oT(PGC). 1255 U.S.S. DENVER assumed Radar Guard. 1306 Changed course to 350oT(PGC). 1323 On signal changed course to 260oT(PGC). 1409 Changed course to 170oT(PGC). 1415 All engines stopped, lying to.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 33

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Lying to as before, and using engines only to maintain station in formation. 1616 Went to 7 knots (070 RPM), course 170oT(PGC). 1711 Changed course left to 110oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 61

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 110oT(PGC), speed 7 knots (070 RPM). 1800 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1804 Changed course right to 220oT(PGC). 1818 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1824 Changed course right to 020oT(PGC). 1916 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III except in the anti-aircraft battery; set Material Condition "B". 1935 Changed course right to 110oT(PGC). 1943 Changed course right to 160oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 95

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 160oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2035 Changed course to 260oT(PGC). 2043 Set Condition of Readiness I in anti-aircraft battery. Commenced maneuvering to form cruising formation "5-V". 2050 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2051 On station in cruising formation "5-V". 2111 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2118 Changed course to 330oT(PGC). Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R" and on station at 2130. Set Condition of Readiness III in anti-aircraft battery. 2152 Changed course to 030oT(PGC). 2203 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2205 Changed course to 090oT(PGC) and commenced forming cruising formation "5-V" and on station at 2212. Set Condition of Readiness I in anti-aircraft battery. 2216 Changed course to 120oT(PGC). 2219 Changed course to 150oT(PGC). 2229 Changed course to 120oT(PGC). 2235 Changed course to 180oT(PGC). 2252 Changed course to 270oT(PGC). 2305 Changed course to 330oT(PGC). 2311 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2315 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout the ship. 2316 Commenced maneuvering to form cruising formation "5-R" and on station at 2329. 2352 Changed course to 050oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 115

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 50.0’ N

125o 28.4’ E

1200 10o 42.3’ N

125o 28.7’ E

2000 10o 44.2’ N

125o 30.0’ E

Sunday, 26 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming with Task Group 77.2 in Leyte Gulf. Steaming in formation "5-R" on course 050oT(PGC), speed 10 knots, in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, in company with Task Group 77.2 which consists of the U.S.S. MARYLAND, COLORADO, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER. Screening force: U.S.S. WALLER, EATON, NICHOLAS, CONY, MUSTIN, CONWAY, JENKINS, PRINGLE, LANG, RENSHAW, TAYLOR and SIGOURNEY. The OTC is Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in the U.S.S. MARYLAND which is guide. The fleet axis is 180oT(PGC). DENVER station 2.000. Boilers No. 2 and 3 are in use for steaming. The ship is darkened in Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. 0023 Changed course to 130oT(PGC). 0108 Changed course to 215oT(PGC). 0145 Changed course to 310oT(PGC). 0256 Changed course to 060oT(PGC). 0317 Changed course to 115oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 98

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 115oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0421 Changed course right to 160oT(PGC). 0439 Changed course right to 190oT(PGC). 0502 Changed course right to 250oT(PGC). 0522 Changed course right to 310oT(PGC). 0601 Changed course right to 020oT(PGC). 0607 Set Condition II in anti-aircraft battery. 0645 U.S.S. PRINGLE and SIGOURNEY left formation and proceeded to fueling area. 0713 Changed course left to 330oT(PGC). 0752 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 0754 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 96

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 300oT(PGC), speed 5 knots (050 RPM). At 0801 Rear Admiral in DENVER assumed tactical command. 0801 Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler in U.S.S. DENVER assumed tactical command. 0802 U.S.S. MARYLAND designated fleet guide. 0805 Stopped all engines, hove to. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees; none. 0913 All engines ahead, went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0921 Changed course left to 120oT(PGC). 0933 On "Flash Red" commenced forming cruising disposition "5-V". 0936 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0940 On station in formation "5-V". 0946 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples: Conditions normal. 0955 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM); commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 0957 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1000 On station in formation "5-R". 1006 Stopped all engines. 1104 All engines ahead, went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1107 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1130 U.S.S. RENSHAW left the formation for picket duty. 1140 U.S.S. SIGOURNEY rejoined formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 59

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before on course 120oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1203 Changed course to 210oT(PGC) and slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1216 Stopped all engines. 1220 U.S.S. TAYLOR and PRINGLE rejoined and took assigned station in this formation. 1247 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1252 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1259 Changed course to 300oT(PGC). 1337 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1355 U.S.S. EATON rejoined this formation. 1416 Stopped all engines. 1456 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1513 Changed course to 320oT(PGC). 1524 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1547 Changed course to 140oT(PGC). 1550 Stopped all engines and hove-to on station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 60

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Lying to as before, ship’s head 123. On station in formation "5-R". 1612 Went to 10 knots, and steadied on course 140oT(PGC). 1635 Received U.S.S. WALLER along the starboard quarter. 1640 U.S.S. WALLER cast off lines and proceeded to take station. 1735 Set Condition of Readiness I in the anti-aircraft battery for air alert. 1742 Went to standard speed, 15 knots. 1749 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 95

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, on course 120oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1802 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert and changed course left to 070oT(PGC). 1807 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 1846 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III except in the anti-aircraft battery and Material Condition "B". 1941 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM) and went to cruising formation "5-V". 1959 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 105

L. J. Tobin, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM. 2012 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 2019 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2049 commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 2052 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout ship. 2059 On station in formation "5-R". 2125 Manned anti-aircraft battery for air riad alert, commenced forming cruising fromation"5-V". 2132 On station in formation "5-V". 2214 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2216 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 2219 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2224 Changed course left to 025oT(PGC). 2255 Set Condition of Readiness III throughout ship. 2316 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2318 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2232 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 2336 On station in formation "5-R". 2355 Changed course left to 295oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 106

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 55.8’ N

125o 19.7’ E

1200 10o 45.4’ N

125o 30.0’ E

2000 10o 55.0’ N

125o 24.0’ E

Monday, 27 November, 19

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands in company with Task Group 77.2. This Task Group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, COLORADO, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, MONTPELIER, DENVER, COLUMBIA; anti-submarine screen consists of U.S.S. AULICK, PRINGLE, SAUFLEY, RENSHAW, WALLER, MUSTIN, LAND and CONWAY. Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler (ComCruDiv 12) in the DENVER is OTC. Steaming in cruising formation "5-R" with U.S.S. MARYLAND as guide bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards; course 295oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). Ship is darkened with Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III set throughout. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use for steaming. 0003 Changed course left to 205oT(PGC). 0035 Changed course left to 090oT(PGC). 0236 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0357 Changed course to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 103

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0406 Changed course to 205oT(PGC). 0424 Changed course to 255oT(PGC). 0447 Changed course to 180oT(PGC). 0529 Changed course to 090oT(PGC). 0536 Changed course to 000oT(PGC). 0559 Changed course to 330oT(PGC). 0610 Set Condition of Readiness II in the anti-aircraft battery. 0627 Commenced forming formation "5-V". 0634 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0635 Changed course to 330oT(PGC). 0640 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0658 Commenced forming cruising disposition "5-R". At 0705 Rear Admiral RUDDOCK in MARYLAND resumed tactical command. 0705 U.S.S. MARYLAND resumed tactical command of this Task Group. 0708 On station in formation "5-R"; speed 10 knots, course 330oT(PGC). 0710 Changed course to 090oT(PGC). 0729 On signal slowed to 6 knots (060 RPM). 0745 Stopped all engines.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 94

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

08 – 12 Watch

Lying to as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. At 0845 commenced circling U.S.S. CARIBOU while fueling was in progress. 0845 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form circular formation around U.S.S. CARIBOU, fueling ship; heavy ships maneuvering clockwise, destroyers counter-clockwise. 0900 On station. Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds to retain position in formation. 1025 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. At 1125 a previously undetected Japanese plane dropped a bomb 200 yards off starboard quarter. In the ensuing hail of bomb fragments four men were wounded but not seriously so. 1125 Japanese plane dropped bomb 200 yards on starboard quarter; plane crashed in water. The following casualties were inflicted by bomb fragments: Carlini, W.A., S1c, USNR V-6, 642 49 06; wound, puncture, right shoulder. Smith, Paul W., EM1c, USN, 360 13 26; wound, puncture, right arm. Kunkle, J.L., S2c, V-6S, USNR, 922 83 72; wound, lacerated, right wrist. Klatt, A.R., S1c, USNR V-6, 642 48 08; contusion, left thorax. At 1136 while this ship was making an approach to the CARIBOU an enemy air attack developed during which many suicide dives were launched at ships in company. A.A. battery commenced firing and continued sporadically until 1247. 1136 Made preparations to go alongside U.S.S. CARIBOU for fuel; commenced approach. 1138 Formation under enemy air attack; commenced firing anti-aircraft battery at various targets to repel attack. 1139 Went to General Quarters. Maneuvering radically at various courses and speeds in circular formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 76

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

12 –16 Watch

Maneuvering as before, speed 15 knots in circular formation to repel enemy air attack. 1247 Secured from General Quarters, set Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery which remained in Condition I. 1315 Set Readiness Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery. 1335 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). At 1341 fueling exercise was resumed, but DENVER’s turn was suspended. 1341 Resumed fueling exercise. 1405 Set Material Condition "B" throughout the ship. 1410 Commenced maneuvering to exchange station with U.S.S. COLUMBIA. 1425 On new station in circular fueling formation. 1520 Lit fires under boilers No. 1 and 4 to boost steam. 1555 Let fires die out under boilers No. 1 and 4.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 111

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before in circular formation, speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1603 Proceeding to station in formation "5-R". Slowed to 6 knots (060 RPM), 1624 On station; course and axis 180oT(PGC). 1704 Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND resumed OTC, of 77.2. 1705 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1708 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1854 Went to General Quarters for Duck Alert. 1758 Changed course to 120oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 69

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 120oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1804 Went to standard speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1824 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-V". Changed course to 150oT(PGC), and went to 16 knots (160 RPM). 1828 Changed course to 130oT(PGC) and slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). On station in formation "5-V". 1832 On signal changed course to 030oT(PGC). 1903 Changed course to 260oT(PGC). 1916 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III, except in the anti-aircraft battery. 1924 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1927 Changed course to 200oT(PGC). 1942 Changed course to 110oT(PGC). 1946 Set Condition of Readiness II (AA) in the anti-aircraft battery. 1950 Maneuvered to form Cruising Formation "5-R".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 133

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before. 2001 Attained assigned station in Cruising Formation "5-R". 2007 Changed course right to 210oT(PGC). 2038 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC). 2050 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 2128 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2143 Changed course right to 030oT(PGC). 2158 Set Condition III in the anti-aircraft battery. 2238 Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 2347 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 109

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

Ammunition expended this date: 25 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common projectiles, 19 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Special projectiles, 40 cartridges; 1772 rounds 40mm H.E. Tracers; 1131 rounds 20mm H.E. Incendiaries, and 565 rounds 20mm H.E. Tracers.

Positions: 0800 10o 53.2’ N

125o 23.6’ E

1200 10o 54.5’ N

125o 22.8’ E

2000 10o 37.3’ N

125o 25.0’ E

Tuesday, 28 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands in company with Task Group 77.2, Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in U.S.S. MARYLAND OTC. This group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, COLORADO, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, DENVER, ST. LOUIS, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, AULICK, PRINGLE, SAUFLEY, RENSHAW, WALLER, LANG, EDWARDS, NICHOLAS, MUSTIN and CONWAY. in cruising formation "5-R", U.S.S. MARYLAND is fleet guide bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards. fleet axis is 180oT(PGC). Ship is darkened in Readiness Condition III and Material Condition "B". Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. On course 180oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0110 Changed course right to 240oT(PGC). 0150 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC). 0216 Manned anti-aircraft battery for air raid alert. 0217 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0219 Went to General Quarters. 0221 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-V".. 0225 On station in formation "5-V". 0240 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery. 0244 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0248 Changed course right to 060oT(PGC). 0252 Set Readiness Condition III throughout the ship. 0255 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 0302 On station in Formation "5-R", course 060oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0347 Changed course right to 140oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 106

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 140oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 0419 Changed course right to 185oT(PGC). 0508 Changed course right to 240oT(PGC). 0558 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 0600 Set Readiness Condition II (AA), anti-aircraft battery. 0727 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 0744 Stopped all engines and hove to on station.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 91

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Lying to as before. 0805 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 0810 Commenced forming circular disposition, capital ships maneuvering counter clockwise, to discharge casualties. 0815 Mustered crew on stations, no absentees. 0835 Assumed station behind the U.S.S. ST LOUIS in circular disposition. 0905 The U.S.S. WALLER left the formation to proceed on assigned mission. 0940 Proceeded to the center of the circle to discharge a casualty. At 0951 PCE 851 came alongside and one wounded man was transferred by her to Senior Officer Present, Leyte Gulf. 0951 Stopped. Received PCE 851 on starboard side. 0955 Pursuant to the order of the Commanding Officer, Carlini, William Anthony, S1c, USN, 642 49 06 was transferred to PCE 851 for transportation, with hammock, health record and pay account, to the Senior Officer present, Leyte Island. 1012 Regained Station in circular formation. 1130 Made daily inspection of the magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 73

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

12 – 16 Watch

Steaming as before in circular formation. 1215 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC). Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form formation "5-R". 1305 Attained assigned station in formation, course 160oT(PGC), speed 5 knots (050 RPM). 1308 Changed course left to 170oT(PGC). 1311 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1313 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form formation "5-V". 1316 Sounded General Quarters. 1330 Attained station in formation, course 050oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1346 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III except in the anti-aircraft battery where condition II is set. Set Material Condition "B". 1353 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-R". 1358 Attained station, course 050oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1452 Changed course left to 270oT(PGC). 1501 All engines stopped, and used engines only to maintain station. At 1510 Rear Admiral HAYLER in DENVER became O.T.C. 1536 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1552 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1553 Changed course to 180oT(PGC). 1510 Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler USN (ComCruDiv 12) assumed OTC of this group.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1710 Manned the anti-aircraft battery for air raid alert; commenced forming cruising formation "5-V". 1718 On station in formation "5-V". 1733 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 101

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 270oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1803 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). Changed course right to 000oT(PGC). 1806 Went to General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1811 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1818 Changed course to 340oT(PGC). 1823 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1831 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1853 Set Readiness Condition II (AA), Material Condition "B". Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 1858 On station; course 340oT(PGC), speed 10 knots. 1948 Changed course right to 070oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 111

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 070oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 2100 Set Condition of Readiness III in the anti-aircraft battery. Changed course right to 160oT(PGC). 2113 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM). 2335 Changed course to 270oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 90

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

Positions: 0800 10o 48.6’ N

125o 22.3’ E

1200 10o 48.4’ N

125o 21.6’ E

2000 10o 52.0’ N

125o 17.5’ E

Wednesday, 29 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2, O.T.C. is Rear Admiral HAYLER in DENVER. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands, in company with Task Group 77.2. This Task Group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, COLORADO, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, AULICK, CONY, PRINGLE, RENSHAW, WALLER, LANG, EDWARDS, NICHOLAS, MUSTIN. Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler (ConCruDiv 12) in DENVER OTC. Maneuvering to form cruising formation "5-R", with U.S.S. MARYLAND as guide, bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 2000 yards, axis 180oT(PGC), course 230oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). Ship is darkened with Material Condition "B" and Readiness Condition III except in anti-aircraft battery which is in Condition I. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use for steaming. 0001 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC). Attained station in formation. 0015 Set Condition of Readiness III in anti-aircraft battery. 0106 Changed course right to 340oT(PGC). 0317 Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 0342 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before on course 180oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0421 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 0456 Changed course left to 045oT(PGC). 0538 Changed course right to 135oT(PGC). 0544 Changed course right to 225oT(PGC). 0618 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-V" for air raid alert. 0619 Manned the anti-aircraft battery. 0620 On station in formation "5-V". 0625 Set Condition of Readiness II in anti-aircraft battery. 0644 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 0652 On station in formation "5-R". 0704 Changed course right to 350oT(PGC). 0714 U.S.S. NEW MEXICO designated formation guide, bearing 000oT(PGC), distance 4000 yards. 0717 U.S.S. MARYLAND and U.S.S. COLORADO commenced maneuvering to exchange station. 0730 Exchange of station completed. 0745 U.S.S. COLORADO designated fleet guide. 0750 Commenced maneuvering to form cruising disposition "5-V".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 79

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Maneuvering as before at various courses and speeds forming formation "5-V". 0810 Mustered crew on stations, absentees; none. 0815 On station 3000 in cruising formation "5-V", on course 090oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0821 Stopped all engines. 0834 Went to 5 knots (050 RPM). 0836 Commenced maneuvering to form cruising formation "5-R" and on station at 0850. 0910 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and speeds forming circular formation. At 0925 commenced moving clockwise on circle around U.S.S. COLORADO and ST. LOUIS which were transferring supplies and ammunition to destroyers preparatory to leaving Leyte Gulf. 0925 On station in circular formation with heavy ships steaming in a clockwise direction on circle 3. Destroyer screen steaming in counter clockwise direction on circle 3.5. Maneuvering on various courses to keep assigned station in circular formation. At 0953 U.S.S. PORTLAND joined the formation. 0953 U.S.S. PORTLAND joined the formation on station astern of DENVER. 1040 Set Condition of Readiness I in anti-aircraft battery. 1120 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1137 Stopped all engines. 1140 Received U.S.S. MUSTIN alongside starboard quarter. 1050 U.S.S. MUSTIN underway from alongside.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 72

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Lying to in circular formation around the U.S.S. COLORADO, which is engaged in fueling exercises. 1544 Went to one-third speed (050 RPM), on course 210oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 21

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before, speed 5 knots (050 RPM) on various courses in circular formation around U.S.S. COLORADO. 1621 Increased speed to 8 knots (80 RPM). 1622 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1625 Went to General Quarters to repel air attack. 1628 Maneuvered to form "5-V". Opened fire on one enemy plane at 1630 which was destroyed a moment later. 1630 Opened fire on enemy aircraft. 1632 Ceased firing; plane destroyed. 1637 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1637 U.S.S. MARYLAND assumed guide. 1646 Secured from General Quarters and Set Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery, and Material Condition "B". 1653 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC). 1302 Set Condition II (AA) in anti-aircraft battery and U.S.S. PORTLAND assumed formation guide. 1710 Changed course to 120oT(PGC) and slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1721 U.S.S MARYLAND assumed formation guide. At 1727 U.S.S. COLORADO, ST. LOUIS, MUSTIN, TAYLOR, SIGOURNEY, and EATON left the formation to proceed to Manus Island. 1727 The following named ships departed the formation on assigned duty; U.S.S. COLORADO, ST. LOUIS, MUSTIN, TAYLOR, SIGOURNEY and EATON. 1729 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1732 Changed course to 130oT(PGC). 1734 Changed course to 150oT(PGC). 1736 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 1744 Went to General Quarters to repel air attack. 1750 Changed course to 240oT(PGC). 1755 Increased speed to 15 knots.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before, speed 15 knots (150 RPM) on course 240oT(PGC). Ship is at General Quarters to repulse air attack. 1800 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC). At 1813 a single Japanese plane few over the formation and was taken under heavy fire by this ship and others nearby. A moment later plane made successful suicide crash dive on MARYLAND. 1813 Changed course right to 000oT(PGC); commenced firing at enemy aircraft with anti-aircraft battery; observed plane crash dive on U.S.S. MARYLAND. 1814 Changed course left to 310oT(PGC). 1858 Secured from General Quarters, set Readiness Condition III except in the anti-aircraft battery; Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery, set Material Condition "B". At 1925 ComDesRon 22 in U.S.S. WALLER with RENSHAW, CONNOR, and CONY left the formation. Shortly thereafter ComDesRon 60 with MOALE, COOPER, O’BRIEN, LAFFEY, WALKE, and BARTON joined. 1935 ConDesRon 22 in U.S.S. WALLER, RENSHAW, CONNOR and CONY left the formation. Changed course right to 090oT(PGC). 1947 Manned the anti-aircraft battery for air raid alert. 1948 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 117

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 2020 Slowed to 10 knots (100 RPM). 2040 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 2130 Set Readiness Condition III throughout the ship. 2203 Changed course right to 270oT(PGC) 2210 Changed course right to 320oT(PGC). 2246 Changed course left to 230oT(PGC). 2252 Changed course left to 140oT(PGC). 2300 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 2333 Desron 60 joined this group and took stations in formation.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 92

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

Ammunition expended in action this date: 40 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Common projectiles, 21 rounds 5"/38 A.A. Special projectiles, 61 rounds 5"/38 Smokeless cartridges; 565 rounds 40mm H.E. Tracers; 479 rounds 20mm H.E. Incendiaries, and 239 rounds 20mm H.E. Tracers.

Positions: 0800 10o 58.1’ N

125o 19.1’ E

1200 10o 55.2’ N

125o 20.7’ E

2000 10o 54.0’ N

125o 20.0’ E

Thursday, 30 November, 1944

00 – 04 Watch

Steaming in Leyte Gulf with Task Group 77.2 now consisting of the following ships: U.S.S. MARYLAND, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, DENVER, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, NICHOLAS, LANG, MOALE, O’BRIEN, LAFFEY, WALKE, BARTON, COOPER, and EDWARDS. Steaming in Leyte Gulf, Philippine Islands in company with Task Group 77.2. Cruising formation is "5-V", fleet guide is U.S.S. MARYLAND as 000oT(PGC), distance 3000 yards. Fleet axis is 180oT(PGC), on course 240oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM). Rear Admiral R. W. Hayler in U.S.S. DENVER is OTC. The ship is darkened in Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use for steaming. The Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MARYLAND, WEST VIRGINIA, NEW MEXICO, MINNEAPOLIS, DENVER, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, PORTLAND, NICHOLAS, LANG, MOALE, OBRIEN, LAFFEY, WALKE, BARTON, COOPER, EDWARDS. 0009 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM). 0013 Changed course to 050oT(PGC). 0033 Changed course left to 330oT(PGC). 0036 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-R". 0045 U.S.S. EDWARDS left the formation to proceed on assigned mission. 0100 On station 2000 in formation "5-R". 0200 Changed course left to 280oT(PGC). 0305 Changed course left to 220oT(PGC). 0319 Went to standard speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 0325 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM). 0338 Changed course left to 150oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 78

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

04 – 08 Watch

Steaming as before, course 150oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0414 Changed course left to 130oT(PGC). 0517 Changed course right to 180oT(PGC). 0526 Went to General Quarters for Dawn Alert. 0551 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0552 Changed course left to 120oT(PGC). 0554 Slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM), and commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to form cruising formation "5-V". 0603 On station, and changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 0610 Secured from General Quarters. Set Material Condition "B", and Condition of Readiness III except in anti-aircraft battery where condition II is set. 0634 Went to 15 knots (150 RPM) to form cruising formation "5-R". 0638 On station and slowed to 8 knots (080 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 82

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

08 – 12 Watch

Steaming as before on course 000oT(PGC), speed 8 knots (080 RPM). 0810 U.S.S. COOPER left formation for patrol duty. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none. 0819 Commenced forming cruising formation "5-V" for air raid alert. 0821 Manned the anti-aircraft battery. 0835 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM). 0855 Set Readiness Condition II in the anti-aircraft battery. 0856 Commenced forming formation "5-R". 0900 Commenced maneuvering to form special circular formation 0913 On station in fueling formation, speed 8 knots (080 RPM), U.S.S. MEXICO in formation center is guide, battleships and cruisers steaming clockwise on 3000 yard circle and screening force counter-clockwise on 4000 yard circle around guide. 0940 U.S.S. COOPER rejoined formation. 1000 U.S.S. CARIBOU entered formation. At 1005 commenced maneuvering to go alongside U.S.S. CARIBOU which had joined formation shortly before. 1005 Commenced maneuvering to go alongside U.S.S. CARIBOU. Moored alongside at 1033. 1033 Moored to U.S.S. CARIBOU port side to, with following lines in use: bow line, stern line, two springs forward and one aft (all lines singled). 1044 Commenced receiving fuel. Ship’s draft forward 23’0" aft 25’2". At 1105 U.S.S. PHOENIX joined formation which was now steaming clockwise around CARIBOU. 1105 U.S.S. PHOENIX joined formation and took station in circular formation. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1149 Completed fueling, having received 193,000 gallons fuel. Draft forward 23’6" aft 22’7".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 85

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

12 – 16 Watch

Moored as before, alongside tanker. 1201 Cast off all lines and proceeded to take station in circular fueling formation, speed 8 knots (080 RPM). U.S.S. NEW MEXICO is fleet guide in center of formation. 1404 Received U.S.S. SAUFLEY on starboard quarter to transfer guard mail. 1420 Received U.S.S. LANG on starboard quarter to transfer U.S. Mail. 1507 Increased speed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 1523 Slowed to 10 knots (100RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 88

L. A. Bird, Lt., USN.

16 – 18 Watch

Steaming as before in circular formation, speed 10 knots (100 RPM). 1614 Went to standard speed 15 knots (150 RPM). 1616 Slowed to 10 knots. 1627 U.S.S. WEST VIRIGINIA designated fleet guide. 1630 Commenced maneuvering at various courses and speeds to take position in formation "5-R". Rear Admiral RUDDOCK now in U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA assumed tactical command at 1632. 1632 Rear Admiral T. D. Ruddock in U.S.S. WEST VIRGINIA assumed tactical command. 1637 Slowed to 5 knots (050 RPM). 1638 Changed course left to 180oT(PGC). 1641 Went to 10 knots (100 RPM) on signal. 1645 On station 2020 in formation "5-R", speed 10 knots, fleet axis 180oT(PGC). 1728 On signal all engines stopped. 1744 Went to 10 knots on signal. At 1745 U.S.S. COLORADO, EATON, and SIGOURNEY joined the formation. 1745 U.S.S. COLORADO, EATON, and SIGOURNEY joined the formation. 1750 Changed course to 090oT(PGC). 1800 By order of the Commanding Officer Lt.(jg) G. D. Ipock, DVS 193982 USNR, was added to the binnacle list, diagnosis, Catarrahal fever. 1800 Sounded General Quarters for Dusk Alert.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 96

R. E. Call, Lt., USNR.

18 – 20 Watch

Steaming as before on course 090oT(PGC), speed 10 knots (100 RPM), ship is at General Quarters for Dusk Alert. 1818 Changed course left to 000oT(PGC). 1847 Changed course left to 300oT(PGC). 1859 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, except in the anti-aircraft battery, and Material Condition "B". 1925 Set Condition of Readiness II in the anti-aircraft battery. 1949 Changed course right to 030oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 99

H. M. Brinser, Lt., USN.

20 – 24 Watch

Steaming as before on course 030oT(PGC), speed 10knots (100 RPM). 2014 Changed course right to 140oT(PGC). 2210 Changed course right to 260oT(PGC). 2239 Changed course right to 330oT(PGC). 2310 Changed course right to 145oT(PGC). 2333 U.S.S. EDWARDS rejoined formation. 2347 Changed course left to 330oT(PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 99

G. K. Dress, Lt., USN.

Positions: 0800 10o 50.3’ N

125o 31.3’ E

1200 10o 54.7’ N

125o 24.3’ E

2000 10o 49.5’ N

125o 15.7’ E

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Deck Log & War Diary Transcribed and Edited by Dick Bennett
HTML Markup and Site Maintenance by Andrew Toppan