World Navies Today: Yemen
Revised 24 March 2002
Version 1.03
Compiled and Maintained by: Andrew Toppan
World Navies Today Main Page:
This list includes all surface combatants, submarines, mine warfare
vessels and patrol craft over 100 tons displacement, and all amphibious
ships and auxiliaries over 500 tons displacement. Non-self-propelled
craft and non-seagoing vessels are not included.
Ships not yet commissioned, or in long-term overhaul/conversion, are
listed in [brackets]. Navigation and surface-search radars are not
listed. All classifications are purely unofficial and are based on an
attempt to use standard classifications throughout all navies; they may or
may not correspond to "official" designations.

Patrol & Mine Warfare Vessels
'Tarantul' class (Type 1241) large patrol boat
Displacement: 580 tons full load
Dimensions: 56.1 x 11.5 x 2.5 meters/184.1 x 37.7 x 8.2 feet
Propulsion: 2 shafts; 2 cruise gas turbines, 5,000 hp; 2 boost
gas turbines, 16,000 hp, 36 knots
Crew: approx. 50
Radar: Plank Shave air/surf search
Fire Control: Bass Tilt missile control
Armament: 1 quad launcher for SA-N-5 Grail SAM, 1 76mm/60 DP,
2 30 mm gatling
Concept/Program: Survivor of two Soviet-built missile corvettes;
the other unit is now inoperable. Servicing facilites for SS-N-2C
missiles are no longer availabe, so these SSMs are probably inoperable.
Vessel is in poor condition.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
124 -- 1990
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'Osa II' class missile boats
Displacement: 245 tons full load
Dimensions: 38.6 x 7.6 x 2.7 meters/126.6 x 24.9 x 8.8 feet
Propulsion: 3 diesels, 3 shafts, 8,000 hp, 35 knots (10,800 hp, 37 knots Osa II)
Crew: 26
Fire Control: Drum Tilt missile control
Armament: 4 SS-N-2A/B Styx SSM, 2 twin 30 mm AA
Concept/Program: Old ex-Soviet missile boats. At least one of the
three is capable of getting underway; all are in poor condition.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
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'Hounan' class missile boats
Displacement: 205 tons full load
Dimensions: 38.6 x 7.6 x 2.7 meters/126.6 x 24.9 x 8.9 feet
Propulsion: 3 diesels, 3 shafts, 12,000 hp, 35 knots
Crew: 28
Armament: 4 YJ-1 SSM, 2 dual 25 mm
Concept/Program: Chinese-built version of the Osa class.
In poor condition.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
126 -- 1995 Al Katib
127 -- 1995 Al Katib
128 -- 1995 Al Katib
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25 September ('Broadsword') class small patrol boat
Displacement: 110 tons full load
Dimensions: 32 x 6.2 x 1.9 meters/105 x 20.4 x 6.3 feet
Propulsion: 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 2,322 hp, 32 knots
Crew: 14
Armament: 1 dual 25 mm, 1 twin 14.5 mm, 2 12.7 mm MG
Concept/Program: Survivor of three small coastal patrol vessels.
Builders: Halter Marine, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
141 25 September 1978
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'Natya' class (Type 266M) mine countermeasures vessel
Displacement: 804 tons full load
Dimensions: 60 x 10 x 3 meters/200.1 x 33.5 x 10.8 feet
Propulsion: 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 5,000 hp, 16 knots
Crew: 67
Sonar: MG69/79 minehunting
Armament: 2 dual 30 mm, 2 dual 25 mm, 2 RBU-1200 ASW RL, 10 mines
Concept/Program: Soviet-built ocean minesweeper.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
201 -- 1991
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Amphibious Ships & Auxiliaries
'Ropucha I' class (Type 775) medium landing ship
Displacement: 4,400 tons full load
Dimensions: 112.5 x 15 x 3.7 meters/369.1 x 49.2 x 12.1 feet
Propulsion: 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 19,320 hp, 17.5 knots
Crew: 95
Troops: 170-190
Cargo: 10 tanks or 24 armored fighting vehicles
Radar: Strut Curve air/surf search
Armament: 4 quad launchers for SA-N-5 Grail SAM, 2 twin 57mm/80,
2 20-tube 122 mm RL, 92 mines
Concept/Program: Multirole ex-Soviet landing ship; the only of
its class in service outside the former USSR. Probably used mainly for
Builders: Northern SY, Gdansk, Poland.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
139 -- 1979 Aden
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Bilquis (Project 773U) small landing ship
Displacement: 1,305 tons full load
Dimensions: 83.9 x 9.7 x 2.33 meters
Propulsion: 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 4,940 hp, 15.5 knots
Crew: 45
Troops: 84
Cargo: 350 tons
Armament: 2 30mm AA, 2 RL
Concept/Program: New Polish-built landing ship.
Builders: Stocznia Marynarke Wojennej, Gdynia, Poland.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
[?? Bilquis 2002 building]
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'Toplivo' class coastal logistics tankers
Displacement: 1,029 tons full load
Dimensions: 53.7 x 9.7 x 3.2 meters/176.2 x 31.8 x 10.5 feet
Propulsion: 1 diesel, 1 shaft, 600 hp, 10.5 knots
Crew: 23
Cargo: 500 tons
Concept/Program: Soviet-built tankers acquired early 1980's.
Number Name Year FLT Homeport Notes
135 -- ??? Aden
140 -- ??? Aden
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Compiled and maintained by Andrew Toppan.
Copyright © 1997-2003, Andrew Toppan. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, reuse, or distribution without permission is prohibited.