CL 58

OCTOBER 1, 1943


OCTOBER 31, 1943

Friday, October 1, 1943
09o 50.7' S
09o 13.8' S
08o 07.0' S
161o 30.3' E
160o 09.8' E
158o 00.63' E

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.1, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, destroyers U.S.S. WALLER, EATON, CONY, and RENSHAW, in Cruising Formation One. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Course 320o T (PGC) speed 22 knots (225 RPM). 0300 Radar picked up land bearing 289o T (PGC), distance 51,000 yards, identified as Santa Catalina Island.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 220

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on base course 320o T (PGC) at 22 knots (204 RPM). 0450 Went to General Quarters for "Dawn Alert". 0512 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17, base course 320o T (PGC). 0556 Ceased zig-zagging resumed base course. 0559 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B". 0603 On signal changed fleet course and axis to 290o T (PGC), went to fleet speed 24 knots (247 RPM). 0613 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17, base course 290o T (PGC). 0627 On signal executed ships right to 020o T (PGC). 0630 Launched plane No. 8, to starboard for anti-submarine patrol. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, observer Fritz, F., ARM2c, USNR. 0631 On signal executed ships left to 270o T (PGC). 0644 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17. 0658 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 300o T (PGC) 0708 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 230.5

E. E. Ball, Jr.

Lt., U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Steaming as before on course 300o T (PGC) at 24 knots (247 RPM). Zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17. Mustered crew on stations - absentees, none. 0927 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 300o T (PGC). 0928 Changed course to 030o T (PGC). 0930 Launched plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot, Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote, B.A., ARM2c, USN. 0932 Changed course to 300o T (PGC). 0942 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17. 0950 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course, 300o T (PGC). 1000 Changed fleet course and axis to 291o T (PGC). 1010 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 17. 1030 - Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples; conditions normal. 1101 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1104 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course, 291o T (PGC). 1105 Commenced following movements of guide conforming to Sealark Channel. 1145 Went to 25 knots (256 RPM). 1145 Changed course to 315o T (PGC). 1155 Changed course to 000o T (PGC). 1158 Stationed special sea and anchor details.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 234

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), at 25 knots (254 RPM) 1206 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1218 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). Commenced following movements of column leader. 1221 Commenced maneuvering independently on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to channel, entering Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 1225 Captain took the Conn. 1245 U.S.S. MONTPELIER anchored. 1254 Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in 23 fathoms of water with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Draft forward 23' 11", aft 24' 4". Anchorage bearings, Beacon 356o T, "L" 070.9o T, "N" 062.2o T, "J" 079o T, "K" 046o T, "F" 184o T. 1258 Captain left the ship. 1300 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. 1307 Secured special sea and anchor details, and set regular sea watch. 1315 Secured Steering engines. 1320 Hoisted aboard Plane No. 8. 1400 Stationed special sea detail. 1409 Cut Boilers No. 1 and 3 in on main steam line. 1410 Tested steering engines. 1412 Shifted from No. 2 unit port cable to No. 1 unit, starboard cable. 1414 Completed test of steering engines, conditions satisfactory. 1420 Captain returned aboard. Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Ducote, B. A. ARM2c, USN. 1421 All departments condition of readiness for getting underway. 1422 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Oberwise, F. A. AOM1c, USN. 1422 Pursuant to the orders of Commander Task Force 31, Mr. Rembert James, Associated Press, reported aboard for temporary duty in connection with observing military operations as an accredited war correspondent. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1423 underway from Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in accordance with directive of Commander Third Fleet, to proceed up the "Slot". Proceeding in company with Task Group 39.1, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, destroyers U.S.S. WALLER, EATON, RENSHAW, CONY, SPENCE, CLAXTON, DYSON, SELFRIDGE, AUSBURNE. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Ship's draft forward, 23'11", aft 24' 4". Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds conforming to channel. 1452 Went to standard speed 15 knots (154 RPM). 1455 Went to 17 knots (174 RPM), and steadied on course 250o T (PGC). 1457 Slowed to 15 knots (154 RPM). 1458 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1500 Went to 23 knots (236 RPM) on signal. 1512 Formed Cruising Formation One. Changed fleet course and axis to 298o T (PGC). 1525 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM) on signal. 1530 Went to 27 knots (284 RPM). 1539 Went to 29 knots (304 RPM). 1538 Went to 31 knots (332 RPM). 1540 Hauled fires under Boiler No.4, no feed water. 1543 Secured No. 2 steering unit (standby). 1543 Slowed to 30 knots (320 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 122

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G), USNR.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 298o T (PGC), at 30 knots (320 RPM). 1613 On signal slowed to 29 knots (306 RPM). 1755 Cut in Boiler No. 4 on the main steam line.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 313

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 298o T (PGC), at 29 knots (308 RPM). 1755 Cut in Boiler No. 4 on main steam line. On signal slowed fleet speed to 25 knots (258 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 303

E. E. Ball, Jr.

Lt., U. S. Navy.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on base course 298o T (PGC), at 25 knots (258 RPM). 2005 Condition "Red" reported throughout the New Georgia Group. 2030 Sounded General Quarters. 2040 Shifted steering and engine order telegraph control to Conning Tower. 2045 Slowed to 20 knots (203 RPM). 2053 Changed course to the left to 268o T (PGC). 2055 Radar contact on unidentified plane bearing 330o T (PGC) distance 6 miles. 2057 Changed course to the right to 298o T (PGC). 2110 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 2138 Sighted white and green flares bearing 270 T (PGC), distance 10 miles. 2143 Sighted green and red flares bearing 010o T (PGC) distance 4 miles. 2200 Sighted red and white flares bearing 310 T (PGC), distance 4 miles. 2209 Changed fleet course and axis to 028o T (PGC). 2212 Changed fleet course and axis to 118o T (PGC). 2224 Changed course to 148o T (PGC). 2225 Destroyers commenced firing at Japanese barges 260o T (PGC). 2232 Changed course to 118o T (PGC). 2345 Secured from General Quarters, set condition of Readiness III, and Material Condition "B", above third deck. 2348 Shifted steering and engine order control to pilot house.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 246.8

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

Saturday, October 2, 1943
Lat.   Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage,
Long.   Florida Island, Solomon Island Group.

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.1 and DesDiv 23, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, destroyers, U.S.S. EATON, WALLER, RENSHAW, CONY, CHAS. AUSBURNE, SPENCE, CLAXTON, DYSON and SELFRIDGE. Fleet course and axis 118o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM), in Cruising Formation One, and all four (4) boilers are in use. The ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" set, with all closures leading to the first platform closed. 0009 Changed course to 088o T (PGC). 0024 Changed course to 118o T (PGC), on signal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 254

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on course 118o T (PGC), at 25 knots (254 RPM). 0524 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. 0534 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 118o T (PGC). 0539 Changed course to 088o T (PGC). 0540 Changed course and axis to 118o T (PGC). 0550 Changed course and axis to 178o T (PGC). 0555 Stationed all special sea and anchor details. Changed course and axis to 118o T (PGC). 0601 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 0604 Sunrise, lighted ship. 0617 Changed course and axis to 090o T (PGC). 0625 Changed course and axis to 060o T (PGC). 0635 Proceeding independently on various courses at various speeds, conforming to channel, entering Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 0640 Captain took the Conn. 0644 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1. 0645 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 2. 0709 Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island, Group, in 23 fathoms of water with 75 fathoms of chain to port anchor. Ship's draft, forward 23' 0", aft 24' 6". Anchorage bearings, Beacon 001o T, "J" 078o T, "F" 182o T, "G" 276o T. 0727 Secured steering engines. 0728 Secured all special sea and anchor details.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 168

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0820 Hoisted in plane No. 8, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, observer, Ducote, B. A., ARM1c, USN. 0930 Having made all preparations for getting underway, underway from Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, to go alongside fueling station, Beacon "D". Steaming at various speeds and on various courses, conforming to the channel. 0951 U.S.S. MONTPELIER underway to shift berth. 1010 Moored starboard side to dolphins at Beacon "D", Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 1025 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, observer, Ducote, B. A., ARM1c, USN. 1040 Commenced fueling aft. Draft forward, 23' 0", aft 24' 6". 1055 Secured all special sea and anchor details. 1110 Secured steering engines. 1120 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1145 U.S.S. CONY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1159 U.S.S. WALLER, stood in and moored alongside, to port.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

12 - 16

Moored as before. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 1305 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt. D.K. English, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote, B.A., ARM1c, USN. 1315 Stationed all special sea and anchor details. 1320 U.S.S. RENSHAW, underway, and stood out of harbor. U.S.S. MERCURY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1320 Completed fueling ship, having received 164,276 gallons of fuel oil at 60o F. Draft of ship forward 25' 1", aft 24' 2". 1325 Tested steering engines, condition satisfactory. 1335 U.S.S. RENSHAW, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1345 U.S.S. WALLER, underway from port side. 1345 All departments reported condition of readiness for getting underway. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1348 underway from alongside dolphins at Beacon "D", Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, Executive officer at the Conn, Navigator on the bridge, Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds to shift berth. 1352 U.S.S. RENSHAW, underway and stood out of harbor. 1354 U.S.S. CONY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1356 U.S.S. WALLER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1357 U.S.S. EATON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1411 Pilot house lost steering control, on course 045o T (PGC), steering aft took control. 1413 Anchored in Berth No. 7, ", Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Anchorage bearings: Beacon 003½ o T, "G" 275o T, "F" 181o T. 1417 Shifted steering control from steering aft to pilot house. 1423 Secured all special sea and anchor details. 1425 Secured steering engines. 1430 U.S.S. SPENCE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1435 U.S.S. AUSBURNE, DYSON and CLAXTON underway and stood out of harbor. 1448 U.S.S. COLUMBIA, underway and stood out of harbor. 1458 U.S.S. CLEVELAND, underway and stood out of harbor.

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

16 - 18

Anchored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

18 - 20

Anchored as before. 1815 U.S.S. CONVERSE and FOOTE, stood in and moored alongside the S.S. ERSKINE PHELPS.

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

20 - 24

Anchored as before. 2218 Lit fires under Boiler No. 3. 2310 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 3

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.


The steering casualty which occurred at 1411, was caused by transfer switch in Central Station, not being centered and the selsyns would not take this unnatural load.

Sunday, October 3, 1943
Lat.   Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage,
Long.   Florida Island, Solomon Island Group.

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island Solomons Island Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 75 fathoms of chain to port anchor. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Anchorage bearings: Beacon 003.5 o T, "G" 274.6o T, "F" 181.2o T. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER (SOPA), DENVER, SELFRIDGE, CONVERSE, FOOTE, MC CALLA, PATTERSON, ARGONNE, GILMER, WATERS, TALBOT, BROOKS, STRINGHAM, WARD, CROSBY, S.S. ERSKINE PHELPS, WILLIAM ALLEN, JAMES B. FRANCIS, and various small district craft. 0039 Lit fires under Boiler No. 1. 0114 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1.

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

04 - 08

Anchored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0800 LCI 329 underway and stood out of harbor. 0820 - Held quarters for muster and inspection of personnel by division officers; no absentees. 0845 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Oberwise, F. L., AOM1c, USN. 0855 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8, pilot Lt.(jg), W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote, B.A. ARM1c, for routine flight. 0935 - Lt. Comdr. L. S. Hindman, (CHC), USNR, held divine services (Protestant) for the benefit of officers and crew. 1025 - Lt. McGowan, (CHC), USNR, held divine services (Catholic) for the benefit of officers and crew. 1025 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot, Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 1030 - Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1040 LCT 460, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1045 LCT 446 underway and stood out of harbor.

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. 1215 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote, B. A., ARM1c, USN. 1220 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1249 U.S.S. CONVERSE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1405 U.S.S. LAVALETT, underway to shift berth. 1410 U.S.S. DMS DENT, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1417 U.S.S. TERRY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1510 U.S.S. TERRY, underway and stood out of harbor. U.S.S. SELFRIDGE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1537 U.S.S. GRAYSON, underway and stood out harbor. 1546 U.S.S. LAVALETT, underway and stood out of harbor.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

16 - 18

Anchored as before. 1745 U.S.S. MERCURY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1750 S.S. WILLIAM ALLEN, underway and stood out of harbor.

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

18 - 20

Anchored as before. 1800 U.S.S. EATON, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

20 - 24

Anchored as before.

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

Monday, October 4, 1943
Lat. Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage,
09o 38.9' S
Long. Florida Island, Solomon Island Group.
160o 56.8' E

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 7, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in 27 fathoms of water with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, SOPA in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, SAUFLEY, SOUTHARD, RALPH TALBOT, CROSBY, WARD, MC KEAN, STRINGHAM, WATERS, PATTERSON, MC CALLA, FOOTE, EATON, ARGONNE, LST 460 and various fleet oilers, supply and district craft.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

04 - 08

Anchored as before.

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0815 U.S.S. WARD and U.S.S. CROSBY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0815 - Mustered crew at quarters - No absentees. 0834 U.S.S. LST 460, underway and stood out of harbor. 0950 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Haeling, W. J., 646 40 23, ARM3c, USRN. 0910 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot, Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Fritz, F., 243 84 58, ARM3c USN. 1013 U.S.S. RALPH TALBOT, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1038 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1045 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1058 U.S.S. LST 390, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1102 U.S.S. TAYLOR, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. Commander, C. D. Reynolds, U. S. Navy, reported on board for passage to an Advanced Naval Base. 1200 U.S.S. TAYLOR and U.S.S. SAUFLEY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1326 U.S.S. HOVEY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1350 U.S.S. GRISWOLD and U.S.S. CRSOBY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1400 Lit fires under Boiler No. 3. 1445 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4. 1532 U.S.S. EATON and U.S.S. RALPH TALBOT, underway and stood out of harbor. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1554 underway in accordance with directive of Commander Third Fleet, proceeding to Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in company with Task Group 39.1, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, WALLER, CONY and EATON. Task Group was detached from temporary duty with Task Force 31. Gunnery Officer at the Conn, Captain and Navigator on the bridge. Draft forward 24' 4", aft 24' 9". Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. Boilers No. 1 and 4 in standby condition. 1559 Anchor fouled by anchor chain.

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), USNR.

16 - 18

Underway as before. 1602 Let go port anchor to clear chain. 1604 Underway, anchor clear. Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds, conforming with channel. 1630 Secured special sea and anchor details, set regular sea details. 1638 On station, in Cruising Formation One, 1000 yards astern of U.S.S. MONTPELIER, fleet course 180o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM). 1654 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 135o T (PGC). 1710 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 090o T (PGC). 1721 On signal, commence following movements of column leader, conforming to Sealark Channel. 1736 Passed Perry Pile, abeam to port. 1737 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 110o T (PGC). 1745 Commenced zig-zagging, in accordance with Plan No 14, base course 110o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 110o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plane No. 14. 1815 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert". 1821 Secured steering unit No.1, 1905 Ceased zig-zagging and remained on present course 110o T (PGC). 1910 Secured from General Quarters. 1920 Changed fleet course and axis to the right to 150o T (PGC). 1927 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 198

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on course 150o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 2036 On signal (TBS), ceased zig-zagging and remained on base course 150o T (PGC). 2038 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 180o T (PGC). 2046 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plane No. 14, base course 180o T (PGC). 2300 Slowed to 18 knots (184 RPM). 2306 Took departure with Orchard Point, San Cristobal Island, bearing 037o T (PGC), distance 18 miles. Changed fleet course and axis to 141o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 193

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), USNR.

Tuesday, October 5, 1943
12o 08.5' S
12o 41.4' S
13o 59' S
163o 11.3' E
164o 03.0' E
165o 30' E

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.1, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, destroyers, U.S.S. EATON, CONY and WALLER. Cruising Formation One. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. Course 141o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (184 RPM). U.S.S. MONTPELIER and U.S.S. WALLER, have Radar Guard. 0116 Changed course to 122o T (PGC) on signal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on base course 122o T (PGC), at 18 knots (184 RPM). 0440 Went to General Quarters for "Dawn Alert". 0505 On signal commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14, base course 122o T (PGC). 0547 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B". 0606 Observed large sun spot in the middle of the sun's fourth quadrant. 0745 Launched plane No. 7, for anti-submarine patrol, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, observer Haeling, W. J. ARM3c, USNR. 0745 Mustered crew on stations, absentees, none.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 178

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on course 122o T (PGC), at 18 knots (184 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 0843 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 122o T (PGC). 0845 Changed course to 082o T (PGC). 0846 Changed course to 122o T (PGC). 0851 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No 14. 0900 made daily inspection of magazine and smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 0907 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 0909 Changed course to 082o T (PGC). 0910 Launched plane No. 8 to port, pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote B. A., ARM1c, USN. 0911 Changed course to 122o T (PGC). 0912 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 0932 Commenced firing automatic weapons on towed sleeve (Exercise 5). 0940 Completed sleeve firing. 1044 Went to Flight Quarters, for recovery of aircraft. 1057 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course to 122o T (PGC). 1059 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1104 Changed course to 285o T (PGC). 1105 Slowed to 10 knots (103 RPM). 1107 Recovered plane No. 7 to starboard by "C" Method. 1108 Went to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1110 Changed course to 195o T (PGC). 1117 Recovered plane No. 8, to port by "C" Method. 1118 Went to 18 knots (184 RPM). 1119 Ships left to base course 122o T (PGC). 1123 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plane No. 14.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173.7

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on course 122o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (184 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 1548 Shifted steering units from No. 2 unit port cable, to No. 1 unit starboard cable.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 178

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 122o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (184 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 1757 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert"

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 182

Note: Ammunition expended this date for training.

107 rds. 40 mm SPDN 3635 Lot 132.

586 rds. 20 mm H.E. SPDN 3019.

292 rds. 20 mm HET N. F. 1473

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 122o T (PGC), at 18 knots (183 RPM). 1800 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 180o T (PGC). 1810 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 1852 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B". 1840 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 180o T (PGC). 1934 Completed blowing tubes in all steaming boilers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 177.5

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on course 180o T (PGC), at 18 knots (184 RPM). 2000 Changed fleet course and axis to 135o T (PGC). 2005 DOBRZYNSKI, W. V., S2c #402 37 83 USNR received injury to back and laceration of right arm while working on a plane in the hangar deck, due to a fall from the plane to the deck. 2015 Changed fleet course and axis to 090o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 178

L. J. Tobin

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

Wednesday, October 6, 1943
Anchored in Berth No. 14, Segond Channel
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.1, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. MONTPELIER (guide), DENVER, destroyers, U.S.S. WALLER, EATON and CONY. Cruising Formation One on base course 090o T (PGC) at 18 knots (184 RPM). U.S.S. MONTPELIER and U.S.S. WALLER have the Radar Guard. Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. The ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" set. 2400 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the right to 130o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0146 U.S.S. CONY reported unidentified surface targets, bearing 158o T (PGC). 0149 Ships left to 100o T (PGC). 0207 Ships right to 130o T (PGC). 0230 Ships right to 160o T (PGC). 0241 Ships left to 130o T (PGC). 0332 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the right to course 180o T (PGC), by simultaneous method.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 184

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on course 140o T (PGC), at 21 knots (214 RPM). 0406 Ships left to 160o T (PGC), on signal. 0409 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0410 Ships left to 160o T (PGC). 0416 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0433 Slowed 18 knots (184 RPM). 04456 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No 14. 0509 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 180o T (PGC). 0510 Ships left to 140o T (PGC), on signal. 0518 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0536 Ships left to 140o T (PGC). 0539 Launched plane No. 7, to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Fritz, F., ARM3c, USNR. 0540 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0542 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 0545 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 10Z. 0552 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 180o T (PGC). 0556 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the right to 225o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0616 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to the right to 270o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0626 Commenced following the movements of column leader, conforming to channel. Stationed all special sea and anchor details. 0635 Slowed to 15 knots (150 RPM). 0644 Proceeding independently, on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to channel, entering Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 22 fathoms of water, with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Anchorage bearings: "J" 270.1o T, "C" 044.3o T, "E" 338.9o T, "A" 067.3o T. Ship's draft forward 23' 10", aft 24' 4". 0715 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. 0723 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, LARDNER and WOODWORTH, stood out of harbor. 0727 Secured main engines and steering engines. 0728 Secured all special sea and anchor details. 0736 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 150

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0850 U.S.S. MERCURY, TERRY and S.S. WILLIAM ALLEN, stood in and anchored in assigned berths. 0910 U.S.S. CONVERSE, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. U.S.S. DARING, underway and stood out of harbor. 0915 U.S.S. CONY, underway and shifted berth. 0915 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0930 Pursuant to the orders of C.O. Commander C. D. Reynolds detached, transportation completed. 0938 U.S.S. BOOTES, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1040 U.S.S. GUEST underway and stood out of harbor. 1100 S.S.S JAMES B. FRANCIS, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt., U. S. N.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. 1205 S.S. WHITE PLAINES, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1238 U.S.S. PHILLIPS, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1330 U.S.S. Y.O. 20, moored alongside to port. 1337 Commenced fueling ship. Ship's draft forward 23'10", aft 24'4". 1351 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, stood in and moored alongside U.S.S. PATUXENT. 1353 U.S.S. WOODWORTH, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1355 U.S.S. LARDER, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1356 Completed fueling, having received 83,010 gallons of fuel oil. Ship's draft forward 24' 8", aft 24' 0". 1505 U.S.S. Y.O. 20, underway from along port side. 1520 U.S.S. LYRA, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1536 U.S.S. HOARES WELLS, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

16 - 20

Anchored as before. 1850 Commenced taking aboard five-inch powder and projectiles.

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Anchored as before. GRACE, J.M., S1c was injured in the following manner:- while loading ammunition a Higgins boat he received a crushing injury to his back as a result of being pinned down by a load of powder cans. Admitted to the sick list. 2005 Completed receiving ammunition aboard.

Note: Following ammunition received on board this date:

363 Rds. 5"/38 Cartridges Semi-fixed various indexes of Smokeless Powder with Flashless Pellets added. I.V. 2600 f.s.

635 Rds. 5"/38 Cartridges Semi-fixed, various indexes of Smokeless Powder. I.V. 2600 f.s.

200 5"/38 Illuminating Projectiles MK 30-5 with MK 18-2 mech. time fuze.

K. P. Houlihan

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

Thursday, October 7, 1943
Lat. Anchored in Berth No. 14, Segond Channel,
16o 35.2' S
Long. Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.
166o 20.2' E

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 14, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 22 fathoms of water, with 75 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Anchorage bearings: "J" 270.1o T, "C" 044.3o T, "E" 338.9o T, "A" 067.3o T. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship is darkened, in Condition of Readiness III (modified) and Material Condition "B" set. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, BRETON, SAN DIEGO, SAN JUAN, CLAXTON, RADFORD, PHILLIP, WALLER, CONY, EATON, WRIGHT, JENKINS, STARLING, STACK, WILSON, HOVEY, CHAS. AUSBURNE, SPENCE, THATCHER, DYSON, STANLEY, ZEILIN, S-38, OSTERHAUS, VESTAL, FARRENHOLT, WOODWORTH, LARDNER, WHITNEY, ORTOLAN, COOS BAY, TAUVUS, ANTARES, CHANDELEUR, PATUXENT, SICARD, TERRY, BOOTES, MERCURY, CONVERSE, S.S. JAMES B. FRANCIS and various yard, district and small craft.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0608 U.S.S. RADFORD, underway and stood out of harbor. 0613 U.S.S. JENKINS, underway and stood out of harbor. 0642 U.S.S. WILSON, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0709 U.S.S. S-38 underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt.(jg) USN.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0810 Held quarters for muster - no absentees. 0817 U.S.S. PATUXENT, underway and stood out of harbor. 0827 U.S.S. WILSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0832 U.S.S. STARLING, underway and stood out of harbor. 0904 U.S.S. SOUTHARD and U.S.S. THATCHER, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 0915 U.S.S. FOOTE, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1050 S.S. JAMES B. FRANCIS, underway and stood out of harbor. 1130 U.S.S. STANLEY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1140 U.S.S. SPENCE and U.S.S. LARDNER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1150 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1157 U.S.S. WOODWORTH, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1200 Lit fires under Boilers No. 1 and 3. 1203 U.S.S. THATCHER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1204 U.S.S. OSTERHAUS, underway and stood out of harbor. U.S.S. STACK, underway and stood out of harbor. 1210 U.S.S. WILSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1213 U.S.S. SAN DIEGO, underway and stood out of harbor. 1215 U.S.S. SAN JUAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 1230 U.S.S. APACHE, underway and stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1237 U.S.S. BRETON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1244 U.S.S. SARATOGA, underway and stood out of harbor. 1245 U.S.S. CHAS. AUSBURNE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1252 U.S.S. DYSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1300 Stationed all anchor and special sea details. Set Condition of Readiness III, in the anti-aircraft battery, Material Condition "B". Tested steering engines and control, condition satisfactory. Tested main engines, test satisfactory. 1305 U.S.S. CLAXTON, underway and stood out of harbor. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1322 underway from Berth No. 14, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in accordance with directive of Commander Third Fleet, to proceed to operating area in order to train for combined operations against the enemy. Proceeding in company with Task Group 37, 38 and 39, Rear Admiral F. C. Sherman, OTC in U.S.S. SARATOGA, BRETON, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CLAXTON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, DYSON, FOOTE, STACK, WILSON, WOODWORTH, FARENHOLT, and LARDNER. Engineering Officer at the Conn, Captain, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Ship's draft forward 24' 10", aft 24' 4". Boilers No. 2 and 4 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds, conforming with channel. Weather very squally. 1325 U.S.S. MONPELIER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1330 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1. 1350 Set course 165o T (PGC), went to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1401 Went to fleet speed 20 knots (204 RPM). 1404 Changed course to 090o T (PGC). 1408 Secured all special sea and anchor details, set regular sea details. 1410 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 3. 1421 Changed course and axis by column movement to the right by simultaneous method, to 135o T (PGC). 1425 Secured standby steering unit No. 2. Steering unit No. 1 and starboard cable in use. 1427 Changed course and axis by column movement to the right by simultaneous method, to 180o T (PGC). 1430 Went to fleet speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 1441 Changed course and axis by column movement to the right by simultaneous method to 270o T (PGC). 1500 Sounded A.A. call, manned 5"/38 battery and all automatic weapons for simulated air attack. 1508 Executed signal to form Cruising Formation 5-LS, fleet axis 220o T (PGC), fleet course 280o T (PGC), fleet speed 14 knots (143 RPM). Proceeded on various courses and at various speeds to assigned station. U.S.S. BRETON guide. 1529 With Parab Peak, bearing 144o T (PGC), distance 12.6 miles, took departure. 1530 Went to fleet speed 17 knots (173 RPM). 1537 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 132


Lt., DE-V (G), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on base course 280o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1624 Maneuvering on various course and at various speeds conforming to movements of carrier. 1650 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1747 Maneuvering on various and at various speeds conforming to movements of carrier.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 170


Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, maneuvering on various courses conforming with movements of U.S.S. SARATOGA, while recovering aircraft. Base course 280o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (184 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1803 Cut in Boilers No. 1 and 3 on main steam line. 1805 Ceased zig-zagging and changed fleet course to 200o T (PGC). 1810 On signal commenced maneuvering to form Task Group 37, for exercises of simulated torpedo attacks. Task Group 37 consists of U.S.S. MONTPELIER, (guide), DENVER, FOOTE and CHAS. AUSBURNE. Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Formed Cruising Formation One, speed 25 knots (254 RPM), course 200o T (PGC). 1815 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert". 1905 Secured from General Quarters.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 249.5

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on course 200o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 2015 Made Radar contact bearing 192o T (PGC), distance 27,000 yards. 2019 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, by simultaneous method to 270o T (PGC). 2025 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the right, by simultaneous method to 330o T (PGC). 2041 Went to 27 knots (284 RPM). 2043 Changed fleet course and axis, by column movement, to the left, by simultaneous method to 300o T (PGC). 2047 Went to 29 knots (308 RPM). 2049 Went to 30 knots (320 RPM). 2050 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the left, by simultaneous method to 280o T (PGC). 2056 Went to 31 knots (332 RPM). 2101 Changed fleet course and axis, by column movement, to the right, simultaneous method, to 300o T (PGC). 2113 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the left, by simultaneous method to 280o T (PGC). 2154 Changed course and axis, by column movement, to the left, simultaneous method, to 230o T (PGC). 2200 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the left, simultaneous method, to 190o T (PGC). 2205 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, simultaneous method, to 240o T (PGC). 2208 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, simultaneous method, to 270o T (PGC). 2209 Slowed to 18 knots (183 RPM). 2210 The bridge lost steering control, due to overload relay switch, jumping out. Steering was shifted to steering aft. 2220 Steering was shifted to the bridge. 2220 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the right, simultaneous method, to 270o T (PGC). 2227 Went to 25 knots (257 RPM). 2236 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the left, simultaneous method, to 250o T (PGC). 2243 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 2304 Changed fleet course and axis to the right, by column movement, simultaneous method to 295o T (PGC). 2310 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, simultaneous method, to 090o T (PGC). 2320 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 2342 Went to 28 knots (296 RPM). 2348 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, by simultaneous method to 150o T (PGC). 2352 Went to 30 knots (320 RPM). 2355 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right by simultaneous method, to 175o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 277

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

Friday, October 8, 1999
16o 25.1' S
15o 32.0' S
16o 02.4' S
164o 32.0' E
163o 53.2' E
162o 55.9' E

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Groups 37, 38, and 39, on combined operations. Rear Admiral Lee, OTC in U.S.S. WASHINGTON, Rear Admiral A.S. Merrill, OCE in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. At present, this Task Group consists of U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, DYSON, CLAXTON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, and STANLEY, in column, on course 180o T (PGC), speed 30 knots (320 RPM). Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Steaming on various courses, following column leader, U.S.S. MONTPELIER. 0050 Slowed to 25 knots (258 RPM). 0136 Slowed to 20 knots (203 RPM). 0147 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 0219 Went to 19 knots (194 RPM). 0220 Maneuvering to join main body and take proper station on formation guide, U.S.S. WASHINGTON, bearing 048o T (PGC), distance 5000 yards. 0230 Hauled fires under Boilers No. 1 & 3. 0233 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 10Z, base course 295o T (PGC). 0353 Ceased zig-zagging and returned to base course 295o T (PGC). 0354 Went to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0355 Simulated air attack commenced. 0358 Ships left to 205o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 235


Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on course 295o T (PGC), at speed 23 knots (236 RPM). 0400 Ships left to 145o T (PGC). 0409 Ships right to 235o T (PGC). 0418 Ships left to 175o T (PGC). 0423 Ships right to 135o T (PGC). 0426 Ships right to 195o T (PGC). 0433 Slowed to 16 knots (163 RPM). 0435 Ships right to 295o T (PGC). Went to General Quarters for "Dawn Alert". 0446 Formed Battle Formation 9V. Went to 18 knots (184 RPM). 0452 Ships Ships right to 325o T (PGC). 0454 Ships left to 265o T (PGC). 0455 Ships right to 295o T (PGC). Went to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0456 Ships right to 000o T (PGC). 0515 Ships left to 030o T (PGC). 0521 Ships right to 045o T (PGC). Went to 26 knots (271 RPM). 0526 Ships right to 080o T (PGC). 0528 Slowed to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0532 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM) 0539 Friendly planes commenced simulated attack on formation. 0541 Ships right to 235o T (PGC). 0545 Ships left to 180o T (PGC). Slowed to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0547 Ships right to 200o T (PGC). 0549 Ships right to 265o T (PGC). 0552 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" 0610 Slowed to 18 knots (184 RPM). 0622 Ships right to 310o T (PGC). 0629 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 19 Z.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 201.8

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on course 330o T (PGC), fleet axis 295o T (PGC), speed 18 knots (184 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 19 Z. 0810 On signal, proceeded at various speeds and on various courses formed Cruising Formation 5-LS, base course 310o T (PGC), fleet axis 150o T (PGC), U.S.S. DENVER bearing 260o T (PGC), 2400 yards distant from guide. 1403 On signal, ships left from base course to 290o T (PGC). 1103 On signal ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 310o T (PGC). Commenced maneuvering to join Task Group 38, Rear Admiral F. C. Sherman, in USS SARATOGA, OTC.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 193

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, base course 160o T (PGC), fleet axis 165o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). Manuevering on various courses and speeds, following movements of lfeet guide in aircraft operations. 1213 Joined forces with Task Group 38, Rear Admiral F. C. Sherman, OTC in U.S.S. SARATOGA, in Cruising Formation 5-LS. 1215 Slowed to 17 knots (174 RPM). 1232 Aircraft operations completed, resumed base course of 270o T (PGC). 1252 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1330 Inspection of the third deck and 1st platform spaces was made by the First Lieut. 1344 Changed course to the left, by ships turn movement to 165o T (PGC), for launching aircraft by carriers. 1347 U.S.S. BRETON and SARATOGA, commenced launching aircraft. 1405 U.S.S. BRETON completed launching aircraft, having launched 12 planes. 1409 U.S.S. SARATOGA, completed launching aircraft having launched 46 planes. 1414 Resumed base course 270o T (PGC), carriers having completed launching operations. 1421 Ships right to new base course 300o T (PGC). 1431 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1450 Ships left to 160o T (PGC), for carrier flight operations. 1500 U.S.S. BRETON, com- launching operations, having launched 5 planes. 1502 U.S.S. SARATOGA, completed flight operations, having launched 21 planes. 1502 Resumed base course 300o T (PGC), carriers having completed launching aircraft. 1512 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 176.5


Lt., DE-V (G), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 320o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 300o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM). 1604 Commenced maneuvering to take screening position on carrier, preparatory to repelling simulated air attack. 1607 Sounded A.A. defense call, manned all anti-aircraft batteries. 1610 Maneuvering on various courses at various speeds, maintaining screening position on carrier. 1636 Ceased present exercises. 1640 Commenced maneuvering on various courses, keeping station on carrier during recovery operations. 1757 Ships left to 160o T (PGC). 1759 Slowed to 12 knots (123 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 169


Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 160o T (PGC), at speed 12 knots (123 RPM). 1805 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert". 1810 Ships right to 300o T (PGC). Went to 17 knots (174 RPM). 1819 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1904 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". 1942 Ceased zig-zagging. Ships right to 010o T (PGC). 1957 Ships left to 280o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 167.5

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on course 280o T (PGC), base course 300o T (PGC), fleet axis 165o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM). 2012 Emergency ships right to 300o T (PGC). 20-28 Emergency ships right to 345o T (PGC). 2032 Emergency ships left to 225o T (PGC), 2036 Emergency ships right to 345o T (PGC). 2041 Emergency ships left to 255o T (PGC). 2047 Emergency ships right to 303o T (PGC). 2110 On signal ships right to 338o T (PGC). Took station for simulated night surface attack. 2131 Maneuvering to resume former station. 2201 On signal, ships left to 270o T (PGC). 2218 On signal, commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. t. 2241 On receipt of turn signal, ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course ships left to 240o T (PGC). 2251 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 2350 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 2400 In accordance with signal, Task Groups 38 and 39, departed from formation and formed Cruising Formation 5-LS, on axis 150o T (PGC), base course 100o T (PGC), standard speed 17 knots (174 RPM). Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER, fleet guide, U.S.S. BRETON, U.S.S. DENVER position with guide bearing 149o T (PGC) distance 1800yards.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

Saturday, October 9, 1943
16o 02.7' S
16o 05.0' S
16o 25.0' S
162o 41.1' E
162o 55.8' E
16 3o 51.3' E

00 - 04

Steaming in company with combined Task Groups 37, 38, and 39, Rear Admiral Lee, OTC in U.S.S. WASHINGTON, in Cruising Formation 5-LS, on fleet course 100o T (PGC), fleet axis 150o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM), guide is the U.S.S. BRETON, bearing 149o T (PGC), distance 1800 yards. The ship is darkened and in Condition of Readiness III, with Material Condition "B" set. Boilers No. 2 & 4 in use. 0049 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base fleet course 100o T (PGC). 0223 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course, 100o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 156

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on base course 100o T (PGC), fleet axis 150o T (PGC), fleet speed 16 knots (164 RPM), Cruising Formation 5-LS, U.S.S. BRETON, fleet guide. 0435 Went to General for "Dawn Alert". 0505 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0515 Ceased zig-zagging, remained on course 130o T (PGC). 0529 Executed ships right to course 270o T (PGC). 0540 Commenced zig-zagging on base course 270o T (PGC), plan No. 6. 0545 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Changed fleet speed to 17 knots (174 RPM). 0652 Changed fleet axis to 300o T PGC). 0702 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0717 Changed fleet axis 310o T (PGC), and left fleet to form attack formation with Task Group 39. 0732 Changed fleet course and axis to 290o T (PGC). 0734 Cut in Boilers No. 1 & 4 in on main steam line.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 173.5

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on course 290o T (PGC), at speed 25 knots (254 RPM). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0800 Ships right to 110o T (PGC). 0801 Slowed to 17 knots (174 RPM). 0816 Ships right to 290o T (PGC). 0826 Went to 21 knots, (214 rpm). 0836 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0853 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 290o T (PGC). 0858 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 0902 Commenced simulated surface engagement, Event No. 6. Steaming on various courses and at various course and at various speeds. 1058 Formed Cruising formation 4 V, with Task Group 37.2, Rear Admiral Hanson, OTC in U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA, which includes U.S.S. ALABAMA, MONTPELIER, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SARATOGA, and screening destroyers, for Event No. 7. Fleet axis 270o T (PGC), course 090o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM). Fleet axis 270o T (PGC), course 090o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM). 1123 On station in Cruising Formation 4 V. 1124 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 204.5

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G), U.S.N.R.

12 -16

Steaming as before, in Cruising Formation 4 V, on base course 090o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 1239 Ships right to 118o T (PGC) to exchange station with U.S.S. MONTPELIER. 1254 Ceased zig-zagging and returned to course 140o T (PGC). 1303 Launched plane No. 7 to starboard, pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Ducote, B. A. ARM1c, USN. 1305 Launched plane No. 8 to starboard, pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 1306 Took station on new guide of formation, U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA. 1329 Manned anti-aircraft battery and main battery tracking stations for drills and battle problems. 1333 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 1. 1342 On signal, changed fleet axis to 315o T (PGC). 1351 On signal, ceased zig-zagging and returned to course 040o T (PGC). Steamed on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to signals of OTC in carrying out battle problem.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 226.7

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 180o T (PGC), at speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 1600 Ceased exercising at surface battle problem. Slowed to 17 knots (174 RPM0. 1601 Sounded flight quarters, for recovery of aircraft. Steaming on various courses and at various speeds during recovery of aircraft. 1620 Recovered plane No. 8 to starboard, "C" method. 1625 Recovered plane No. 7, to port, "C" method. 1630 Commenced maneuvering independently to rejoin Task Group 37.2. 1654 Formed Cruising Formation 4-LS with Task Group 37.2, Rear Admiral Hanson, OTC in U.S.S. SOUTH DAKOTA, U.S.S. ALABAMA (guide), MONTPELIER, DENVER and 4 screening destroyers. Fleet course and axis 180o T (PGC), fleet speed 17 knots (174 RPM). 1710 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with zig-zag plan No. 14. 1748 Shifted steering units, from No. 2 unit, port cable, to No. 1 unit, starboard cable.

Av. Steam 600.

Av. RPM 187

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G), U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 180o T (PGC), speed 17 knots (174 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14 1832 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1840 Changed course and axis to the left, simultaneous method. 070o T (PGC). 1910 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 183

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on base course 070o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots (174 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 14. 2002 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 2134 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 070o T (PGC). 2136 Ships left to 040o T (PGC). 2143 Went to 25 knots (253 RPM). Ships left to 025o T (PGC). 2145 Changed fleet axis to 000o T (PGC). 2203 Commenced simulated attacks on other Task Force. 2210 Went to 27 knots (284 RPM). 2214 Ships right to 130o T (PGC). Slowed to 23 knots (236 RPM). 2216 Ships right to 235o T (PGC). 2222 Ships right to 270o T (PGC). 2224 Went to 27 knots (284 RPM). 2236 Ships left to 340o T (PGC). Maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds, incident to rejoining formation and taking station on U.S.S. BRETON, fleet guide.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 211.5

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G), U.S.N.R.

Sunday, October 10, 1943
16o 37.7' S
16o 00.7' S
Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2
166o 18.3' E
166o 46.3' E
Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo
      Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Groups 37 and 39 combined. Rear Admiral Lee, OTC in U.S.S. WASHINGTON. These Task Forces consist of the following ships: U.S.S. WASHINGTON, SOUTH DAKOTA, ALABAMA, MASSACHUSETTS, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, WADWWORTH, ANTHONY, HUDSON, FULLAM, CHAS. AUSBURNE, DYSON, CLAXTON, FOOTE. Steaming on base course 115o T (PGC), speed 19 knots (194 RPM), fleet axis 115o T (PGC), in Cruising Formation 6-S. The ship is darkened, in Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 1,2,3 & 4 in use. 0016 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 11 "Z". 0022 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 3.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 179

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on base course 115o T (PGC), speed 19 knots (194 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan NO. 11 "Z". 0529 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering to form "B" Formation.Nine. 0530 Went to General Quarters for monning maneuvers. 0550 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 11 "Z", base course 115o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 0619 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering following movements of the guide, U.S.S. WASHINGTON. 0638 Slowed to 19 knots (194 RPM). Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0653 Went to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0750 Ceased present exercises and set Condition of Readiness III in anti-aircraft battery. 0757 Slowed to 18 knots (184 RPM), and steadied on course 030o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 201.7

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on various courses and at various speeds, forming Cruising Formation No. 1, with Task Force 39, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Fleet course and axis 000o T (PGC), fleet speed 18 knots (184 RPM). Went to 21 knots (214 RPM). 0815 Mustered crew on stations, absentees: none. 0823 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 16. 0838 Changed course and axis, by column movement to the left, by simultaneous method to 330o T (PGC). 0843 Sighted the ships of Task Force 38, U.S.S. SARATOGA, flagship, hull down bearing 328o T (PGC). 0905 Changed course and axis by column movement, to the right, by simultaneous method to 015o T (PGC). 0907 Slowed to 18 knots (184 RPM). 0927 Changed course and axis, by column movement, to the right, by simultaneous method to 060o T (PGC). 0942 Steaming on various courses and at various speeds to form Cruising Formation 5-LS, with Task Forces 38 and 39 combined. Fleet course 030o T (PGC), axis 135o T (PGC), fleet speed 17.5 knots. 1019 Ships right to course 115o T (PGC), while U.S.S. BRETON and SARATOGA launched aircraft. 1033 Resumed base course 030o T (PGC), upon completion of launching planes from carriers. 1043 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1103 Ships right to course 120o T (PGC), while U.S.S. BRETON and SARATOGA launched aircraft. 1115 Ships left to new base course 065o T (PGC), launching having been completed. 1116 In accordance with signal, "prepare to repel air attack" simulated, closed 500 yards on guide U.S.S. BRETON. 1132 Ships left to base course 000o T (PGC). 1150 Set Material Condition "A" below third deck in preparation for simulated torpedo attack, using drill torpedoes.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 185

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on course 060o T (PGC), at speed 17 knots (179 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. Made daily inspection of all magazines & smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 1207 Ships left to 040o T (PGC). 1212 Ships right to 060o T (PGC), resumed zig-zagging on plan No. 6. 1213 Ships right to 080o T (PGC). 1230 Ships left to 055o T (PGC). 1232 Sounded anti-aircraft call, for simulated torpedo attack on formation. 1244 Ships left to 050o T (PGC). 1245 Maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds incident to carrying out exercise. 1336 Task Group 39, left formation to proceed independently to harbor, course 045o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 1345 Changed fleet course and axis to 090o T (PGC). 1411 Changed fleet course and axis to 045o T (PGC). 1423 Changed fleet course and axis to 000o T (PGC). 1443 Changed fleet course and axis to 315o T (PGC). 1451 Changed fleet course and axis to 270o T (PGC). 1452 Commenced following movements of column leader, maneuvering on various courses and speeds conforming to channel. 1530 Proceeding independently on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to channel, entering Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 186

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 20

Steaming as before. At 1608 moored buoy in Berth No 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 22 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Ship's draft forward 23' 3", aft 24' 2". 1681 U.S.S. SARATOGA stood in and moored in berth assigned. 1622 U.S.S. BRETON, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1629 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1. 1632 U.S.S. WOODWORTH, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1635 U.S.S. WILSON, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1637 U.S.S. GUEST, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1638 U.S.S. CLAXTON, stood in and moored alongside U.S.S. CONVERSE. U.S.S. DYSON, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1647 U.S.S. CHAS. AUSBURNE, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1650 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1655 U.S.S. THORNTON, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1707 U.S.S. GRAYSON, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1730 U.S.S. SAN DIEGO, stood in and moored in assigned berth.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

20 - 24

Moored as before.

L. A. Bird,

Lt.(jg) U.S.N

Monday, October 11, 1943
Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 22 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain to buoy. Boiler No. 4, in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, BRETON, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, DYSON, CLAXTON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, EATON, WALLER, TERRY, CONVERSE, WOODWORTH, WILSON, GUEST, FARENHOLT, DIXIE, VESTAL, GRISWOLD, JAMESTOWN, WHITNEY, COOS BAY, CHANDELEUR, ANTARES, MERCURY, ADMANT, LEVY, PINKNEY and various other yard and district craft.

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G) USNR.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0630 U.S.S. EATON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0700 U.S.S. PATAPSCO and DELPHINIUS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0740 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and moored alongside U.S.S. GRAYSON.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G) USNR.

08 - 12

Moored as before. Mustered crew on stations; no absentees. 0830 - Pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer the following men left the ship for temporary shore patrol duty: DE GROFF, J.A., CWT(AA), USN, #234 11 86; BAYERSDORDER, G., MM1c, V-6 USNR, #642 74 97; GILLESPIE, G.D., GM1c, USN, #223 32 66. 0907 U.S.S. ADMANT, underway and stood out of harbor. 0915 U.S.S. YO 20, moored alongside to port. Gasoline barge came alongside starboard quarter and commenced taking on aviation gas. 0924 Commenced taking fuel draft, forward 23' 3", aft 24' 2". 0940 - Pursuant of orders of Commanding Officer, KINDLE, L.V., Cox #680 01 42, V-6 USNR left the ship on temporary duty at the Recreation Center. 0845 Completed taking aboard aviation gas, having received 300 gallons. 1005 - Pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer, LAZRO, D. (n), MM2C, V-6 USNR, #611 55 55, left the ship for temporary duty ashore. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 1027 U.S.S. LEVY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1035 U.S.S. GRISWOLD, underway and stood out of harbor. 1045 U.S.S. MILLACOMA, stood in and moored in assigned berth. 1122 Ceased taking fuel. 1130 U.S.S. YO 20 cast off from port side.


Lt.(jg) U.S.Navy.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1245 - Temporary shore patrol with POWELL, R.M., GM2c, #401 41 44, 0-1 USNR, left the ship, in charge. 1530 U.S.S. COOS BAY, underway and stood out harbor.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) USNR.

16 - 18

Moored as before. 1600 Received fuel lighter, U.S.S. YO 20, on port side. 1615 Commenced fueling ship. Draft forward 23' 3", aft 24' 2". 1625 - KINDLE, L. V., #680 01 43, Cox, V-6 USNR, returned aboard from temporary duty at Recreation Center. Temporary shore patrol returned aboard. 1630 Completed fueling ship, having received 180,039 gallons of fuel oil. Draft forward 25' 3", aft 24' 2". 1638 Cast off fuel lighter. 1700 U.S.S. GUEST, underway and stood out of harbor. 1740 U.S.S. PINKNEY, underway and stood out of harbor.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) USNR.

18 - 20

Moored as before.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

20 - 24

Moored as before.

J. T. Flis,

Lt. O-V (S), USNR.

Tuesday, October 12, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 22 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Boiler No. 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, BRETON, MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, FOOTE, DYSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, WALLER, TERRY, CHANDELEUR, WOODWORTH, WILSON, THORNTON, CONY, GRAYSON, FARENHOLT, S-38, WHITNEY, DIXIE, VESTAL, ANTARES, MERCURY, JAMESTOWN, DELPHINIUS, CONFLICT, PATAPSCO, MILLACOMA, ATACOS, KOPARA, APACHE, ORTOLAN, BALSAM, LIPAR, LST 363, LST 343, LST 334, LST 339, S.S. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, ROBERT LUCAS, PHILLIP KEARNEY and various other yard and district craft.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0700 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and stood out of harbor. 0705 U.S.S. CHAS. AUSBURNE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0712 U.S.S. WILSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0715 U.S.S. SAN DIEGO, underway and stood out of harbor. 0717 U.S.S. SAN JUAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0720 U.S.S. CONY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0751 U.S.S. MERCURY, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0810 Mustered crew at quarters, absentees: none. 0815 S.S. LE PHOGUE (French), stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0850 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, 646 40 23, USNR, and plane No. 8, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Fritz, F., ARM3c, 243 84 58, USN. 0910 S.S. OLIVER WENDELL HOMES, underway and stood out of harbor. 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions: normal. 1045 Hoisted aboard planes No. 7 & 8. 1155 Pursuant to orders of Gunnery Officer reference dispatch 112210 of October, 1943, following Officers and men left ship for instruction at AA Training Center at an advanced Naval Base: Lt.(jg) K.H. Brooks, USNR, Ensign L.M. King, Jr. USNR, GILSTRAP, J.H., SC2c, TRAIL, C.B., Ck3c, WIDEMAN, C.L., GM3c, HUBBS, L.H., Cox, ABBOT, S.R., S1c, MCCARREN, L.A., S1c, WEBB, C.D.,S2c, WHITE, J.M., S1c, ZIENTAK, R.C., S1c, BROENNER, C.J., PFC, COOPER, V.L., GM3c, ANTONUCCI, A., S1c, BALAS, A., S1c, FOSTER, L.D., S2c, PYEATT, F.G., S2c, PROHA, J., S2c, MCKEOWN, P., Corp., PARADIS, E.J., Corp.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1205 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, the following named men left the ship for duty as beach guard: COCHRANE, Richard E., #375 40 32, CWT, USN, and ENLOE, ENLOE, E.J., #393 16 17, GM2c, V-6 USNR. Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, the following named men left the ship for temporary duty ashore as shore patrol: ISAACS, H.K., CTC USN, GLENNON, T.M. BM2c, DALLNER, R.A., Cox, FARMER, O.M., EM3c, HART, C.C., EM3c, TREER, P.A., MM2c, STAUFFER, J.E., SC3c, TATE, C.L., SF3c. 1445 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, ref. Comairsopac despatch 191915 of Aug., 1943, Major R.M. Ash, USMC left the ship for temporary beach guard duty. 1320 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, Passenger Stevens, W. G., AMS1c, 262 37 08, USN. 1325 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Lt.(jg) Macausland, USNR. 1354 U.S.S. CONFLICT, underway and shifted berth. 1515 Hoisted in plane No. 8. 1520 Hoisted in plaine No. 7. 1558 U.S.S. TERRY, underway and shifted berth.


Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1615 U.S.S. TERRY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1616 U.S.S. S-38, underway and stood out of harbor. 1715 The temporary shore patrol ISAACS, H.K., CTC USN in charge returned to the ship, having completed duty as temporary shore patrol. 1725 U.S.S. RALPH TALBOT, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1730 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, BACA, D.E., FC1c #360 02 40 USN left the ship for temporary duty as Beach Guard. 1730 Pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer the following men returned aboard having completed duty as temporary Beach Guard: COCHRANE, R.E., #375 40 32 CWT USN, ENLOE, E.V., GM2c, USNR. 1740 U.S.S. BALCH, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1755 S.S. CAPE GEORGIA, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.


Lt.(jg) USN.

20 - 24

Moored as before. at 2000 Major R.M. Ash, USMC returned aboard having completed temporary duty as Beach Guard Officer.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

Wednesday, October 13, 1943
Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Boiler No. 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, BRETON, FOOTE, DYSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, WALLER, RALPH TALBOT, GRAYSON, THORNTON, WHITNEY, WOODWORTH, VESTAL, ORTALAN, BALSAM, CHANDELEUR, BATCH, LIPAR, APACHE, ANTARES, MERCURY, ATASCOSA, JAMESTOWN, KAPARA, PATAPSCO, DELPHINIUS, MILLICOMA, DIXIE, S.S. PHILLIP KEARNEY, CAPE GEORGIA, CAPE, ROBERT LUCAS, LE PHOGUE (French) and various district craft.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, PUCKETT, H.E., #336 72 33, CBM(AA) USN and KILLIAN, C.J., EM2c V-6 USNR left the ship for temporary beach guard duty. 0752 S.S. PHILLIP KEARNEY, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Moored as before. Mustered crew on stations, absentees: none. 0800 Assumed A.A. and Radar Guard 0915 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer the temporary Shore Patrol with NOGGLE, R.S., CWT(PA) in charge left the ship for temporary duty. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions: normal. 0917 U.S.S. YP 420, underway and stood out of harbor. 1108 U.S.S. TUMULT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1140 U.S.S. SARATOGA, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

12 -16

Moored as before. 1202 U.S.S. CHAS. AUSBURNE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1230 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. U.SS. BALCH. SAN DIEGO, SAN JUAN, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1310 Pursuant to orders of the Commander of an advanced Naval Base, PUCKETT, H.E., #336 72 33, CBM(AA) USN in charge of KILLIAN, C.J., EM2c V-6 USNR returned aboard having completed tour of duty ashore as temporary beach guard. 1330 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt.(jg), W. R. Andrew, A-V(n), USNR, passenger Brooks, A. R. AMM3c, 608 28 18. 1335 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Kirby, L. J., S2c, 202 47 12, USNR. 1510 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8. 1515 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. 1540 U.S.S. THORNTON, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Moored as before. 1715 Temporary shore patrol with NOOGLE, R.S., CWT(PA) USN in charge returned aboard ship.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Moored as before.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2232 Lit fires under Boiler No. 2. 2242 Completed blowing tubes in Boiler No. 4.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

Thursday, October 14, 1943
Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Boiler No. 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. U.S.S. DENVER has A.A. and Radar Guard. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SARATOGA, BRETON, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CHAS. AUSBURNE, FARENHOLT, BALCH, FOOTE, DYSON, CLAXTON, WALLER, RALPH TALBOT, WHITNEY, WOODWORTH, WILSON, S-38, APACHE, ORTALAN, BALSAM, LIPUR, GRAYSON, DIXIE, VESTAL, ANTARES, PHILLIPS, RIO GRANDE, ATASCOSA, JAMESTOWN, KOPORA, PATAPSCO, DELPHINIUS, MILLICOMA, ROBERT LUCAS, TUMULT, S.S. CAPE GEORGIA, WHITE RAINS, and various other yard and district craft. 1240 S.S. ESSO MANHATTAN, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0125 Commenced swinging to flood tide, stern to port. 0325 Completed swinging to flood tide.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0602 U.S.S. PATUXENT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0630 U.S.S. PHILLIPS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0710 S.S. WHITE RAINS, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0800 Hoisted out plane No. 7, for routine flight, pilot Lt.(jg), W.R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, 646 40 23, USNR. 0805 Hoisted out plane No. 8, for routine flight, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Fritz, F., ARM3c, 243 84 58 USN. 0810 Mustered crew at quarters, no absentees. 0825 S.S. ESSO MANHATTAN, underway and stood out of harbor, with a load of six (6) PT boats on deck. 0825 U.S.S. PHILLIPS underway to shift berth. 0835 Lit fires under Boiler No. 3. 1022 U.S.S. RIO GRANDE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1015 Plane No. 7 hoisted aboard. 1020 Plane No. 8 hoisted aboard. 1125 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 1140 Cut in Boiler No. 3 on main steam line. 1143 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 4.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.NR.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1245 Pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer the following men left the ship for temporary duty as Shore Patrol: REA, G.C., GM1c, THOMPSON, C.L., GM1c, ADAMSON, R.E., MM1c, CORBY, J.E., EM3c, HEISTER, A.J., SK1c, BOLT, H.A., SF3c, BARTHOLOMEW, R., MM2c. 1305 U.S.S. GRAYSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1330 Hoisted out plane No. 8, pilot Lt.(jg), A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Lt. Cdr., L. S. Hindman, ChC-(G), USNR. 1332 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger Gadd, A., AM3c, USNR. 1434 Hoisted in and secured to catapult plane No. 7. 1445 Hoisted in and secured to the catapult, plane No. 8.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt. U.S.Navy.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1720 U.S.S. CARLSON (DE), Moored alongside U.S.S. CONVERSE.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2229 Went to General Quarters, after receiving Condition "Red" signal from the shore station. 2310 Picked up flare (yellow) bearing 045o T (PGC), distance 1 mile, about 5,000 feet. 2328 All clear sounded on the beach. 2330 Secured from General Quarters and set Material Condition "B", Condition of Readiness III (modified).


Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Friday, October 15, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy, in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 3 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER, DENVER, COLUMBIA, SARATOGA, BRETON, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, WALLER, BALCH, FOOTE, RALPH TALBOT, WOODWORTH, WILSON, DYSON, FARENHOLT, CARLSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, DIXIE, VESTAL, WHITNEY, ATASCOSA, JAMESTOWN, KOPARA, MILLICOMA, APACHE, ORTALAN, CARINA, S.S. CAPE GEORGIA and various small district and harbor craft.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0525 U.S.S. BALCH, underway and stood out of harbor. 0532 U.S.S. MILLICOMA, underway and stood out of harbor. 0627 U.S.S. CORINA, underway and stood out of harbor.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt. U.S. Navy.

08 - 12

Moored as before. Mustered crew on stations, absentees: none. Made daily inspections of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 0850 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot: Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Reynolds, R.R., AMM3c, 214 16 81 USNR. 0855 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger 1st Lt. W. Kuhlmey, USMC. 1035 U.S.S. WALLER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1040 Hoisted in plane No. 7. 1050 Hoisted in plane No. 8. 1055 S.S. CAPE GEORGIA, underway and stood out of harbor.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. Cdr., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1245 Temporary Shore Patrol, WALKER, O.L., CMM(AA), #392 64 11 in charge left the ship. 1315 Held inspection of all holds, store-rooms, magazines, and machinery spaces. 1325 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot: Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 1330 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot: Lt. D. K. English, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt.(jg) M. F. Yerger, USN. 1417 Lit fires under Boiler No. 2. 1507 Lifted safeties by hand, on Boiler No. 2. 1525 Hoisted in plane No. 7. 1530 Hoisted in plane No. 8. 1535 U.S.S. SEIDE, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. U.S.S. BEBAS, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1545 Cut in Boiler No. 2 on main steam line.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Moored as before. WALKER, O.L., CMM and the shore patrol returned aboard having completed temporary duty ashore. 1625 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1628 U.S.S. S-38, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1657 U.S.S. MONTPELIER, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Moored as before.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2130 Pursuant to orders of the Commanding Officer, Lt. Douglas Kavanaugh English, A-V(N) USNR left ship for temporary duty in accordance with oral instructions transmitted to him.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Saturday, October 16, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, starboard chain in use. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III (modified) and Material Condition "B" set. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, BRETON, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, FOOTE, DYSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, WOODWORTH, WILSON, PHILLIPS, CONVERSE, RALPH TALBOT, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, S-38, and various fleet oilers, supply and district craft.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0613 U.S.S. CONY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0645 U.S.S. MAUI WAWS (American Transport) stood in and anchored in berth assigned.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0930 Held quarters for muster, absentees: none. Captain inspected personnel and upper decks and living spaces. 1100 Made daily inspection of all magazines and smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 1200 U.S.S. SOUTHARD, underway and stood out of harbor. 1200 U.S.S. CHARLES G. COUTANT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1220 U.S.S. BRETON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1318 U.S.S. BUCHANAN, stood in and moored in berth assigned. U.S.S. PRINGEL and U.S.S. CONWAY, stood in and moored in berth assigned. 1421 U.S.S. PATAPSCO, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1645 The 20mm range party consisting of Lt.(jg) Brooks, Ensign King and eighteen (18) men returned aboard ship having completed temporary duty at anti-aircraft training center.


Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

Sunday, October 17, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III (modified) and Material Condition "B" set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CONY, FOOTE, DYSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, WOODWORTH, GRAYSON, PHILLIP, CONVERSE, RALPH TALBOT, CLAXTON, CONWAY, PRINGLE, BUCHANAN, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, LIED, ATASCOSA, TRACY, TAANGINA, PATUXENT, JAMESTOWN, KOPARA, BEBAS, CHAS. N. Mc GROARTY, SAMUEL E. CASTER, APACHE, ORTOLAN, BALSAM, LIPAR, Le PHOGUE, S-38, HOLLY, S.S. GAILLARD, CHARLES G. COUTANT, and various other naval yard district and small craft.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt. U.S. Navy.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0533 S.S. GAILLARD, underway and stood out of harbor. 0545 H.M.S. MARINDA, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0555 U.S.S. CHAS. N. Mc GROARTY underway and stood out of harbor. 0605 U.S.S. BEBAS, underway and stood out of harbor. 0615 U.S.S. SAMUEL E. CASTER, underway and stood out of harbor. 0617 U.S.S. WALLER, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0640 S.S. GULF CARRIBEAN, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0700 U.S.S. TITANIS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0722 U.S.S. COMET, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

L. A. Bird,

Lt.(jg) U.S.Navy

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0815 Held quarters for muster - no absentees. 0818 U.S.S. TRACY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0930 Held Divine Services(Protestant) on main deck aft. 0930 Made weekly inspection of magazines, smokeless powder, gyrotechnics, magazine sprinklers, shell stowage sprinklers and hangar space sprinklers - conditions normal. 0940 S.S. CHARLES G. COUTANT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1055 Pursuant to the order of the Commanding Officer, KIRKBRIDE, F.D., S1c, #311 50 68 USN was transferred to a recreation center, for temporary duty.


Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1225 Pursuant to CTG 39.2 orders 1st Lt. W. T. Kuhllmey, USMC and Ensign E.W. Sybil, (D-V(G) USNR and sixteen (16) left the ship for temporary duty at the A.A. Training Center. 1225 The temporary shore patrol, KELLEY, H.R., CMM(PA) USN in charge left the ship. 1518 U.S.S. VAN DAUKE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1519 U.S.S. LEVEE (DE), stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

16 - 18

Moored as before. 1609 U.S.S. PHILLIP, underway and stood out of harbor. 1612 U.S.S. PRINGLE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1755 S.S. TAANGINA, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Moored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2115 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 4.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Monday, October 18, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, 7½ fathoms of starboard chain to buoy. Ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III (modified), and Material Condition "B" set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CONY, FOOTE, DYSON, CHAS. AUSBURNE, WOODWORTH, GRAYSON, CONVERSE, RALPH TALBOT, CONWAY, BUCHANAN, WALLER, CARLSON, WHITNEY, VESTAL, ATASCOSA, PATUXENT, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, DIXIE, ORTOLAN, PARKS (DE), BALSAM, LIPAN, SIED, COMET, HORACES WILLS, MAUI, CHARLES G. COUTANT, LST 340, LST 341, LST 334, LST 343, LST 339, S-38, VAN DAUKE, LEVEE, S.S. ESSO MANHATTAN, GULF CARIBEAN, LE PHOGUE, EASTON SUN, H. MS. MARINDA, and various small base craft.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) USNR.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0407 Completed blowing tubes in Boiler No. 2. 0522 Observed sunrise, lighted ship. 0545 U.S.S. ORTOLAN, underway to shift berth. 0740 U.S.S. CARLSON and U.S.S. WOODWORTH, underway and stood out of harbor.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Moored as before. Held quarters for muster - Absentees, none. 0848 S.S. ESSO MANHATTAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0849 S.S. EASTON SUN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0855 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot: Ens. E. G. Yesko, -V(N), USNR; passenger Ducote, A.B,.ARM2c, USN. 0900 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 1125 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1130 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard.

J. T. Flis,

Lt. O-V (S), USNR.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1200 U.S.S. WOODWORTH, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1245 - Temporary shore patrol, ROBINSON, A.S., CBM(AA), USN #321 10 63, left the ship. 1255 Received oil barge (U.S.N. YO20) alongside to port. Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Long, E. R., AM3c, 243 84 69 USNR. 1300 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Anderson, S2c, 660 55 82, USNR. 1325 Commenced fueling. Draft forward 24' 8", aft 23' 11". 1405 Completed fueling, having received 29,484 gallons at 60o. Draft forward 24' 0", aft 24' 1". 1405 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. 1407 U.S.S. ORTOLAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 1410 Hoisted in plane No. 8. Oil barge, underway from port side. 1500 U.S.S. PARKS (DE), underway and stood out of harbor.

M. F. Yerger,

Lt.(jg), U.S.Navy.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1330 - The shore patrol of which ROBINSON, A.S., CBM(AA)USN, was in charge returned aboard.

H. M. Brinser,

Lt., U.S. Navy.

20 - 24

Moored as before.

L. A. Bird,

Lt.(jg), U.S.Navy

Tuesday, October 19, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN DIEGO, SAN JUAN, CONY, FOOTE, DYSON, AUSBURNE, WOODWORTH, CONVERSE, RALPH TALBOT, CONWAY, CLAXTON, BUCHANAN, GRAYSON, LEVY, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, ATASCOSA, PATUXENT, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, BALSAM, LIPAR, SIED, BEBAS, LOCUST, S.S. HORACE WELLS, MAUI, GULFCARIBEAN, COMET, VAN DYKE, LE PHOGUE (French), MORINDA (British), VITI, (British), and various other yard and district craft.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0532 S.S. VITI (British), underway and stood out of harbor. 0544 S.S. MAUI, underway and stood out of harbor. 0648 U.S.S. DYSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0656 U.S.S. CLAXTON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0716 U.S.S. O'BANNON, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0719 U.S.S. PATTERSON, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.


Lt.(jg) USN.

08 - 12

Moored as before. At 0810 held quarters for muster, absentees, none. 0817 U.S.S. JAMESTOWN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0855 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot, Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Ens. J. B. Heiffner, USNR. 0930 U.S.S. SIED, underway and stood out of harbor. 1035 Hoisted in plane No. 8. 1100 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot, Lt.(jg), A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Ducote, B. A., ARM1c, USN.


Lt., U.S. Navy.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1245 Pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer, the shore patrol left ship under charge of BOURGEOIS, T.J., #274 19 13, CMOMM(AA) USN, #270 10 19 for temporary shore patrol duty at Recreation Landing. 1250 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Elphinstone, E., AMM2c, 653 19 94, USNR. 1310 S.S. MORINDA, underway and stood out of harbor. 1335 Hoisted aboard plane No. 7. 1355 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8. 1400 U.S.S. LIPAR, underway and stood out of harbor. 1430 U.S.S. DYSON and U.S.S. CLAXTON, stood in and anchored in berths assigned. U.S.S. JAMESTOWN, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1455 U.S.S. CONVERSE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1525 U.S.S. ATASCOSA, underway and stood out of harbor.

M. F. Healy, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Moored as before. 1612 U.S.S. CLAXTON, underway to shift berths. 1720 The temporary shore patrol, BOURGEOIS, T.J., CMoMM(AA) USN in charge returned aboard temporary duty completed.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

18 - 20

Moored as before.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Wednesday, October 20, 1943
15o 37.9' S
15o 39.6' S
Moored to buoy in Berth 
167o 20.6' E
167o 24.7' E
No. 2 Segond Channel, 
      Espiritu Santo, Island, New 
      Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. The ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN DIEGO, SAN JUAN, CONY, FOOTE, DYSON, AUSBURNE, RALPH TALBOT, CONWAY, BUCHANAN, WOODWORTH, CLAXTON, O'BANNON, PATTERSON, GRAYSON, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, PATUXENT, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, S.S. HORACE WELLS, GULFCARIBEAN, NATHANIEL CROSBY, LE PHOGUE, DAVID THOMPSON, VAN DYKE, and various patrol landing and mine craft.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0415 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4. 0608 U.S.S. CLAXTON, DYSON, and FOOTE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0620 Tested steering engines, test satisfactory. 0630 Tested main engines, condition satisfactory. Stationed special sea and anchor details. 06-40 The following named U. S. Army Officers came aboard as observers: Col. H. Jones, Lt. Col. C.C. McCullogh, Lt. Col. A. King, Lt. Col. F. Broening, Lt. Col. J. T. Mallory, Maj. J. H. Darin, Capt. R. N. Bond, Lt. C. A. Brewer, Lt. C. M. Roth. 0658 U.S.S. COLUMBIA, underway and stood out of harbor. Having made all preparations for getting underway, Underway at 0705, from Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in accordance with Directive of Commander Task Group 29.2, to conduct training operations in Area No. 5. Captain Beatty, OTC in U.S.S. COLUMBIA. First Lieutenant at the Conn, Captain, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Boilers No. 2 & 4 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to the channel. Task Group consists of: U.S.S COLUMBIA, DENVER, FOOTE, CLAXTON and DYSON. 0719 Catapulted plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR. 0745 Formed Cruising Formation One, base course 090o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM. 0757 Changed course to 135o T (PGC)


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on course 135o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM). Made daily inspections of magazine and smokeless powder samples; conditions normal. 0800 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17. 0815 Went to General Quarters, for practice firing. 0941 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0952 Changed fleet course and axis, to the left, by column movement to 315o T (PGC). 1016 Blew tubes on Boilers No. 2 & 4. 1110 Ceased zig-zagging and returned to base course 315o T (PGC). 1112 Commenced maneuvering to recover aircraft. 1121 Recovered plane No. 8, "C" Method. Took station on starboard beam of U.S.S. COLUMBIA, distance 1300 yards, for Radar Calibration. 1140 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 195


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on course 315o T (PGC), speed 15 knots (153 RPM). 1222 Changed fleet course and axis, to the left, to course 135o T (PGC), by simultaneous method. 1249 Manned all five-inch and machine gun batteries for execution of scheduled exercise. 1255 Changed fleet course and axis, by column movement to the left, to 090o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1301 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, on base course 090o T (PGC). 1400 Executed ships left to course 030o T (PGC). 1402 Executed ships right to course 090o T (PGC). 1407 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17. 1439 Completed event No. 4. 1445 Launched plane No. 7 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg), W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR. 1458 Executed ships left to course 332o T (PGC) to take station for event No.6. 1502 Went to 20 knots (205 RPM). 1511 Changed course to left to 280o T (PGC), slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1521 Commenced scheduled Radar Gun Calibration, exercise No. 6. 1525 Went to General Quarters for scheduled exercise. 1551 Commenced firing five and six-inch batteries to port.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 152

Note: The following ammunition was expended this date for training:

6"/47 Cal.

12 A.P. Projectiles Mk 35-2.

12 Cartridges semi-fixed SPD 3361, with flashless pellets added.

5"/38 Cal.

77 A.A. Common Projectiles, Mk 35-3, I&F "Exp. D" Mechanical fuze, Mk 18-2.

58 A.A. Projectiles Mk 35-3 with Mk fuze.

135 Cartridges semi-fixed, various indexes of smokeless powder.

40 MM

457 A.A. Cartridges SPDN 3635 Lot No. 132.

20 MM

968 H.E. Cartridges SPDN 3019.

484 H.E.T. Cartridges N.F. 1473.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 280o T (PGC), at 15 knots (153 RPM). 1602 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1610 Secured from General Quarters, set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III, having completed event No. 6, Radar Gun Calibration. 1611 Commenced event No. 7, experimental funnel smoke screen. 1613 Changed course to 248o T (PGC), went to 23 knots (234 RPM). 1630 Sounded flight quarters, for recovery of one plane, "C" Method. 1634 Completed making smoke. 1639 Changed course to the right to 025o T (PGC), slowed to 15 knots (152 RPM). 1641 Changed course to 125o T (PGC), slowed to 10 knots (123 RPM). 1643 Recovered plane No. 7 to starboard, "C" Method. 1644 Changed course to the right to 285o T (PGC), went to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1645 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1646 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1705 Changed course to the left to 274o T (PGC). 1710 Stationed all special sea and anchor details. 1721 Changed course to the right to 290o T (PGC). 1727 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1728 Changed course to the right to 344o T (PGC). 1730 Passed Tutuba Island, abeam to starboard. Passed Bagacio Island abeam to port. 1740 Commenced maneuvering on various courses and at various speeds, conforming with Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group. Captain, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge, Gunnery Officer at the Conn. 1742 Passed White Rock, abeam to starboard, bearing 035.9o T (PGC). 1750 Darkened ship.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 203

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U.S.N.

18 - 20

Steaming as before. 1804 Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 7½ fathoms of starboard chain in use. Ship's draft, forward 24' 9", aft 23' 9". 1830 Secured main engines and steering engines. 1831 Secured special sea and anchor details, set Condition of Readiness III (modified). 1830 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 4. 1839 Cut out Boiler No. 4. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes.


Lt.(jg), U.S.N.

20 - 24

Moored as before.


Lt., U.S.N.

Thursday, October 21, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, 7 fathoms of the starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, PRINCETON COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CONY, FOOTE, CHARLES AUSBURNE, RALPH TALBOT, CONWAY, BUCHANAN, WOODWORTH, O'BANNON, DYSON, PATERSON, CLAXTON, GRAYSON, EDWARDS, LEVY, DIXIE, VESTAL, WHITNEY, PATUXENT, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, BALSAM, BEBAS, LOCUST, PILL, TAUTINTA, NATHANIEL CROSBY, S-38, S.S. HORACE WELLS, GULF CARIBBEAN, VAN DYKE, DAVID THOMPSON, and various other district and small craft.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0558 U.S.S. WOODWORTH, underway and stood out of harbor. 0600 U.S.S. BUCHANAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0602 U.S.S. BEBAS, stood in and moored to the YOG 42. 0611 U.S.S. BLUNDELAND, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0653 U.S.S. BALSAM, underway and stood out of harbor. 0704 U.S.S. DYSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0738 U.S.S. DYSON, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0744 S.S.S DAVID THOMPSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 0750 S.S. GULF CARRIBEAN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0751 U.S.S. LOCUST, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0800 Mustered crew on stations, absentees: none. 0815 S.S. HOLT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0835 U.S.S. O'BANNON, underway and entered ARO 5. 0855 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Dobrzynski, W. V. 402 37 83, S1c, V-6, USNR. 1055 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard.

M. F. HEALY, Jr.,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Moored as before. At 1245 pursuant to orders of Commanding Officer the Shore Patrol, with ISAACS H.K., CTC(PA) #316 21 50 in charge left the ship for temporary duty. 1300 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot, Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt. L. J. Tobin, USNR. U.S.S. BUCHANAN, stood in and moored in berth assigned. U.S.S. WOODWARD, stood in and moored in berth assigned. 1316 exercised at Fire Quarters. 1318 First stream of water at scene of fire. 1334 secured from Fire Quarters. 1342 exercised at Collision Drill. 1351 Secured from Collision Drill. 1415 Hoisted in and secured to catapult plane No. 7. 1520 YO 20 moored alongside to port. 1530 Commenced receiving fuel. Draft 24' 9", aft 23' 11".


Lt., U.S. Navy.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1607 Completed fueling ship, having received 33,600 gallons at 60o F. Ship's draft after fueling, forward 24' 11", aft 24' 0". 1615 Rear Admiral Robert B. Carney held inspection of crew at quarters. 1619 U.S.N. YO 20 underway from alongside. 1630 U.S.S. GAMBLE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1645 U.S.S. BLUNDELANE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1649 U.S.S. SICARD, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

20 - 24

Moored as before.


Lt.(jg), U.S.N.

Friday, October 22, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water with 7 fathoms of starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. SARATOGA, PRINCETON, COLUMBIA, DENVER, SAN JUAN, SAN DIEGO, CONY, FOOTE, AUSBURNE, RALPH TALBOT, CONWAY, BUCHANAN, WOODWORTH, O'BANNON, PATERSON, CLAXTON, S-38, GRAYSON, EDWARDS, LEVY, SICARD, GAMBLE, BEBAS, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, PATUXENT, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, S.S. NATHANIEL CROSBY, VAN DYKE, DYSON, TAUTINTA, and various other yard and district craft.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0630 U.S.S. CONWAY, underway to shift berth. 0734 U.S.S. BUCHANAN and U.S.S. WOODWORTH, underway and stood out of harbor. 0735 U.S.S. SAN JUAN, and U.S.S. EDWARDS, underway and stood out of harbor. 0745 U.S.S. SARATOGA, PRINCETON and SAN DIEGO, underway and stood out of harbor.


Lt., U.S. Navy.

08 - 12

Moored as before. 0800 Assumed anti-aircraft and Radar Guard. 0830 U.S.S. CONWAY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0855 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Evans, G. T., Cox., USN, 283 31 48. 0925 Received aviation gas lighter alongside. 0955 Completed taking on aviation gas, having received on board 1500 gallons. 1005 U.S.S. BALCH, underway to shift berth. 1007 Hoisted aboard plane No. 8. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples at 1030 - conditions normal. 1045 Mustered crew at quarters. Absentees: none 1106 Vice Admiral W. Halsey, USN(Comsopac) came aboard on unofficial visit accompanied by Rear Admiral R.B. Carney, USN and Colonel Wiley, USMC. 1112 U.S.S. CLEVELAND, stood in and moored in berth assigned. U.S.S. STERRETT, stood in and moored alongside tanker. 1125 Vice Admiral W. Halsey, USN and party left the ship.


Lt.(jg) USN.

12 - 16

Moored as before. 1227 U.S.S. NICHOLS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1240 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer the temporary Shore Patrol left the ship for temporary duty; WARWICK, L.L. CEM(AA) USN, #223 42 28 in charge. 1300 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Ductoe, B. A., ARM2c, 274 67 37, USN. 1330 Held inspection of all holds, store rooms and machinery spaces. 1422 U.S.S. STERRETT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1445 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, Lt. Cdr. K.P. Houlihan, D-V(G) USNR left the ship for temporary duty as Beach Guard Officer. 1448 U.S.S. PINKNEY stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1515 U.S.S. CAMANGA, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1655 U.S.S. BALCH, underway and stood out of harbor. 1700 The temporary shore patrol with WARWICK, L.L., CEM(AA) USN in charge returned aboard having completed duty. 1700 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer FRANKS, D.E., GM1c USN left the ship for duty as temporary Beach Guard. 1751 Executed sunset, darkened ship. 1755 The temporary Beach Guard, CAVALCANTE, M.E., CTC(AA) USN in charge returned aboard having completed temporary duty..

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U.S. Navy.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2010 Lt. Cdr. K.P. Houlihan, D-V(G) USNR returned aboard from temporary Beach Guard Officer's Duties and resume his regular duties. 2345 FRANKS, D.E. #342 04 30, GM1c USN returned aboard from Beach Guard Duty and resumed his regular duties.


Lt. O-V (S), U.S.N.R.

Saturday, October 23, 1943
Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel,
Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group.

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water with 7 fathoms of starboard chain in use. The ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. ComAirSoPac is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. COLUMBIA, CLEVELAND, DENVER, FOOTE, EATON, DYSON, O'BANNON, CHARLES AUSBURNE, PATERSON, CLAXTON, RALPH TALBOT, STERRET, PINKNEY, CAMANGA, NICHOLS, RIO GRANDE, DIXIE, WHITNEY, VESTAL, PATAPSCO, JAMESTOWN, BEBAS, PARKS, HORACE WELLS, VAN DYKE, WRIGHT, CHANDELEUR, POCOMOKE, MATHEW LYONS, HOYT, CHESTER SUN, LAUINTA, THORNTON, GAMBLE, SICARD, S.S. NATHANIEL CROSBY, also various yard and district small craft.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0516 Completed blowing tubes in Boiler No. 2. 0600 S.S. CHESTER SUN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0721 U.S.S. SEIDE and S.S. STONY POINT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U.S. Navy.

08 - 12

Moored as before. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0812 S.S. STRATFORD POINT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0825 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg), A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Haeling, W. J. ARM3c, USNR. 0830 Hoisted out plane no. 8, Pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR, passenger, Mandeville, P. S2c, USN. Both planes took off on routine flight. 0835 U.S.S. OSTERHAUS, stood in and moored alongside U.S.S. BEBAS. 0925 U.S.S. PRESIDENT ADAMS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1000 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1005 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1045 U.S.S. ARTIC, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1150 Received ammunition alongside starboard quarter.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 1600

Moored as before. 1240 U.S.S. PRUITT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1345 Completed handling ammunition. Ammunition received:

100 rds. 5"/38 Cal. Projectiles Mk 35-2 A.A. Com. With Mk 18-2 mech time fuze.

150 rds. 5"/38 Cal. Projectiles Mk 35-2 A.A. Projectiles with Mk 32 fuze.

250 rds. 5"/38 Cal. Cartridges, semi-fixed S.P. with Flashless pellets added.

3200 rds. 40 mm Cartridges. A.A. Projectiles Mk2.

1430 The following named men returned aboard having completed temporary duty at A.A. training center in accordance with CTG 39.2 dispatch 160215 of October, 1943. 1st Lt. W.T. Kuhlmey USMC, Ensign E.W. Sybil, USNR, PARSONS, R.O., Cox, ABRAHAM, J., S2c, CALDWELL, S., S2c, ARRINGTON R.F., S2c, DAYKIN, R.B., S2c, BOWEN, J.W., FC3c, WESCOTT, J.L., Corp. USMC, FINDLEY, J., PF1c, USMC, SMITH, F.I., Cox, GRANLUND, R.F., S1c, WALSH, L.S., S1c, DILWORTH, P.F., S1c, LAVELLE, T.E., SMITH, B.L, BUSH, W.A., S1c, WASSIL, J., PFc USMC. 1510 U.S.S. LIPSON, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1522 U.S.S. PERRY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.


Lt.(jg), USN.

16 - 20

Moored as before. 1615 U.S.S. BALSAM, stood in and proceeded to assigned berth. 1815 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, KIRKBRIDE, F.D., S1c, #311 50 68 USN returned aboard having completed the temporary duty assigned him ashore. 1950 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, LOZARO, D., MM2c #611 55 55 V-6 USNR returned aboard having completed the temporary duty assigned him ashore.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Moored as before. 2200 Completed provisioning ship.


Lt.(jg) U.S.N.

Sunday, October 24, 1943
15o 37.2' S
14o 29.2' S
12o 51.2' S
167o 29.0' E
167o 10.8' E
165o 08.2' E

00 - 04

Moored to buoy in Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in 27 fathoms of water, with 7 fathoms of the starboard chain in use. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III (modified) set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. CTF 38 is SOPA. Ships present: U.S.S. CLEVELAND, COLUMBIA, DENVER, FOOTE, BATON, DYSON, O'BANNON, AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, RALPH TALBOT, NICHOLAS, SPENCE, CAMANGO, WHITNEY, DIXIE, VESTAL, SELDE, OSTERHAUS, LIPON, PERRY, BALSAM, PRESIDENT ADAMS, TATINTA, VAN DYKE, THORNTON, CHANDELEUR, WRIGHT, RIO GRANDE, BEBAS, PARKS, JAMESTOWN, SICARD, PINCKNEY, and various other Naval, yard, district and small craft. 0205 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4.


Lt. U. S. Navy.

04 - 08

Moored as before. 0405 Boiler No. 4 cut in on main steam line. 0415 Tested main engine and steering engine, condition satisfactory. 0416 Stationed all special sea and anchor details, set Condition of Readiness III. 0420 U.S.S. SPENCE, DYSON, and AUSBURNE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0435 U.S.S. FOOTE, underway and stood out of harbor. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 0449 Underway from Berth No. 2, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides Group, in accordance with directive of Commander Third Fleet, to proceed to Port Purvis, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, to await further orders. Proceeding in company with Task Group 39.3. Captain Shepard, OTC in U.S.S. CLEVELAND, Task Group consists of the following ships: U.S.S. CLEVELAND, DENVER, DYSON, CLAXTON, SPENCE, FOOTE and AUSBURNE. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Ship's draft forward 24'11", aft 24' 6". 0451 U.S.S. CLAXTON and U.S.S. CLEVELAND, underway and stood out of harbor. Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds, conforming with channel. 0520 Catapulted plane No. 7 to starboard for anti-submarine patrol. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 0525 Passed Tutuba Island abeam to port, Bagacio Island abeam to starboard. 0529 On station in Cruising Formation One, 1000 yards astern of U.S.S. CLEVELAND. 0529 Secured all special sea and anchor details, set regular sea details. Changed course and axis, by column movement to 090o T (PGC) simultaneous method, speed 20 knots (204 RPM). 0542 Changed course and axis, by column movement to 135o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0545 Went to General Quarters for Simulated Shore Bombardment. 0554 Changed course and axis to the right, by column movement to 180o T (PGC), slowed to 18 knots (184 RPM). 0559 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1602 Catapulted plane No. 8 to port. Pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Ducote, B. A. ARM1c, USN. 0608 Changed course to 220o T (PGC) following movements of column leader, U.S.S. CLEVELAND. 0633 Changed course, ships left to 130o T (PGC), went to 23 knots (236 RPM). 0634 Sounded flight quarters for recovery of one (1) plane, to starboard, "C" Method. 0639 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B". 0640 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). On signal, changed course by column movement to left, to 090o T (PGC). 0647 ON signal slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 0654 On signal, executed ships left to 050o T (PGC). 0659 On signal, executed ships right to 140o T (PGC). 0700 Slowed to 12 knots (123 RPM). 0702 Recovered plane No. 8 to starboard, "C" Method. 0703 On signal, executed ships left to 090o T (PGC), went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 0710 On signal changed fleet course to left by column movement, simultaneous method. 0717 On signal, commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 12"Z", base course 000o T (PGC). 0730 U.S.S. DENVER assumed Radar Guard, forward sector, U.S.S. CHARLES AUSBURNE after sector.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 144

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on course 000o T (PGC), at 20 knots (204 RPM) zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z". 0815 Mustered crew on quarters. No absentees. 043 Catapulted plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Fritz, F., ARM3c, USN, for anti-submarine patrol. 0848 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 000o T (PGC). 0900 Recovered plane No. 7, "C" method to port. Steaming on various courses at various speeds during recovery. 0904 Resumed base course 000o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM). 0905 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17. 0927 Exercised at anti-aircraft practice, fired five-inch battery. 1020 Sighted Olimbu Pt., Gava Island, bearing 347.2o T (PGC) distance 37.5 miles. 1031 Changed course and axis by column movement to the left, by simultaneous method to 312o T (PGC). 1039 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17. 1148 Catapulted plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Ducote, B. A., ARM1c, USN, for anti-submarine patrol. 1153 Exercised at anti-aircraft practice, fired automatic weapons.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 201.7

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on course 312o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (204 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17"Z". 1200 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1207 Commenced maneuvering to recover aircraft. 1226 Recovered plane No. 8, "C" method. 1235 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17"Z". 1239 Sighted five (5) destroyers dead ahead, distance 15,000 yards. 1243 Ceased zig-zagging and commenced maneuvering to keep clear of destroyer squadron. 1255 Commenced zig-zaaging in accordance with plan No. 17"Z". 1318 Launched plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg), A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Haeling W. J., 646 40 23, ARM3c, USNR. 1325 Sounded A.A. call and manned all automatic weapons for drill firing. 1330 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 1455 Secured from drill firing. 1515 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1532 Commenced maneuvering to recover two (2) aircraft. 1546 Recovered plane No. 8, "C" method to port. 1550 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z", base course 312o T (PGC). 1550 Held divine services for the crew and Officers.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 236.7


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on base course 312o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z". 1700 Lit fires under Boiler No.3. 1704 Lit fires under Boiler No. 1.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 261

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 312o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17"Z", speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 1824 On signal went to 20 knots (204 RPM0. 1830 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert" 1900 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 312o T (PGC). 1910 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1913 Went to 28 knots (296 RPM). Changed course to 325o T (PGC). Formed 150o relative on guide, starboard. 1914 Changed course to left to base course 312o T (PGC), slowed to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1920 On signal executed ships left to 282o T (PGC). 1927 On signal, executed ships left to 105o T (PGC). 1932 On signal, executed ships right to 122o T (PGC). 1926 On signal executed ships right to 282o T (PGC). 1941 On signal, changed course to right, by column movement to 312o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1942 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 219

Note: Ammunition expended this date for training purposes:

5"/38 Cal. 6 Proj. A.A. Common, Mk35-3 with Mk 18-2 mechanical time fuze.

40 mm 411 Cartridges A.A. Projectiles, Mk I SPDN 3635 Lot 132

20 mm 1215 H. E. SPDN 3019

607 H.E.T. N. F. 1473

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U. S. Navy.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on course 312o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM), Cruising Formation One. 2016 Hauled fires under boiler No. 3. 2021 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 263

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Monday, October 25, 1943
09o 38.9' S
Anchored in Berth No. 6, Port Purvis Anchorage,
161o 14.2' E
Florida Island, Solomon Island Group.

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.3, Captain Shepard, OTC in U.S.S. CLEVELAND. This Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. CLEVELAND, DENVER, DYSON, CLAXTON, SPENCE, FOOTE, and AUSBURNE; in Cruising Formation One. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. Boilers No. 2 & 4 in use. Steaming on fleet course and axis 312o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 0230 Picked up Santa Ana Island by radar, bearing course 280o T (PGC), distance 30 miles. 0250 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 262


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Steaming as before, on base course 312o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM), Cruising Formation One, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17"Z". Mustered crew on stations, absentees: none. 0435 Went to General Quarters for "Dawn Alert". 0437 On signal, ships right to 022o T (PGC). 0450 On signal, ceased zig-zagging. 0457 On signal, ships left to 342o T (PGC). 0502 On signal, ships left to 312o T (PGC). 0513 Changed fleet course and axis, by column movement, to the left to 274o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0514 Ships left to 254o T (PGC). 0526 Catapulted plane No. 8 to starboard. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USRN; passenger, Fritz, F., ARM3c, USN, 243 84 58. 0539 Ships right to 274o T (PGC). 0547 Secured from General Quarters set Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III. 0610 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 38. 0714 On signal, changed fleet course and axis, by column movement to the right to 311o T (PGC), in succession method. 0724 Resumed zig-zagging on base course 311o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 263

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on base course 311o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 38"Z", at 25 knots (258 RPM). 0800 Lost power on after gyro, low voltage caused gyro to trip out. 0803 After gyro back in commission. 0810 Sounded flight quarter, preparatory to launching one (1) plane for anti-submarine patrol. 0840 Catapulted plane No. 7 to starboard. Pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V)N), USNR; passenger Haeling, W. J. ARM3c, USNR. 0845 On signal, slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 0850 On signal slowed to 12 knots (123 RPM). Sighted Florida Island, bearing 315o T (PGC) distance 35 miles. 0852 Recovered plane No. 8 to port, "D" method. 0854 On signal went to 20 knots (204 RPM). U.S.S. CLAXTON, reported sound contact on submarine, turned to port to develop contact and dropped depth charges. 0855 On signal, executed emergency ships left 30o to course 311o T (PGC), went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 0856 On signal, executed ships left 281o T (PGC). 0859 On signal, executed ships left 251o T (PGC). OTC instructed U.S.S. CLAXTON to remain with contact until 1100. 0900 U.S.S. CLAXTON hoisted signal, "I am maneuvering with difficulty, keep clear." 0900 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, condition normal. 0903 On signal, executed ships right to 295o T (PGC). 0906 On signal, executed ships right to 311o T (PGC). 0908 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to 270o T (PGC), by simultaneous method, column movement. 0916 On signal executed ships right to 290o T (PGC). 0931 On signal, commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, base course 270o T (PGC). 0956 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course. 1004 On signal slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 1019 On signal went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1028 U.S.S. DYSON, slowed to 15 knots, engine trouble. 1045 On signal, changed course to right, column movement, to 315o T (PGC). 1054 On signal, changed course by column movement to 000o T (PGC). 1112 On signal, slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1115 Stationed all special sea and anchor details. Commenced maneuvering on various courses, at various speeds entering Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 1135 Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. 1143 Passed through anti-submarine nets. 1145 Passed beacon "C" abeam port, beacon "B" abeam to starboard.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 224

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U.S. Navy.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on various courses at various speeds, proceeding independently, conforming to channel, entering Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 1202 Anchored in Berth No. 6, in 24 fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Beacon bearings as follows: "J" 070.8o T, "F" 159.5o T, "K" 048.1o T, "I" 037.5o T, and "D" 231.2o T. Ship's draft forward 23' 8", aft 24' 8". 1220 Hoisted in plane No. 7. 1330 Captain Robert B. Briscoe, USN, assumed command of Task Group 39.3, during temporary absence of Captain Shepard of the U.S.S. CLEVELAND. 1330 Hoisted out plane No. 7, pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Captain A. A. Burke, ComDesRon 23. 1333 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Lt.Cdr. F. L. Ruhlman, of ComCruDiv 12 staff. Both planes took off on flight for Koli Point, Guadalcanal Island. Having made preparations for getting underway, at 1352 underway from Berth No. 6, to go alongside tanker, YO 164, to fuel. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Boilers No. 2 & 4 in use. 1415 Moored starboard side to port side of tanker In Berth No. 13, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group. 1429 Received U.S.S. TALBOT (APD 7) alongside to port. 1429 Commenced receiving fuel oil from YO 164. Ship's draft forward 23' 8", aft 24' 8". 1500 Completed fueling ship, having received on board 121,869 gallons of fuel oil. Draft of hip forward 25' 1", aft 24' 6". 1510 U.S.S. TALBOT, underway and cleared our port side. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1516 underway from alongside YO 164, to proceed to Berth No. 6 1526 Anchored in Berth No. 6, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in 24 fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain to port anchor. Beacon bearings as follows: "J" 069.3o T, "I" 035.5o T, "F" 162.0o T, and "G" 005.1o T. 1538 Secured steering engines and main engines and placed ship on one (1) hours notice for getting underway. Regular Condition of Readiness III gun watches and sea details are set.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Anchored as before. 1620 U.S.S. PRINGLE, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1622 U.S.S. LEVY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1645 Hoisted both planes aboard. 1730 Captain Shepard of the U.S.S. CLEVELAND returned and assumed command of CTF 39.3.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Anchored as before. 1800 Condition "Red" in Tulagi. Went to General Quarters. Made all preparations for getting underway. 1815 U.S.S. SAUFLEY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1845 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B".

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Anchored as before. 1009 Completed blowing tubes in Boiler No. 2.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U.S. Navy.

Tuesday, October 26, 1943
Anchored in Berth No.6,
09o 12.7' S
09o 19.8' S
Port Purvis Anchorage,
159o 40.8' E
156o 22.1' E
Florida Island, Solomon
Island Group.

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 6, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, in 24 fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. The ship is darkened; Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Th ship is on two (2) hours notice. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. CLEVELAND (SOPA), U.S.S. DENVER, WALLER, SAUGLEY, RENSHAW, SELFRIDGE, MC CALLA, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, SPENCE, DYSON, DRAO, YO 164, FOOTE, MC LEAN, STRINGHAM, TALBOT, WATERS, DENT, KILTY, WARD, MC KEEN, CROSBY, HOVEY, HOPKINS, AGRONNE, ARITAEUS, LST 390 STRINGER.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0535 U.S.S. MC KEEN, underway and stood out of harbor. 0540 U.S.S. STRINGER, underway and stood out of harbor. 0548 U.S.S. DENT, underway and stood out of harbor. 0552 U.S.S. TALBOT, underway and stood out of harbor. 0555 U.S.S CROSBY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0558 U.S.S. KILTY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0600 U.S.S. WARD, underway and stood out of harbor. 0602 U.S.S. WATER, underway and stood out of harbor. 0605 U.S.S. MANLEY, Stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0725 U.S.S. HOPKINS, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0727 U.S.S. HOVEY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0830 Mustered crew at quarters - absentees none. 0900 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4. 0930 Commenced making all preparations for getting underway. 0932 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot: Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger: Ducote, B.A. ARM1c, 274 67 37, USN. 0935 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot: Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger: Stevens, W. G., ARM1C, 262 37 08, USN. 0948 Tested main engines. Condition: Satisfactory. 1011 U.S.S. FOOTE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1012 U.S.S. PRINGLE, and U.S.S. CHAS. AUSBURNE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1013 U.S.S. CLAXTON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1023 U.S.S. LST 390, underway and stood out of harbor. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 1025 underway from Berth No. 6, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, 08o 00' S, Long. 156o E, in order to destroy enemy forces attempting to interfere with the landing and capture of Treasury Island. Proceeding in company with Task Group 39.3, Captain Shepard OTC, in U.S.S. CLEVELAND. Task Group consists of the following: U.S.S. CLEVELAND, DENVER and Desron 23. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Ship's draft forward 25' 0", aft 24' 6". Boilers No. 2 & 4 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds, conforming with the channel. 1026 U.S.S. DYSON, underway and stood out of harbor. 1027 U.S.S. SPENCE, underway and stood out of harbor. Cut in Boiler No. 1 on main steam line. 1040 Passed U.S.S. LEVY (DE), and U.S.S. LST 207, close abeam to port. 1047 Passed through inner anti-torpedo net. 1048 Passed through outer anti-torpedo net. 1049 Went to 15 knots (153 RPM). 1051 Cut in Boiler No. 3 in on main steam line. 1052 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). Steadied on course 252o T (PGC). 1053 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to left to 240o T (PGC), successive method. Formed Cruising Formation One. 1105 Passed a floating native punt abeam to starboard. 1106 Changed fleet course and axis, by column movement, to right to 268o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1110 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z", on base course 268o T (PGC), at 20 knots (204 RPM0. 1120 Secured standby unit, No. 1 steering unit. No. 2 steering unit, port cable now in use. 1123 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 268o T (PGC). 1125 Ships left to 228o T (PGC), on signal. 1131 Ships right to 268o T (PGC). 1133 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z". 1140 Five-inch mount No. 1 was placed back in commission.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on base course 268o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z", speed 20 knots (204 RPM). 1215 Passed Savo Island, abeam to starboard, Guadalcanal abeam to port. 1220 Sighted south-eastern tip of Russell Island, bearing 270o T, distance 25 miles. 1231 Ceased zig-zagging, remained on course 278o T (PGC). On signal went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1233 Condition "Red" reported at Tulagi. 1234 Condition "Green" reported at Tulagi. 1241 On signal, executed ships right to 308o T (PGC). 1247 On signal, executed ships left to 278o T (PGC). 1250 On signal, commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z", base course 264o T (PGC). 1300 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 1310 Executed ships left to 224o T (PGC). 1319 Executed ships right to 264o T (PGC). 1329 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z", base course 264o T (PGC). 1345 On signal took position, bearing 039o T (PGC) from guide. 1400 Set condition of Readiness 2.5 (night) 1418 Passed Russell Islands Group, abeam to starboard. 1430 On signal, changed fleet course and axis to the right to 269o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1545 Set Condition of Readiness III.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 263

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U.S. Navy.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on course 269o T (PGC), at 25 knots (258 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 263

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on base course 269o T (PGC), at 25 knots (258 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 12"Z". 1824 Went to General Quarters for "Dusk Alert". 1842 Shifted steering control to Conning Tower. 1902 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 269o T (PGC). 1916 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness III, Material Condition "B".

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 261


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Steaming as before, on base course 315o T (PGC), speed 25 knots (258 RPM). 2009 Changed fleet course and axis to the right to 000o T (PGC), by column movement. 2011 Ships left to 00o T (PGC). 2103 Changed fleet course and axis to 313o T (PGC), by column movement to the left. 2300 Went to General Quarters for action.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 261

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Monday, October 27, 1943
07o 58.5' S
08o 57.5' S
Anchored in Berth No.8,
155o 55' E
157o 40.5' E
Port Purvis Anchorage,
      Florida Island, Solomon
      Island Group.

00 - 04

Steaming in company with Task Group 39.3, (U.S.S. CLEVELAND, DENVER, CLAXTON, DYSON, C.F. AUSBURNE, FOOTE, SPENCE). OTC Captain Shepard in U.S.S. CLEVELAND (guide), in Cruising Formation One, on course 313o T (PGC), at 25 knots (258 RPM). Ship is darkened and at General Quarters, enroute to cover Treasury Island, for its Capture from the Japanese. Boilers 1,2,3 and 4 in use. 0026 Course and axis changed by column movement to the right to 000o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 0036 Slowed to 20 knots (204 RPM). 0046 Ships left to 300o T (PGC). 0050 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 0100 Ships right to 000o T (PGC). 0130 Ships left to 300o T (PGC). 0200 Ships right to 330o T (PGC). 0313 Ships right to 090o T (PGC). 0326 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0333 Japanese plane dropped flare. 0346 Japanese "snooper" dropped flare. 0349 Ships left to 130o T (PGC). 0350 Snooper dropped flashing white float light, bearing 016o T, distance 5 miles. 0351 Ships right to 180o T (PGC). 0353 Snooper dropped flashing white float light bearing 180o T, distance 4 miles. 0354 Ships right to 270o T (PGC). 0356 Slowed to standard speed 15 knots (153 RPM). 0357 Went to 25 knots (258 RPM). 0359 Opened fire on snooper. Results - negative. 0400 Ceased firing.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 257

T. R. Kurtz, Jr.

Lt. Cdr., U. S. Navy.

04 - 08

Steaming as before. 0401 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 0402 Ships left to 225o T (PGC). 0404 Ships left to 180o T (PGC). 0404 Snooper dropped white flare, bearing 132o T, distance 2 miles. 0405 Snooper dropped white flashing float light, bearing 075o T, distance 5 miles. 0407 U.S.S. FOOTE, opened fire on snooper, results negative. 0409 Snooper dropped white flashing float light, bearing 147o T, distance 4 miles. 0410 Ships right to 225o T (PGC). 0413 Snooper dropped white flashing float light, bearing 081o T, distance 5 miles. 0415 Ships right to 270o T (PGC). 0421 Ships right to 315o T (PGC). 0422 Snooper dropped white flashing float light, bearing 107o T, distance 3 miles. 0427 Ships left to 270o T (PGC). 0429 U.S.S. FOOTE, opened fire on snooper. 0431 Ships right to 315o T (PGC). 0434 Went to 20 knots (204 RPM). 0437 Ships right to 000o T (PGC). 0513 Slowed to 15 knots (153 RPM). 0524 Went to 20 knots (258 RPM). 0547 Ships right to 120o T (PGC). 0556 Ships left to 060o T (PGC). 0617 Ships right to 120o T (PGC). 0627 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, at 31 knots (323 RPM). 0700 Ships right to 170o T (PGC), to avoid LCI Group. 0708 Resumed zig-zag plan.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 245.5

T. R. Kurtz, Jr.

Lt. Cdr., U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, ship at General Quarters. 0833 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition of Readiness 3.6 and Material Condition "B". 0900 Changed fleet course and axis to the left to 113o T (PGC). 1159 Shifted steering and engine order telegraph control to pilot house.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 327

T. R. Kurtz, Jr.

Lt. Cdr., U. S. Navy.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, base course 113o T (PGC), at 30 knots (320 RPM). Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1211 Ceased zig-zagging, commenced forming Cruising Formation One. Ships left to 113o T (PGC), base course. Slowed to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1247 Went to 27 knots (284 RPM). 1310 Ceased zig-zagging. Fleet course and axis changed to 094o T (PGC), on signal. 1320 Resumed zig-zagging, ships right to course 099o T (PGC), course 102o T (PGC) to keep station. 1327 Went to 28 knots (296 RPM), on signal. 1337 Went to 29 knots (308 RPM). 1413 Shifted to No. 1 steering unit, starboard cable, from No. 2 unit, port cable. 1452 Slowed to 28 knots (296 RPM). 1455 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. Fleet course and axis changed to 085o T (PGC). 1505 Resumed zig-zagging, ships left to 080o T (PGC). 1521 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 085o T (PGC). 1527 Fleet course and axis changed by column movement to the left to 060o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1538 Resumed zig-zagging and ships right to 065o T (PGC).

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 297

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V (G) USNR.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on base course 060o T (PGC), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, speed 28 knots (302 RPM). 1604 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course. 1605 Sighted Florida Island, bearing 050o T (PGC) distance 50 miles. 1608 On signal, executed ships left to 030o T (PGC). 1616 Executed ships right to 060o T (PGC). 1629 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement, to the right to 090o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1630 Slowed to 25 knots (258 RPM). 1634 Passed Savo Island, abeam to starboard. 1637 Changed fleet course and axis by column movement to right to 120o T (PGC) simultaneous method. 1647 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 17, base course 120o T (PGC). 1705 Completed blowing tubes in all boilers. 1725 On signal, changed fleet course and axis by column movement to left, to 060o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1725 Stationed all special sea and anchor on various courses at various speeds, following movements of column leader, conforming to channel. 1736 Hauled fries under Boiler No.1. 1745 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 3. 1748 Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. 1755 Passed through anti-torpedo nets.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 171

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, proceeding on various courses at various speeds, conforming with channel, entering Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group. 1804 U.S.S. CLEVELAND anchored. 1819 Anchored in Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in 20 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. The ship was placed on two (2) hours notice for getting underway. Regular Condition of Readiness III and sea details set. Anchorage bearings: Ship's head 054o T, Beacon 294o T, "J" 087.5o T, "I" 017o T, "K" 044.1o T. Ship's draft forward 22' 11", aft 24'11". 1829 Secured main engines and steering engines. 1833 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 4. Boiler No. 3 on line for auxiliary purposes. 1837 Secured main steam.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DE-V (G) USNR.

20 - 24

Anchored as before. 2000 Made all preparations for getting underway. 2030 Set special sea and anchor details. Having made all preparations for getting underway, at 2129 Underway from Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, to fuel from YO 164, starboard side to. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Boilers No. 2 & 4 on main steam line. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds conforming to channel. 2210 Moored starboard side to YO 164, with the following lines in use: bow line, fore and after bow springs, stern line, foreand after quarter springs. 2225 Commenced fueling, ship's draft forward 22' 11", aft 24' 11". 2138 Completed fueling, having received 152,061 gallons. Ship's draft forward 23' 10", aft 24' 7". 2334 Underway from alongside YO 164, proceeding to berth No. 8.

L. J. Tobin,

Lt., D-V (G) USNR.

Thursday, October 28, 1943
Anchored in Berth No.8, Port Purvis Anchorage,
Florida Island, Solomon Island Group

00 - 04

Underway in Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, to proceed to Berth No. 8, on completion of fueling from tanker YO 164. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Boilers No. 2 & 4 on main steam line. Steaming on various courses and at various speeds conforming with the channel. Ship's running lights in use along with both port and starboard 36" searchlights and 24" searchlights. 0003 Anchored in Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, in 20 fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Secured running lights. 0010 Secured main engines and steering engines. The ship is darkened, Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Following anchorage bearings: Ship's head 045o T, Beacon I 13.9o T, "J" 087o T, "B" 291o T. Ships present: U.S.S. CLEVELAND (OTC), COLUMBIA, DENVER, SOUTHARD, STANLEY, THATCHER, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, DYSON, SPENCE, FOOTE, SLEFRIDGE, JENKINS, LST 446 LST 167, LST 395, LST 488, LST 477, LST 449, LST 460, LST 770, LST 472, LCI 21, LCI 66, LCI 62, LCI 57, LEVY, HOVEY, HOPKINS, ARGONNE, YO 164 also various district U.S. Naval and auxiliary craft.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0612 U.S.S. EATON, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0624 U.S.S. RENSHAW, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0647 U.S.S. STRINGHAM and U.S.S. DENT, stood in and anchored in assigned berths. 0652 U.S.S. WATERS, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0710 U.S.S. BUCHANAN, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0725 U.S.S. DYSON and U.S.S. STANLEY, underway and stood out of harbor.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0821 U.S.S. CLEVELAND, underway to shift berth. 0830 Mustered crew on stations. No absentees. 1110 U.S.S. STANLEY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1140 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1145 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. Made daily inspection of smokeless powder sample - condition normal. 1432 U.S.S. CONWAY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1458 U.S.S. KILTY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1508 U.S.S. MC KEAN, WARD and PRINGLE, stood in and anchored in assigned berth.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Anchored as before. 1625 U.S.S. LST 472, underway and stood out of harbor. 1700 U.S.S. CROSBY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1710 U.S.S. LCI 57, underway and stood out of harbor.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Anchored as before. 1807 U.S.S. PRINGLE, underway and moored alongside U.S.S. CONWAY.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy.

20 - 24

Anchored as before. 2210 U.S.S. CONY, stood in and moored alongside U.S.S. ARGONNE.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Friday, October 29, 1943
Anchored in Berth No.8, Port Purvis Anchorage,
Florida Island, Solomon Island Group

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, in 20 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to port anchor. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. COLUMBIA, CLEVELAND, CHARLES AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, SPENCE, FOOTE, SELFRIDGE, STANLEY, THATCHER, JENKINS, EATON, RENSHAW, PRINGLE, CONWAY, CONY, BUCHANAN, CONFLICT, SOUTHARD, DARING, MC CALLA, CROSBY, WARD, MC KEAN, KILTY, STRINGHAM, DENT, BREESE, WATERS, HOVEY, HOPKINS, ARGONNE, PATAPSCO, BOBLINK, APACHE, DORSEY, S.S. GEO. W. INGRAM, MATAI (New Zealand), and various yard and district craft. SOPA in the U.S.S. COLUMBIA (CTG 39.2).


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0607 U.S.S. STANLEY, underway and stood out of harbor. 0627 S.S. GEO. W. INGRAM, underway and stood out of harbor. 0628 U.S.S. BRENNAN, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0653 U.S.S. MC CALLA underway and stood out of harbor. 0655 U.S.S. BREESE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. U.S.S. SICARD, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0700 U.S.S. GAMBLE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0715 U.S.S. RENSHAW, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0730 U.S.S. PATAPSCO, underway and stood out of harbor. 0738 U.S.S. MANLEY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0740 U.S.S. SAUFLEY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0745 U.S.S. BOBLINK, underway and stood out of harbor. 0749 U.S.S. PHILIP, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0811 U.S.S. APACHE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0850 U.S.S. SAUFLEY, underway to shift berth. 0859 U.S.S. MONTPELIER stood in and moored starboard side to YO 164. 0900 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt. J. G. Lightburn, USNR. Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt. K. H. Brooks, USNR. 0900 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0912 U.S.S. NASHVILLE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0922 U.S.S. CONVERSE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0932 U.S.S. NASHVILLE, underway and moored port side to YO 164. 1040 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. Hoisted plane No 8 aboard. 1045 Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1045 Lit fires under Boiler No. 4. 1102 U.S.S. MONTPELIER, underway and anchored in berth assigned. 1115 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and moored alongside YO 164. 1130 U.S.S. NASHVILLE, underway and anchored in berth assigned. 1145 U.S.S. DORSEY, underway and stood out of harbor.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U.S.N.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. 1214 U.S.S. BREESE, underway and stood out of harbor. 1217 U.S.S. STANLEY, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 1250 U.S.S. HOPKINS, underway and stood out of harbor. 1255 U.S.S. MC CALLA, and U.S.S. SOUTHARD, underway and stood out of harbor. Cut Boiler No. 4 in on main steam line. 1258 Secured Boiler No. 2. 1310 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot Ens. E. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt. H. M. Brinser, USN. 1330 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Lt.(jg) H. Bress, USN. Half-masted colors, following movements of U.S.S. CONY. 1420 Hoisted plane No. 8 aboard. 1440 Lit fires underway Boiler No. 3. 1444 S.S. RICHARD YATES, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. Hoisted plane No. 7 aboard. 1535 U.S.S. WHITNEY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1600 U.S.S. SOUTHARD, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Anchored as before.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Anchored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Anchored as before.


Lt. U.S.N.

Saturday, October 30, 1943
Anchored in Berth No.8, Port Purvis Anchorage,
Florida Island, Solomon Island Group

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, in 20 fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain to port anchor. Ship is darkened, Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B" set. Boiler No. 3 in use for auxiliary purposes. The ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER (SOPA), COLUMBIA, CLEVELAND, DENVER, NASHVILLE, CHAS. AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, DYSON, SPENCE, SELFRIDGE, THATCHER, JENKINS, CONY, PRINGLE, CONWAY, BUCHANAN, RENSHAW, EATON, LEVY, KILTY, MC KEAN, CONVERSE, FARENHOLT, STANLEY, SAUFLEY, BROOKS, WARD, WALLER, CROSBY, SOUTHARD, HOVEY, STRINGHAM, BREESE, DENT, WATERS, TRACEY, ARISTAEUS, ARGONNE, ADVENT, MARTIN, WHITNEY, APACHE, FOOTE, ROBERT LUCAS, PHILIP, S.S. RICHARD YATES, HMAS MATAI, various landing and patrol craft.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0630 HMAS T234, stood in and anchored in assigned berth. 0642 HMAS MATAI, underway and stood out of harbor. 0642 U.S.S. CONY, underway, in tow, and stood out of harbor.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Anchored as before. Mustered crew on stations - absentees - none. 0826 U.S.S. LST488, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0845 U.S.S. LST390, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0900 U.S.S. ATASCOSA, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. U.S.S. BREESE underway and stood out of harbor. 0928 Went to General Quarters for drills. 0935 U.S.S. PRUITT, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 0950 Set Condition of Readiness II in Gunnery Department. 1000 Secured all unnecessary personnel from General Quarters set Material Condition "B'. Followed movements of U.S.S. ARGONNE, in half-masting colors. 1025 Set Condition of Readiness III. 1035 Two-blocked colors. 1115 U.S.S. TRACY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1150 S.S. AMY LOWELL, stood in and anchored in berth assigned.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Anchored as before. 1215 U.S.S. ADVENT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1300 Made weekly inspection of magazines, smokeless powder samples, pyrotechnics, magazine, shell stowage and hangar space sprinklers, conditions normal. 1305 U.S.S. MARTIN, underway and stood out of harbor. 1306 U.S.S. CLAXTON, underway to shift berth. 1308 U.S.S. ROBERT LUCAS, underway and stood out of harbor. U.S.S. THATCHER, underway and moored alongside YO 164. 1309 S.S. AMY LOWELL, underway and stood out of harbor. 1318 U.S.S. DYSON, underway to shift berth. 1320 U.S.S. FOOTE, underway and moored alongside YO 164. 1327 U.S.S. AUSTERHASS, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1330 U.S.S. SPENCE, underway to shift berth. U.S.S. MONTGOMERY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1340 U.S.S. BREESE, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1352 U.S.S. THATCHER, underway to shift berth. 1455 Hoisted out plane No. 8. Pilot, Lt.(jg) W. R. Andrews, A-V(N), USNR; passenger, Ens. G. G. Yesko, A-V(N), USNR. 1500 Hoisted out plane No. 7. Pilot Lt.(jg) A. B. Haseltine, A-V(N), USNR; passenger Haeling, W. J., ARM3c, USNR. 1525 U.S.S. FARENHOLT, underway and stood out of harbor. 1530 U.S.S. BUCHANAN, underway and stood out of harbor.

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U. S. Navy.

16 - 18

Anchored as before. 1615 U.S.S. WALLER, underway and stood out of harbor. 1634 U.S.S. TRACY, stood in and anchored in berth assigned. 1702 U.S.S. PHILIP, underway and stood out of harbor. 1708 U.S.S. SAUFLEY, underway and stood out of harbor. 1752 U.S.S. CONY, stood in and moored alongside U.S.S. ARGONNE.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

18 - 20

Anchored as before. 1940 Pursuant to the orders of the Commanding Officer, US Pacific Fleet Photo Interpretation Squadron One, Lt.(jg) L.E. Nugent, Jr. A(V)S, USNR and Lt.(jg) F.R. Kerr, A(V)S, USNR reported on board for temporary duty.


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

Anchored as before.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

Sunday, October 31, 1943
09o 26.2' S
09o 02.3' S
06o 56.8' S
158o 43.5' E
157o 18.0' E
154o 47.7' E

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 8, Port Purvis Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Islands Group, in 20 fathoms of water with 60 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Ship is darkened, Material Condition "B" and Condition of Readiness III set. Boiler No. 3 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. MONTPELIER (SOPA - CTF 39), CLEVELAND, COLUMBIA, DENVER, NASHVILLE, CHARLES AUSBURNE, CLAXTON, DYSON, SPENCE, FOOTE, SELFRIDGE, THATCHER, SELFRIDGE, CONY, JENKINS, CONWAY, CONFLICT, RENSHAW, CONVERSE, STANLEY, FARENHOLT, PRUITT, BRENNAN, LEVY, BREESE, KILTY, MC KEAN, BROOKS, WARD, MANLEY, MONTGOMERY, TRACY, CROSBY, SOUTHARD, HOVEY, STRINGHAM, WATERS, ADROIT, SICARD, GAMBLE, ARISTAEUS, TUMULT, EATON, DENT, HAUSTERHAUSS, ARGONNE, WHITNEY, APACHE, ATASCOSA, S.S. RICHARD YATES, and numerous smaller auxiliary and base craft. 0030 Lit fires under Boilers No. 1,2, and 4. 0116 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 1. 0140 Cut in boiler No. 2 on main steam line. 0145 Tested steering engines, condition satisfactory. 0152 U.S.S. FOOTE, THATCHER, SPENCE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0155 U.S.S. CHARLES AUSBURNE, underway and stood out of harbor. 0158 Tested main engines, conditions satisfactory. 0200 Stationed all special sea and anchor details. 0207 Hauled fires under Boiler No. 4. 0221 Having made all preparations for getting underway at 0221 underway from Berth No. 8, Purvis Bay Anchorage, Florida Island, Solomon Island Group, in accordance with directive of Commander Third Fleet, Operational Orders 16B-43 and 16C-43, to proceed to bombard Buka Island Airfield and islands in the Shortlands Area in order to cover the invasion and capture of Empress Augusta Bay, Bouganville Island, and then to remain in the vicinity of Vella Lavella, in order to defend the landing forces during landing and retirement. Proceeding in company with Task Force 39, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill, OTC in U.S.S. MONTPELIER. Task Group consists of CruDiv 12 and DesRon 23 (less U.S.S. AULICK). The Captain is at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Ship's draft forward 25' 0", aft 24' 6". Boilers No. 2 and 3 in use. Proceeding on various courses and at various speeds, conforming to channel. 0258 Passed through inner torpedo nets. 0305 Passed Net channel entrance buoy, abeam to port, course 240o T (PGC). 0335 Secured all special sea and anchor details. 0356 On station in Cruising Formation One, 1,000 yards astern of U.S.S. COLUMBIA, course 270o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM).

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U. S. Navy.

04 - 08

Steaming as before on course 270o T (PGC), speed 20 knots (200 RPM), in Cruising Formation One. 0409 Changed fleet course and axis to the left, by column movement to 260o T (PGC), by simultaneous method. 0441 Changed fleet course and axis to the right, by column movement to 285o T (PGC), by simultaneous method. 0520 Changed fleet course and axis to the left, to 250o T (PGC), by column movement, simultaneous method. 0520 Formed Cruising Formation Two. 0535 Went to 23 knot (234 RPM). 0537 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0749 Changed fleet course and axis to 260o T (PGC) by column movement to the right, simultaneous method.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 222

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

08 - 12

Steaming as before, on base course 293o T (PGC), speed 23 knots (234 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters - no absentees. 0838 Sighted Gatukai Island, bearing 327o T (PGC), distance 39 miles. 0930 Held Divine Services for Officers and crew. 1000 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples - conditions normal. 1010 Passed large convoy to starboard, on parallel course, distance 18,000 yards. 1016 Went to 24 knots (245 RPM). 1103 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 1104 Commenced maneuvering to clear convoy. 1140 Resumed zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 293o T (PGC). 1145 Passed twelve (12) transports with escorts to starboard, distance 12,000 yards. 1150 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 234.5


Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

12 - 16

Steaming as before, on base course 293o T (PGC), speed 24 knots (245 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1219 Changed fleet course and axis to 303o T (PGC), by column movement, simultaneous method. 1222 Changed fleet course and axis to the right to 303o T (PGC), by column movement, simultaneous method. 1223 Went to 26 knots (269 RPM). 1229 Slowed to 24 knots (245 RPM). 1231 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6, base course 303o T (PGC), speed 24 knots (245 RPM). 1236 Slowed to 23 knots (237 RPM). 1335 Secured Pitometer Log for minor repairs. 1417 Pitometer Log back in commission. 1436 Passed Simba Island to starboard. 1443 Cut in Boiler No. 1 on main steam line. 1448 Cut in Boiler No. 4 on main steam line. 1506 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 303o T (PGC). 1508 Went to 29 knots (306 RPM). Changed fleet course and axis to the right, by column movement to 317o T (PGC), simultaneous method. 1515 Slowed to 27 knots (282 RPM), fleet speed, on signal.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 250

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V (G) U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before, on base course 317o T (PGC), at 27 knots (282 RPM), zig-zagging in accordance with plan No. 6. 1637 On signal, went to 29 knots (306 RPM). 1638 On signal, ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 317o T (PGC). 1710 Sighted Treasury Island, bearing 335o T (PGC), distance 30 miles.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 295

E. E. BALL, Jr.,

Lt. U. S. Navy.

18 - 20

Steaming as before, on course 317o T (PGC), at 29 knots (306 RPM), In Cruising Formation Two. 1801 Changed fleet course and axis to the left to 309o T (PGC), by column movement, simultaneous method. 1811 Ships right to 039o T (PGC). 18-14 Ships left to 309o T (PGC). 1814 Formed "Special Column" Formation, Cruisers at standard distance. 1849 Went to General Quarters. 1905 Shifted control of steering and engines to Conning Tower.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 305

J. P. Wiley,

Lt. DE-V (G) U.S.N.R.

20 - 24

In company with Task Force 39, making approach along west coast of Bouganville, Solomons Islands, preparatory to bombardment of Japanese military installations in Buka Area. ComTaskForce 39, Rear Admiral A. S. Merrill in U.S.S. MONTPELIER, in command. Force present composed of CruDiv 12 (U.S.S. MONTPELIER, CLEVELAND, COLUMBIA, DENVER), and DesRon 23 (ComDesRon 23 in U.S.S. C. F. AUSBURNE). Cruisers in column; two (2) destroyers on axis 3,000 yards astern, five (5) destroyers on axis ahead and one destroyer as picket, maintaining bearing of 310o T (PGC) from U.S.S. MONTPELIER, distant 15,000 yards. Fleet course and axis 309o T (PGC), fleet speed 29 knots (299 RPM). Operating in accordance ComTaskForce 39 operation order 3-43 of 29 October 1943. All boilers in use. Ship's company at battle stations. 2100 Changed fleet course and axis to 000o T (PGC). 2300 Increased cruiser distance to 1500 yards. 215 Reduced speed to 20 knots (200 RPM). 2351 Changed course to 090o T (PGC) by column movement, conforming to plan.

Av. Steam 600

Av. RPM 296.4


Commander, U.S. Navy.

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