CL 58

JANUARY 1, 1943


JANUARY 31, 1943

Friday, January 1, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Operating

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Area

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Chesapeake

 00 - 04

Anchored in Area "C", Chesapeake Bay in 6 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor, on the following bearings: Wolf Trap Light 202o T., Stingray Point Light 286oT., and Windmill Point Light 307oT. Ship's head 180o T. In Condition III and Condition "B". Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Continuing repair on ship's after crane. Ships present: U.S.S. CHARGER, U.S.S. POLLUX, U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA).

E. F. Baldwin, Lieut., U.S.N.R.

04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0530 Lighted fires under No. 4 boiler. 0745 Made preparations for getting underway.

J. H. Caldwell, Lieut., U.S.N.


08 - 12

Anchored as before. At 0812 Coast Guard Cutter #83367 came along starboard side. At 0815 sounded Flight Quarters. At 0831 underway steering at various courses and speeds recovering plane, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.), Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on bridge. At 0930 hoisted plane #4861 aboard. At 1021 commenced firing A.A.B.P. "B2" to starboard. At 1023 ceased firing, 58 rounds expended. At 1124 commenced firing A.A.B.P. "B2" to port. At 1125 ceased firing, 60 rounds expended.

H. M. Brinser, Lieut. (jg), U.S.N.

12 - 16

Steaming as before. 1226 All engines stopped. 1230 C.G. 83367 came alongside to starboard and received aboard the camera party. 1235 Sounded Flight Quarters. 1245 C.G. 83367 cast off lines and left from alongside. 1316 On course 205o T., speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.), catapulted plane #5861 from the port catapult. Pilot Ens. A. B. Hazeltine and observer Rasmussen, RM1/c. 1317 Changed course to 180o T. Changed speed to 10 knots (96 R.P.M.) 1318 Sounded General Quarters. 1357 Changed course to 000o T. Secured from General Quarters. 1422 Changed course to 020o T. 1436 Changed course to 340o T. 1446 Changed course to 000o T. 1447 Sounded Flight Quarters. 1510 Changed course to 348o T. Plane #5861 recovered, "C" method. 1524 Changed course to 345o T. Changed speed to 20 knots, 193 R.P.M.

K. P. Houlihan, Lieut., U.S.N.R


16 -18

Steaming as before, various courses on standard speed of 15 knots (145 R.P.M.) to anchorage. 1737 Anchored in Bombardment Area "A", in 6 fathoms of water, with 50 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. Ship's head 352.5o T. with the following bearings: Hooper Island Light 331.7o T., Obstruction Bell Buoy No. 16BB 211.8oT., and Point No Point 241oT. 1744 Secured engines. No. 4 boiler in use for auxiliary. Draft anchoring Forward 23' 11", Aft 24' 0". Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M.

E. F. Baldwin, Lieut., U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Anchored as before.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Anchored as before. About 1500, 30 Dec. 1942, during plane operations the sprinkling system in the airplane hangar was accidently operated causing flooding of the hangar deck and leakage into the provision storerooms immediately below. Subsequent examination disclosed that on of the thermostatic relays had tripped the sprinkling system for reasons unknown. The cause of the leakage into the provision storeroom is in the process of being determined.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy

 Saturday, January 2, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Operating

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Chesapeake

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude

 00 - 04

Anchored in Chesapeake Bay, Bombardment Area "A", in 6 fathoms of water, with 50 fathoms of chain out to the starboard anchor, on the following bearings: Hooper Island Light 331.7o T., Obstruction Bell Buoy #16BB 211.8oT., Point No Point 241oT. No. 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship in Material Condition "Baker" and Condition III.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0630 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 0700 Hoisted out No. 1 motor launch. 0745 Made preparations for getting underway. Draft Forward 23' 11", Aft 24' 0".

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Anchored as before. At 0800, Mustered crew at quarters. 0810 Manned Flight Quarters stations. 0814 Underway on boilers Nos. 2 and 4, Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge, steering various courses and speeds preparing to launch aircraft. Standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.) 0850 Launched plane #4804 to starboard, Ens. W. R. Andrews, Pilot and J. M. Ramussen, R1/c, observer. 0859 Manned all General Quarters stations and commenced maneuvering for Shore Bombardment Practice runs. 0916 Commenced Shore Bombardment Practice. 0926 Commenced firing first phase to port. 0940 Completed first phase. 0952 Commenced firing phase two to starboard. 0958 Completed phase two. 1024 Commenced firing phase three to port. 1030 Completed phase three. 1045 commenced firing phase four to starboard. 1117 Completed phase four and Shore Bombardment Practice. 24 rounds of 6" ammunition expended and 56 rounds of 5" ammunition expended, no casualties. 1119 Secured from General Quarters and set Condition III. 1124 Manned Flight Quarters stations for recovering aircraft. Commenced steering various courses and speeds for recovering aircraft. 1147 Recovered plane #4804 by "C" method to port. 1159 Recovered plane #4861 by "C" method to starboard.

Average steam 600lbs. Average R.P.M. 52.8

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Steaming as before on various courses and speeds preparing to stream paravanes and to catapult aircraft. At 1240 YP 554 came along port side. At 1244 YP 554 cast off. At 1336 streamed paravanes. At 1352 recovered paravanes. At 1426 Lieut. (jg) R. E. Peery, U.S.N.R. returned to the ship having completed temporary additional duty ashore. At 1508 catapulted plane #4861, Pilot Ens. Allison, observer Cernede, AMM 3/c. Steaming on various courses conforming to channel. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 117.2.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant. (jg), U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Steaming as before on course 180o T. Speed 20 knots (193 R.P.M.). 1614 Changed speed to 15 knots. 1619 Changed speed to 10 knots. 1622 All engines stopped, preparing to recover plane ("C" recovery). Plane So3C4861 fouled sled and sled was cut loose. Pontoon damaged by hitting sled. 1647 Plane was hoisted aboard. All engines ahead 20 knots (193 R.P.M.) on course 180o T. enroute to anchorage. The following ammunition was expended this date: 24 rounds 6"/47 cal. projectiles Comm. K 28-1 L & F Exp "D", 24 rounds 6'/47 cartridges 2PK 1787 Wt. Of charge 33.2 I.V. 2500 F.S., 56 5"/38 Projectiles MK 31-10 A.A. Comm L & F, 56 5"/38 Cartridges SDON 2845 Wt. Of Chg. 14.75, I.V. 2600 F.S. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 118.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before. 1819 Anchored in Area "D", in 7 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, ship's head 183oT. on the following bearings: Wolf Trap Light 241o T., and Degaussing Range 181.5oT. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. 1840 Allowed fires to die out under boiler No. 4.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Anchored as before.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy

 Sunday, January 3, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Operating

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Areas

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Chesapeake

 00 - 04

Anchored in Area "D" in Chesapeake Bay in 7 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain out to the port anchor on the following bearings: Wolf Trap, 241o T., and Degaussing Range 181.5oT. Boiler No. 2 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship darkened except for anchor lights and in Condition III and "Baker". Ships present: U.S.S. CHARGER.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0645 Lighted fires under No. 4 boiler. 0730 Stationed special sea details. Draft of ship on getting underway 23' 9" Forward, 24' Aft.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Anchored as before, making preparations for getting underway. 0806 Underway, Captain at Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on bridge, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.). Boilers Nos. 1 & 2 in use. Lieut. Comdr. P. K. Wells took over Conn for ship handling exercise. 0820 Captain at Conn, various courses and speeds to Degaussing Range. 0830, Held quarters for muster. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0850 Motor launch from U.S.S. HANNIBAL came alongside and degaussing officers, Ensigns Woodward and Axton came aboard. 0935 Started Battle Problem. 0936 Exercised crew at General Quarters. 0955 Degaussing officers, Ensigns Woodward and Axton left ship. 1003 Completed exercise of Battle Problem. 1005 Commenced degaussing runs at various courses and speeds. 1115 Exercised crew at Flight Quarters. 1134 Completed degaussing runs. 1136 Maneuvering to pick up plane by "C" method. 1159 Plane No. 4833, pilot Lieut. Menke and observer Hendershort, AM1/c, landed on starboard quarter.

Average steam 600lbs. Average R.P.M. 92.8

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before. 1200 Plane #4833 hoisted aboard. 1245 Manned Flight Quarter stations. 1300 Commenced steering various courses and speeds for ship handling drill. 1337 Launched plane #4861 from port catapult, Ensign A. C. Hazeltine, pilot, and Ensign. L.G. Christianson, observer. 1350 Streamed towing spar for dive bombing runs. 1403 Launched plane #4804 from starboard catapult, Ens. W. R. Andrews, pilot, and Ensign B. Allison, observer. Completed ship handling drill. 1436 Completed dive bombing runs. Retrieved towing spar. 1437 Manned flight quarter stations. 1445 Commenced maneuvering to recover aircraft. 1503 Recovered plane #4861 by "C" method. 1505 Recovered plane #4804 by "C" method. 1510 commenced maneuvering for Navy photography plane, making pictures of various types of landings. 1525 Made "C" recovery to starboard. 1544 Made "C" recovery to port.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Steaming as before. At 1614 recovered both sleds. At 1615 completed lower deck inspection. At 1639 all engines ahead full on course 165o T. proceeding to anchorage. At 1720 anchored in Chesapeake Bay in 8 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, on the following true bearings: Degaussing Range 177.5o T., Buoy 10E 028.5oT. 1735 Secured No. 4 boiler. At 1800 darkened ship except for anchor lights.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy


18 - 20

Anchored as before.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Anchored as before.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Monday, January 4, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Area C

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Enroute to

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Hampton Roads,

 00 - 04

Anchored in Chesapeake Bay in 8 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, on the following true bearings: Degaussing Range 177o T., Buoy #10E 028.5oT. Boiler No. 2 steaming for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. HANNIBAL, CHARGER. Ship in Condition III and Material Condition "Baker".

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Anchored as before. At 0500 lighted fires under Nos. 1 and 3 boilers. At 0655 died out fires under No. 2 boiler. At 0742 underway for Hampton Roads, Va., Captain and Navigator on bridge, Executive Officer at the Conn, on various courses and speeds conforming to channel, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.).

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant. (jg), U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Steaming as before on courses to conform with channel at speed of 20 knots (193 R.P.M.). Held quarters for muster of the crew. 0845 Commenced General Drills. 0845 Held fire drill, first stream of water scene of fire at 0848. 0855 Secured from Fire Drill. 0905 Changed course to 180o T. 0910 Held collision drill. 0920 Secured from collision drill. 0931 Held abandon ship drill. 0945 Secured from abandon ship drill. 1044 Passed through submarine net. 1110 Anchored at Hampton Roads, Va., Berth No. 24 in 11 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain out to the port anchor on the following bearings: Clock Tower 140.5o T., Middle Ground Light 234oT., Willoughby Spit 110.5o T. 1124 Secured main engines and all unnecessary boilers. No. 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes.

Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 137.6

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Anchored as before. 1305 Veered to 60 fathoms chain to port anchor. 1423, Pathe camera party left ship with equipment. 1430 Hoisted No. 1 motor whale boat to port rail, No. 1 motor launch riding at starboard quarter boom with engineer and coxswain in boat. No. 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

Anchored as before.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


18 - 20

Anchored as before.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieut. (jg), U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Anchored as before. 2022, The following named representatives of the U. S. Rubber Co., came aboard to test rangefinder vibration: W. C. Kup, P. W. Dwight, A. M. Jackson.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

  Tuesday, January 5, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Hampton Roads, Virginia

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Area "C", Chesapeake Bay

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Hampton Roads, Virginia

 00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 24 at Hampton Roads, Va. in 11 1/2; fathoms of water, with 60 fathoms of chain out to the port anchor, on the following bearings: Clock Tower 140.5o T., Middle Ground Light 234oT., Willoughby Spit 110.5o T. Boiler No. 3 in use for auxiliary purposes. Ship in condition III and material condition "Baker". Ships present: US.S. ALCOR (SOPA), U.S.S. TUSCALOOSA, U.S.S. ARKANSAS, U.S.S. HAMILTON, U.S.S. FORREST, U.S.S. FITCH, U.S.S. CARRY, U.S.S. HOBSON, and various yard and district craft.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Anchored as before.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Anchored as before. At 0900, held quarters for muster, and captain's inspection. At 0920 Tug E. V. McCULLEY came alongside to port amidships with M & MT Lighter #62. At 0945 lit off boiler No. 1. At 1030 floating crane MARY ANN came alongside port fantail to remove wrecked plane. At 1113 YT 24 cast off with M 7 MT Lighter #62. At 1116 MARY ANN cast off. At 1131 underway standing out Hampton Roads, Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on bridge. Steaming at various courses and speed conforming to channel, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.).

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant. (jg), U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Steaming as before on various courses conforming with channel, speed 10 knots (96 R.P.M.). 1330, Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1333 All engines stopped. 1334 Anchored with starboard anchor, preparing to let go port anchor to make a Flying Moor. 1337 Moored in Chesapeake Bay in 9 fathoms of water, with a Flying Moor, with 45 fathoms of chain out to the port anchor and 30 fathoms of chain out to the starboard anchor. 1400 Commenced special tests for Bureau of Ordnance. 1424 Launched Plane #4804 from the port catapult, Ensign L. G. Christison, Pilot and Mielan, T. J., AMM 2/c, observer. 1430, Sounded Pay Call for semi-monthly payment of crew. 1432 Launched Plane #4061 from port catapult. Pilot W. R. Andrew, Ens., V. Henderstreet, observer, AMM1/c.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

On January 2, 1943, Francis X. Cuisinier, CSp(A)(AA) USNR, took the oath of office and was made a Lieutenant (jg) and reported for active duty aboard the U. S. S. Denver. He had served aboard this ship since 26 October 1942. 1601 Made preparations for getting underway, draft Forward 23' 6", Aft 23' 10". 1650 Hoisted starboard anchor. Completed gunnery tracking exercises. 1653 Underway, port anchor clear of water, Captain at Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator bridge, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.) Boilers Nos. 1 and 3 in use for steaming. Various courses and speeds. To Hampton Boads Channel. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 143.4.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before. 1832 Anchored in Berth No. 24, Hampton Roads, Virginia in 12 fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, on the following true bearings: Thimble Shoals Light 064.5o ,Fort Wool 069o, Old Point Comfort 046.8o , Middle Ground Light 233.8o. 1848 Secured main engines, boiler #3 steaming for auxiliary purposes.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Anchored as before. At 2045, Captain Royal Jamison, R.N., came aboard.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieut. (jg), U. S. Navy

  Wednesday, January 6, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Anchored in

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Virginia.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude At Anchor, Outer End of

00 - 04

Anchored in Berth No. 24, Hampton Roads, Virginia in 12 fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, on the following bearings: Thimble Shoals Light 064.5o T., Fort Wool 069o T., Old Pt. Comfort 046.7o T., Clock Tower 136o T., Middle Ground 233.8oT. No. 3 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Anchored as before. 0500 Swung to flood tide, stern to starboard. Pursuant to orders Commanding Officer, N.O.B. Norfolk, Va. 40' M.B. No. 4, Hull No. 16437, has been assigned for use of this ship, using ship's crew, as of 2100, 5 January, 1942. 0740 Lighted fires under No. 1 boiler.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Anchored as before. 0815, Mustered crew at quarters. 0900, The Bureau of Aeronautics camera party, Lieut. Booth in charge, left the ship. 0900 Hoisted out Plane #4833, pilot Ens. Allison, observer Ens. Hazeltine. 0920 Secured No. 1 boiler. 0945 Received fuel oil barge YO-139 along port side. 0955 Commenced fueling ship. Draft 23' 7", Draft aft 23' 9". 1035 Received supply barge, WORTHINGTON on starboard quarter. 1052 U.S.S. TUSCALOOSA anchored on the port quarter, distance 1000 yards. 1100, Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples; conditions normal.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Anchored as before. At 1217 U.S.S. WORTHINGTON cast off. At 1355 U.S.S. WORTHINGTON came alongside port fantail. At 1427 U.S.S WORTHINGTON cast off. At 1505, the following named civilians reported aboard for temporary duty from General Electric: Mr. S. A. Berg; Mr. H. L. Davis; and Mr. R. L. Jackson. At 1530 completed receiving fuel having received 3045 bbls., draft Forward 24' 0", Aft 24' 6". At 1549 YO-139 cast off.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieut. (jg), U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Anchored as before.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Anchored as before. 2126, Pursuant to the orders of Commander Service Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, a camera party of six men and two officers, Lieut. (jg) Robinson in charge, came aboard for transportation to accompanying destroyer. 2130 Made preparations for getting underway. 2201 Underway on boilers No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge. Steering various courses and speeds, proceeding out the channel. Standard speed 15 knots, (145 R.P.M.).

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


Thursday, January 7, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 37o 00.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 37o 16.6' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 38o 49.8' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming as before 110o T, speed 10 knots, standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.) standing out of Chesapeake Bay. Ship darkened in Condition III and "Baker". At 1204 anchored with Cape Henry Light bearing 148o T. 4600 yds., in 7 fathoms of water with 30 fathoms of chain to the port anchor. At 0230 U.S.S. JEFFERS hove to on starboard quarter. At 0240 transferred camera party to U.S.S. JEFFERS. At 0240, transferred camera party with equipment to accompanying destroyer. At 0326 underway in company with U.S.S. JEFFERS on course 119o T., speed 10 knots (96 R.P.M.), standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.). Steering various courses and speeds conforming to channel. At 0347 secured navigational lights.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Steaming as before on various courses and speeds to conform with the channel. 0655 Steadied on course 100o T., speed 20 knots. 0730 Sounded General Quarters (dawn alert). 0730 Commenced zigzagging on base course 100o T in accordance with Plan #6. 0745 Commenced full power run.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 08 - 12

0800 Ship's position Lat. 37o 00.5' N., Long. 37o 00.5' N. by D.R.T., distance made good since 0657 - 31.5 miles. Gyro error 0o3' W. Steaming as before, crew at General Quarters, dawn alert. 0830 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition III, Watch II, Condition "Baker". 0830, Held quarters for muster. Made daily inspection of magazines and powder samples (smokeless), conditions normal. 0943 Commenced firing starboard 40 mm. mounts at free balloon, same shot down. 0955-1007 Fired at two free balloons with 40 mm. mounts, negative results. 1030 Changed to base course of 317o T., using zig-zag plan #6. 1145 Completed full power run. 1149 Slowed to 340 R.P.M. from approximate 360 R.P.M. and commenced smoke prevention run. Average Steam 574 lbs. Average R.P.M. 354.3.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before. 1345 Completed smoke prevention run and commenced slowing down to 20 knots. 1350 Manned all General Quarters stations in preparation for firing drone practice and offset training practice. 1412 Commenced firing starboard battery at drone. 1417 Ceased firing. 1420 Commenced firing port battery at drone. 1425 Ceased firing, drone shot down on port beam. Completed drone practice, no casualties. 1516 Secured No. 1 boiler. 1524 Commenced steering various courses maneuvering for offset training practice. 1527 Secured No. 3 boiler. 1540 Commenced firing main battery to starboard. 1555 Ceased firing, no casualties. Practice not completed due to bad visibility. 1559 Secured from General Quarters, set Condition III and Material Condition "Baker". Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 273.5.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Steaming as before on course 260o T speed 20 knots. At 1728 passed buoy No. 2 Delaware Entrance Channel 100 yards abeam to starboard; steering various courses conferring to channel.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant. (jg), U. S. Navy


18 - 20

Steaming as before on various courses conforming to the channel. 1924 All engines stopped. 1926 Pilot White came aboard. 1930 All engines ahead 5 knots (47 R.P.M.) Pilot at the Conn, Captain and Navigator on the bridge. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 171.5.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 20 - 24

Steaming as before, various courses and speed up channel. 2016 Anchored in Delaware Bay off Brandywine Shoal in 10 fathoms of water with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor on the following bearings: Harbor Refuge Breakwater South Light 191o T., North Light 204.5o T., Overfalls 153.5o T., ship's head 152o T. 2030 Light snow falling. Draft upon anchoring Forward 23' 4", Aft 24' 0". During watch boilers Nos. 2 & 4 in use.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Friday, January 8, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 39o 21.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at Navy Yard,

 00 - 04

Anchored in Delaware Bay off Brandywine Shoal in 10 fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor, on the following true bearings: Harbor Refuge Breakwater South Light 191o T., North Light 204.5o T. and Overfalls 153.5o T. Boilers Nos 2 and 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. 0130 Made preparations for getting underway. 0200 Underway on Boilers Nos. 2 & r, Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer and Navigator on the bridge, steering various courses and speeds proceeding up channel. Standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.). 0204 Pilot took the Conn. 0205 JEFFERS got underway and took position astern, following DENVER up channel.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Naval Reserve


04 - 08

Steaming as before on various courses conforming to channel. At 0442 anchored in 7 1/2; fathoms of water with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor in the Delaware River. At 0505 underway shifting berths. At 0511 anchored in Delaware River in 7 1/2; fathoms of water, with 45 fathoms of chain to the port anchor with Ship John Shoal Light bearing 111.5o T. distance 2450 yds. At 0738 underway for Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Penna., in Delaware River steering various courses and speeds conforming to channel, Captain at the Conn, Executive Officer, Navigator, and Pilot on the bridge. Standard Speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.)

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant. (jg), U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Steaming as before on various courses and speeds to conform with the channel enroute to the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Daily inspection of magazines and S.P. Samples was made. Conditions normal. Average Steam, 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 116.1.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before. Various courses and speeds up channel toward Navy Yard, Philadelphia. 1207 Anchored off Pier No. 2, Navy Yard to await tugs. 1212 Secured from quarters. 1212 pilot John H. Vitt and B. M. Burriss came aboard. 1229 hove up anchor, proceeded to dock west side Pier No. 2 Navy yard, Philadelphia, Pa. assisted by tugs Hercules, Delaware, Curtiss Bay and A. C. Jefferson. 1229 U.S.S. JEFFERS moored to east side Pier No. 2. 1312 Moored to west side Pier No. 2 with 1 5/8" wire bow and stern lines, with crossed manila springs forward and crossed manila springs aft. Receiving fresh and flushing water, steam and electricity from dock. Ship's draft Forward 23' 4", Aft 24' 0". 1430, Pursuant to orders of the Commanding Officer, the following named men left the ship: A. L. Davis, and S. A. Berg of the General Electric Co. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 32.5

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before.

A. E. Gross,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before.

P. K. Wells,

Lieutenant Commander, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

Saturday, January 9, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Penna.

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier #2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following lines: 1 5/8" wire forward and aft, bow manila breast, crossed manila springs forward, breast line and crossed manila springs aft. Receiving electricity, steam, fresh and flushing water from the dock. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), U.S.S. BOISE, JEFFERS, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, H.M.S. ROYAL SOVEREIGN, U.S.S. VIXEN, and various yard and district craft.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. Received the following for use in general mess from P. A. Shearer & Co.: 85 gallons milk, inspected as to quantity by A. E. Gross, Lieutenant, USNR, and as to quality by Lane, PhM1c, USN.

A. E. Gross,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0845 Tug YT 19 came alongside with ammunition lighter. 1030, Made daily visual inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1032 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 1020 Cut in flushing water to ship. 1040 Established air alert. 1145 Secured from air alert drill.

J. T. Flis,

Lieutenant (jg), D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Moored as before. 1334 U.S.S. JEFFERS got underway and stood out.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1600 Lighting power from dock failed. 1610 Boiler No. 2 in use for lighting purposes. 1635 Shifted to shore power. 1645 Let fires die out under No. 2 boiler.

G. C. Wilson

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24 Moored as before.

J. P. Wiley

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

Sunday, January 10, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following lines: 1 5/8" wire forward and aft, bow manila breast, crossed manila springs forward, forward breast and crossed manila springs aft. Receiving following services from the dock: Electricity, steam, fresh water, salt water and telephone. Ships present: DENVER (SOPA), BOISE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, VIXEN, H.M.S. ROYAL SOVEREIGN and various yard and district craft.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0520, Received the following for use in the general mess, inspected as to quantity by L. A. Bird, Ensign, USN, and as to quality by Mussari, A. L., PhM1c, from Paul B. Shearer and Company: eighty-five (85) gallons of Grade "A" milk.

G. C. Wilson

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0805 Ammunition lighter cleared starboard side with ammunition to be returned to Ammunition Depot, Fort Mifflin, Pa. as follows; 8,615 rounds of 40 mm. A.A. cartridges, Lot #37 Mk 27, Primer Mk21 - SPDN 3207; 2960 rounds of 40 mm. A.A. Cartridges Lot #10 T, SPDN 3097, B.L.T.Target. 0900, Held quarters for muster. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

J. P. Wiley

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Moored as before.

L. V. Forde,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1722 U.S.S. JEFFERS, DD621 got underway and stood out.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Moored as before.

L. J. Tobin,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy

Monday, January 11, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia, Penna.

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., with the following lines in use: Forward, bow line, two breast lines and two crossed springs: aft, two crossed springs and stern line. Receiving following services from the dock: Fresh water, flushing water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and telephone. Ships present: DENVER (SOPA, Military and Medical Guard), VIXEN, BOISE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, H.M.S. ROYAL SOVEREIGN and various yard and district craft.

L. V. Forde,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0500, Received the following stores for use in General Mess from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy: 85 gallons of fresh milk, inspected as to quantity by Lieut. (jg) F. X. Cuisinier, USNR, and as to quality by Lane, R. J., PhM1c, USN.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0815 Held quarters for muster. 1030, Received from Philadelphia Dairy Products Co.: 150 quarts of ice cream, inspected as to quantity By Gerovitz, W., S1c USN, and as to quality by Lane, R. J., Phm1c, USN. 1045, Made daily inspection of magazines. Conditions normal.

L. J. Tobin,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Moored as before. 1220 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler.

R. M. Ash

Captain, U. S. Marine Corps.


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1800 Darkened Ship.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Moored as before.

J. H. Parker,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

Tuesday, January 12, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to West side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., with the following lines in use: One bow wire, one stern wire, two crossed springs forward; two breast lines, and two crossed springs aft. Receiving following services from the dock: Fresh water, flushing water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and telephone. Ships present: DENVER (SOPA), BOISE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, SKIMMER, ROLLER, VIXEN, RELIEF: REQUEST 173, BDE 45, and various yard and district craft.

R. M. Ash

Captain, U. S. Marine Corps.


04 - 08

Moored as before. Received the following provisions for use in the General Mess: 85 gal. fresh milk from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy. Inspected as to quantity by Lieut. Comdr. R. E. Magoffin, USN and as to quality by Mussari, A. L., PhM2c, USN.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Moored as before.

J. H. Parker,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Moored as before. 1200 Lighted fires under boiler No. 2. 1525, Received the following provisions for use in the general mess, inspected as to quality by Government Inspector at Navy Yard and as to quantity by APC C. M. Ragsdale, USN, from Quaker City Cold Storage Company: 852 lbs. of Beef Side, 2000 lbs. of pork loin; and from Charles Ritter: 985 lbs. of dressed chicken.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before. At 1625 secured No. 2 boiler. At 1922, held fire drill. At 1924, first stream at fire. At 1931, secured from fire drill.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Moored as before. 2030 Lighted off No. 2 boiler.

A. E. Gross,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Wednesday, January 13, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia, Penna.

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., with 1 5/8 " wire bow and stern line, crossed manila springs forward and aft and two breast lines forward. Receiving fresh water and flushing water, electricity, steam, compressed air, and telephone from the dock. Ships present: DENVER (SOPA), REQUEST 173, BOISE, BARRACUDA, BASS, BONITA, and various yard and district craft. 0015 Secured fires under No. 2 boiler. 0050 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 0120 Secured fires under No. 2 boiler.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. At 0515, received 85 gals. fresh milk for general mess, inspected as to quality by Lane, H. J., PhM1c and as to quantity by Lieut. (jg) H. M. Brinser from Shearers Modern Sanitary Dairy. At 0700 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler.

H. M. Brinser,

Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0800, Mustered crew on station. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 1130, Held quarters for muster and battle citations.

A. E. Gross,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Moored as before. 1404 Secured fires under No. 2 boiler.

J. P. Wiley

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Moored as before.

G. C. Wilson,

Lieutenant D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Thursday, January 14, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia, Penna.

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with 1 5/8 " wire bow and stern lines, crossed manila springs forward and aft and two manila breast lines forward. Receiving the following services from the dock: Fresh water, flushing water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and telephone. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), BOISE, OLIVIN, ROLLER, TAHCHEE, VIXEN, SKIMMER, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, S-16; REQUEST #173, and various other yard and district craft

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0515 received for general mess the following stores from Pennbrook Milk Co.: 85 gals. of fresh milk. Inspected as to quantity by Lt. Caldwell USN and as to quality by Stone, J. J., PhM2c. 0620 Exercised at air raid drill. Manned all defense stations. 0630 Secured from air raid drill. 0755 INDEPENDENCE moored to east side of pier No. 2.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0815, held quarters for muster. 1015 made daily inspection of all magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions: Normal.

G. C. Wilson,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16 Moored as before. 1532 Commandant of Fourth Naval District placed the U.S.S. INDEPENDENCE in commission. 1545 received the following stores for use in general mess, inspected as to quantity by Ragsdale, C. J., APC, USN and as to quality by Lt. Atkinson, S. C. (MC) USN from Frank Christaldi: Oranges, Spec. Y0-660-6080 lbs.; Tangerines, Spec. Y-T-96, 1512 lbs.; Cabbage, White, Spec. H-H-H-C-26A, 5000 lbs.; Celery, Spec. H-H-H-C-26A-3050 lbs. Received from Ben Corson, Pears, Spec. Y-P-166, 4950 lbs.; Grapefruit, Spec. Y-G-681, 4260 lbs.; Peppers, green, Spec. H-H-H-P-246-1200 lbs. Received from Federal Yeast Corp., 50 lbs. yeast,; received from Bardon Co. Powdered Milk, Spec. C-M-3516-800 lbs.; Powdered Lemon Juice - 180 lbs.; Received from Edward L. Wallace, Apples, Grade I, 6000 lbs., Lettuce, Grade I, Spec., H-H-H-L-526-A, 3150 lbs. Turnips, Spec. H-H-H-T-851, 1200 lbs.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1815 Darkened ship except for lights necessary for yard work.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Moored as before. 2235 While moving tarpaulin, Navy Yard crane struck upper portion of foremast with considerable force. Damage sustained: Severed connection to red truck lights, five signal halyards broken, insulator to starboard guy cracked, possible damage to radio antenna and radar installation. Yard Industrial Duty Officer notified.

E. E. Ball, Jr.,

Lt., U. S. Navy

  Friday, January 15, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following lines in use: One bow wire, one stern wire, two crossed springs forward and aft and two breast lines forward. Receiving the following services from the dock: Fresh water, flushing water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and telephone. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, BOISE, OLIVIN, ROLLER, LT. RELIEF, TAHCHEE, VIXEN, SKIMMER, OLYMPIA, INDEPENDENCE; REQUEST #173, and various yard and district craft.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0500 Received the following stores for use in the General Mess, from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy, inspected as to quantity by Lt.(jg) R. H. Peery, USNR and as to quality by Ackerson, P. B. PhM2c: 85 gal. fresh milk.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy


08 -12

Moored as before. 0815 Held quarters for muster. 1030 Received the following stores for use in General Mess: from Philadelphia Dairy Co. 150 quarts Ice cream, inspected as to quantity by Lt. E. E. Ball, Jr. as to quality by Stone, J. J. PhM1c. 1030 Made daily visual inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal.

E. E. Ball,



12 - 16

Moored as before. 1514 Rear Admiral Davidson, Commander Cruisers Atlantic Fleet, came aboard. 1548 Sounded Fire Quarters, fire in forward engine room. 1553 Received report that fire had been extinguished. Investigation revealed that fire started in electrical panel box. Extent of damage to be determined by investigation.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lt. Cdr., USN


16 -20

Moored as before. 1620 Rear Admiral Davidson left the ship.

J. H. Parker,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before.

R. M. Ash,

Capt., U.S.M.C.

Saturday, January 16, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Penna.

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., with the following lines in use: One bow wire, one stern wire, two breast lines forward, two crossed springs forward and two crossed springs aft. Receiving the following services from the dock: Fresh water, flushing water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and telephone. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, S-16, BOISE, OLIVIN, ROLLER, LT. RELIEF, TAHCHEE, VIXEN; REQUEST 173, and various other yard and district craft.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lt. Cdr., U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0500 received the following stores for use in the wardroom mess from Pennbrook Milk Co.: 40 quarts milk. Inspected as to quantity by Ens. Bird, JOOD. and as to quality by Navy Inspector. 0525 Received the following stores for use in General mess, inspected as to quantity by Ens. Bird, JOOD. and as to quality by Sanders, R. H. HA1c: 85 gals. fresh milk from Shearers Modern Sanitary Dairy.

J. H. Parker,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

0815 Mustered crew at quarters. 0900 Comcrulant, Rear Admiral Davidson came aboard for inspection (informal). Two blocked Admirals Flag. 0955 Lighted off No. 3 boiler. 1050 Lifted safeties on No. 3 boiler by hand. 1130 Made daily inspection of powder magazines and smokeless powder. Conditions normal.

R. M. Ash,

Capt., U.S.M.C.


12 - 16

Moored as before. Draft of ship: Forward 23' 7", Aft 24' 7". 1300 Rear Admiral Davidson, USN commenced an informal inspection of the ship. 1510 Completed informal inspection. 1555 Received the following stores for use in the general mess, inspected as to quality by Navy Yard Govt. Inspector and as to quantity by C. M. Ragsdale, APC: 992 lbs. butter from Quaker City Cold Storage Company.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1611 commander Cruisers Atlantic hauled down his flag and left the ship.

P. K. Wells,

Lt. Cdr., U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before. 2022 Secured No. 3 boiler.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Sunday, January 17, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at Navy Yard,

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at Navy Yard,

 00 - 04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., with the following lines: 1 5/8" wire bow and stern, two crossed springs forward and two crossed springs aft, two breast lines forward. Receiving steam, compressed air, electricity, fresh water and flushing water and telephone services from the dock. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), BOISE, INDEPENDENCE, BONITA, BASS, BARRACUDA, NARRAGANSETT, VIXEN, OLYMPIA, THACHER; REQUEST 173, and various district and yard craft. Ship in Modified Condition III and darkened except for necessary lights for yard work.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0500 received 85 gals. milk for use in the General mess from Shearers Modern Sanitary Dairy, inspected as to quantity by Lt. W. T. Kuhlmey, USMC, JOOD. and as to quality by U. S. Naval Inspector.

P. K. Wells,

Lt. Cdr., D-V(G) U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0800 Lighted fires under No. 3 boiler. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. 0930 Commenced preparations for shifting berths. 1010 Pilots J. Vitt and H. L. Wall came aboard. 1046 Underway to shift berths to Drydock No. 3. 1120 Freighter PERADE ALANQUIR (Portugal) stood in. 1135 Received head line from dock.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Drydocked as before. 1308 Commenced taking power and electricity from the dock. 1315 Commenced taking flushing water from dock. 1321 commenced taking steam from the dock. 1410 Commenced receiving fresh water from the dock. 1520 Drydock pumped dry.

G. C. Wilson,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Drydocked as before. 1635 Lighted off boiler No. 3. 1838 Secured boiler No. 3.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Drydocked as before

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy

  Monday, January 18, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 00 - 04

Docked in drydock No. 3, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Receiving steam, fresh water, salt water, electricity, and telephone services from the dock. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BOISE, VIXEN, OLYMPIA, NARRAGANSETT, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, LT. RELIEF, THACHER, TAHCHEE, PC-157, S-16, (Ex) S-49, SC 703, SC 1026, CGC 83366; REQUEST 173, and various district and yard craft.

G. C. Wilson,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Drydocked as before. 0500 Received the following stores for the Wardroom Mess, inspected as to quantity by Lt. J. G. Lightburn, USNR, as to quality by Lane, R. J. PhM1c from Pennbrook Milk Co,: 20 quarts milk. 0600 Received following stores for General Mess, inspected as to quantity by Lt. J. G. Lightburn USNR and as to quality by Lane, R. J. PhM1c, USN from Shearers Modern Dairy: 85 gal. fresh milk.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Drydocked as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. 0950 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 1100 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 1145 Fire secured under boiler No. 2.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Drydocked as before.

E. E. Ball, Jr.

Lt. U. S. Navy


16 - 20

Drydocked as before. 1610 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 1940 Secured boiler No. 2.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Drydocked as before.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy

 Tuesday, January 19, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude

 00 - 04

Docked in drydock No. 3, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Receiving steam, fresh water, electricity and telephone services from the dock. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), U.S.S INDEPENDENCE, PC-157, S-16, (Ex) S-49, U.S.S BOISE, REQUEST 173, U.S.S. BARRACUDA, U.S.S. BONITA, U.S.S BASS, U.S.S NARRAGANSETT, CGC 83366, SC 703, 1026, U.S.S LT. RELIEF, U.S.S THACHER, U.S.S VIXEN, U.S.S OLYMPIA, U.S.S. TAHCHEE.

E. E. Ball, Jr.

Lt. U. S. N.


04 - 08

Drydocked as before. 0515 Received the following stores for use in the General Mess: Inspected as to quantity by Lieut. L. J. Tobin, U.S.N. and as to quality by Champy, G., HA2/c, from Shearers Modern Dairy: 85 Gal. Milk. 0530 Received the following stores for use in Wardroom Mess, inspected as to quality by Champy, G., HA2/c and as to quantity by Lieut. L. J. Tobin: 20 qts. of milk from the Pennbrook Dairy Corp.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Drydocked as before. 0800 Lighted ship. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0820 Sunrise.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Drydocked as before.

P. K. Wells,

Lt. Comdr. D-V(G) U.S.N.R.


 16 - 20

Drydocked as before. 1815 Darkened ship.

R. M. Ash,

Capt., U. S. M. C.


20 -24

Drydocked as before.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lt. Cdr., U. S. Navy


Wednesday, January 20, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at Navy Yard,

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Drydocked at Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at Navy Yard,

 00 - 04

Resting on keel blocks in drydock number 3, U.S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. Receiving steam, fresh water, electricity, compressed air, and telephone services from the dock. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BOISE, BONITA, BARRACUDA, BASS, VIXEN, NARRAGANSETT, OLYMPIA, TAHCHEE, THACHER, PC-157, S-49, S-16, SC 703, 1026, and REQUEST 173.

P. K. Wells,

Lt. Cdr., D-V(G) U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Drydocked as before. 0525 Received the following stores for use in the General Mess from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy, Philadelphia, Penna.: 85 gal. Fresh milk, inspected as to quantity by Captain R. M. Ash, U.S.M.C.; as to quality by Caron, A. J., HA1/c. 0745 Received following stores for use in the General Mess from Freihofer Baking Co., Philadelphia, Penna.: 265 lbs. Bread, inspected as to quantity by Captain R. M. Ash, U.S.M.C.; as to quality by Caron, A. J., HA1/c

R. M. Ash,

Capt., U. S. M. C.


08 - 12

Drydocked as before. Made daily inspection of magazine temperatures and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0900 Lighted fires under boiler No. 2. 0905 Lighted fires under boilers No. 3 and No. 4. 1030 Lifted safety valves on boilers No. 2, No. 3, No. 4. 1030 Commenced flooding dry dock. 1045 Broke steam connection to dock. 1050 Secured fires under boiler No. 2. 1115 Commenced taking steam from boilers No. 3 and No. 4. 1150 Stopped flooding dock until 1230; approximately 1/2;o list to port of ship.

R. E. Magoffin,

Lt. Cdr., U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Drydocked as before. Received the following stores for use in General Mess, inspected as to quantity by Murray, J. H. CCStd USN and as to quality by Lt. (jg) S. C. Atkinson (MC) USN; form Swift and company 680 1/2; lbs. cheese. 1230 Continued flooding of dry dock and made preparations for undocking. 1335 Secured boiler No.2. The stern crossed the sill of the drydock. 1351 Beam crossed the sill of the drydock. Shifted berths to west side of Pier No. 2 assisted by tugs J. M. TAYLOR, IONIAN, NEW CASTLE, ADRIATIC, T. J. SHERIDAN AND Y.T. 120. Pilot J. Vritt at the Conn. 1434 Moored starboard side to with 1 bow and 1 stern line, two crossed spring lines forward and aft and two breast lines forward. 1510 Ammunition barge came alongside to port. 1545 Commenced receiving steam from dock. 1600 Secured steam line from dock.

A. E. Gross

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before. Continued loading forward ammunition barge. 1611 Commenced receiving fuel oil. 1735 Ammunition Lighter Y.E. 238 came along side on port quarter. 1800 Commenced receiving aviation gasoline. 1850 Completed receiving of gasoline. 1900 Completed receiving of fuel oil-3400 bbls. (142800 gals.) 1920 Cut in steam from dock.

J. H. Parker,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before. No. 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes. 2030 Completed discharging 40 mm. ammunition from ship to lighter forward.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 Thursday, January 21, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 00 -04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following lines: 1 bow and 1 stern line, two crossed spring lines forward and aft and two breast lines forward. Boiler No. 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. Receiving the following services from the dock: Steam, fresh water. Men-of-War present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BOISE, BONITA, BARRACUDA, BASS, VIXEN; REQUEST 173, and various yard and district craft. Navy Yard Lighters YE238 and YF305 alongside to port.

A. E. Gross

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. Received the following stores for use in the general mess inspected as to quantity by Lt. (jg) Healey, JOOD, and as to quality by Lane, R. J. PhM1c, from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy: 85 gals. of milk.

J. H. Parker,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0804 Lighted fires under No. 1 boiler. 0815 Held quarters for muster. 0943 YT5 cast off with Lighter YF305 from port side forward. 0940 Secured steam connection from dock. 1000 Made preparations for dock trials. 1030 Commenced dock trials. Note: Received from Sinclair Refining Company Barge No. 1, as of 1900, 20 January, 3400 bbls. (142,800 gals.) fuel oil, flash point 170o F. 1115 Completed dock trials. 1135 Let fires die out under No. 1 boiler. Made daily inspection of smokeless powder samples and magazines. Conditions normal.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 -16

Moored as before. 1500 Commenced receiving steam from shore connection. Received from U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Fort Miflin, Pa., 2400-40 m/m Metal Boxes containing 38,400-40 m/m cartridges, AA projectiles Mk. I, L & F - TNT, nose fuze Mk. 27, SPDN 3635, wt. Of chg. 308.5 grams, I.V. 2890 F.S., Tracer Mk. 10, Primer Mk. 21-Lot #132; 720 Point Detonating fuzes, bombardment, Mk. 29, Lot 14; 3-40 m/m Metal Boxes containing 48-40 m/m Cartridges, target projectiles Mk 1-6, BL 7 P, SPDN 3033, wt. Of charge 299.2 grams; 600-6"/47 cal. cartridges, semi-fixed, SPD 3135, wt. Of charge 32.5 lbs., I.V. 2500 F.S., Primer Mk. 13; 600-6"/47 cal. AP projectiles Mk. 35-2, L & F - ex "D", Density 1.48, MCBD Mk 21, Tracer Mk. 5; 1800-5"/38 cal. Cartridges, semi-fixed, SPDN 3113, wt. Of charge 14.40 lbs. I.V. 2600 F.S. primer Mk. 13; 300-5"/38 cal. AA common projectiles Mk. 35-3, L & F - Ex. "D", Density 1. & 2, IF Mk. 18-2 Aux. Det. Mk. 17-2, MCBD Mk. 28, Tracer Mk. 9 Red; 200-5"/38 cal. illuminating projectiles Mk. 30-5, L 7 F - BP, IF Mk. 18-2.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DEV(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 20

Moored as before. 1605 Hoisted aboard two planes; #4804 on starboard catapult, Lieutenant Post, U.S.N.R., pilot; Mehan, F. J., Jr., AMM2/c 404-91-05, U.S.N., passenger;--#4861 on port catapult, Ensign Andrews, U.S.N.R., Pilot, and Dawson, C. H., AMM3/c 201-79-18, U.S.N., passenger. 1630 Hoisted aboard two planes, placed in hangar: #4833, Ensign Allison, U.S.N.R., Pilot; Thompson, R. W., AMM3/c, 299-87-31, U.S.N.R., passenger;--#4866, Ensign Hazeltine, U.S.N.R., pilot; Cernek, J. J., AMM3/c, 646-0015, U.S.N.R., passenger.

G. C. Wilson,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before.

J. H. Parker

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

 Friday, January 22, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Moored at

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Navy Yard,

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Philadelphia,

 00 -04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following lines in use: 1 bow wire and 1 stern wire, two crossed wire springs forward and two crossed wire springs aft, and one breast line (wire). Receiving the following services from the dock: Steam, fresh water, flushing water, telephone, and electricity. U.S. Navy Ammunition Lighter YF238, along port side with no ammunition on board. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BOISE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, VIXEN, OLIVIN, NARRAGANSETT, ROLLER: REQUEST Nos. 173, 205, and 271, and various yard and district craft.

J. P. Wiley,

Lt., DEV(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0520 Received the following stores for use in the general mess, inspected as to quantity by Lt. Wilson, USNR and as to quality by Neweat, HA1c from Shearer's Modern Sanitary Dairy, 85 gals. Grade "A" milk.

G. C. Wilson,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. 0900 Exercised crew at Fire Quarters. 0904 First and second streams of water at fire. 0910 Secured from Fire Quarters. 0921 Exercised crew at collision Quarters. 0934 Secured from Collision quarters. 1100, Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. Navy


12 -16

Moored as before. 1310 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 1345 Ammunition Lighter YE 238 moored alongside to port. Hoisted "Baker". Smoking lamp put out. Received from Ammunition Depot, Fort Mifflin, Philadelphia, Pa. 1300 5" 38 cal. projectiles Mk. 35-3 1 & f Exp. "D"; 6000 30 cal. incendiary cartridges Grade AC-E 28023; 90 miniature practice bombs Mk. 5; 110 miniature practice bombs Mk. 5-1; 6-8 oz. Bottles sample 40 mm. powder SPDN 3625; 15-5" 51 cal. tanks Mk. 4-1 containing 15 no-load catapult charges SPD 3240 wt. of chg. 4.5 lbs; 8-5" 51 cal. tanks Mk. 4-1 containing 8 full load catapult charges SPD 3102 wt. of chg. 24.75 lbs; 2 wrenches for Mk. 18-45 sec. Mech. Time fuzes BuOrd. Dwg. #328703. 1315 The Commanding Officer inspected holds and lower decks. 1410 Secured fires under boiler No. 2. 1530 Lighted fires under boiler No. 2.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy


16 -20

Moored as before. 1618 Ammunition Lighter YE238 cleared the side. 1715 U.S.S. AWLICK stood in.

A. E. Gross,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Moored as before. 2148 Mr. W. J. Sette, Physicist, from the David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, D. C. came aboard for temporary duty.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


At 2400 this date the post trial and shakedown availability of this vessel terminated.

Robt. B. Carney,

Captain, U.S.N.,


 Saturday, January 23, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 39o 51.5'N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 39o 18.1'N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 37o 31.8'N.

 00 -04

Moored starboard side to west side Pier No. 2, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. with the following wires: One bow wire, and one stern wire, three breast wires, two crossed wire springs forward, and two crossed wire springs aft. Receiving the following services from the shore: Steam, fresh water, flushing water, and telephone. No. 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes. Ships present: U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA), INDEPENDENCE, BOISE, BARRACUDA, BONITA, BASS, OLIVIN, ROLLER, NARRAGANSETT, TAHCHEE, VIXEN, OLYMPIA, and REQUEST 173.

L. V. Forde,

Lt., U. S. Navy


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0500 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 0515 Received the following stores for general mess, inspected as to quantity by Lt. E. E. Ball, Jr. USN and as to quality by Sanders, R. V., HA1c USN from Shearers Modern Dairy, 85 gallons fresh milk. 0530 Took in bow and stern wires. 0630 Secured steam services from dock. 0700 Lieut. Commander E. C. Kelly, U.S.C.G., reported aboard to act as rive pilot. 0700 Tested main engines. 0715 All heads of departments reported respective departments ready for getting underway. 0715 Secured all services from dock. J. A. Vritt, Yard Pilot, and Huttinger, T. J., C.B.M., U.S.N., Assistant Yard Pilot, reported aboard. Tugs YT149 and NEW CASTLE came alongside port bow and tugs CURTIS BAY AND MERSILES came along side port quarter. 0720 Singled up all line. 0729 Underway, Captain, Executive Officer and Navigator on Navigation Bridge, Yard Pilot at Conn. Standard speed 15 knots (146 R.P.M.). Maneuvering at various courses and speeds to conform with channel. Hauled down SOPA pennant. 0735 Tugs YT149 and NEW CASTLE cast off from port bow. 0745 Tug CURTIS BAY came alongside, Yard Pilots transferred to tug. 0747 Tugs CURTIS BAY and MERSILES cast off from port quarter.

E. E. Ball,

Lt., U. S. Navy


08 - 12

Steaming at various courses and speeds in Delaware River Channel. Bureau of Ships' officers and men conducted tests on propellers and shafts. 0815, Held quarters for muster. 1155 Lowered Pitometer sword, reading 2444.00.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before at various courses and speeds. 1354 All engines stopped. The Pilot, Lieut. Commander E. C. Kelly, U.S.C.G. left the ship. The following named persons from BuShips left the ship: Comdr. A. G. Mumma, Lieut. Comdr. J. P. Denhertag, Lieut. Comdr. A. Zerban, Lieut. J. L. Brawn, W. J. Litte and R. R. Conrad. 1430 All engines ahead 2/3, 10 knots. 1435 Changed speed to full, 20 knots. 1444 Changed speed to 1/3, 5 knots. Coast Guard vessel came alongside and delivered message. 1450 All engines ahead to 21 knots and steadied on course 135o T. Standing out Delaware Swept Channel. 1500 Exercised at emergency drills-Fire, Collision and Abandon Ship. 1600 Sounded retreat from all drills. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 142.1

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

Steaming as before on course 135o T. at 21 knots, (Standard speed 15 knots, 214 R.P.M.) out swept channel in company with U.S.S. AULICK stationed ahead as patrol, anti-submarine. 1644 Channel Buoy No. 1 on starboard bow. 1647 Increased speed to 23 knots ( 244 R.P.M.) and began zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. 1652 Buoy No. 1 abeam, bearing 185o. Exercised at general quarters, dusk alert. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 204.8.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before. 1857 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition III. 1900 Ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course 135o T. Changed speed to 21 knots, 204 R.P.M. 1940 Changed course to 185o T.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. Navy


20 - 24

Steaming as before. 2000 Increased speed to 22 knots, 214 R.P.M. 2200 Changed course to 187o. 2325 Overtook and passed friendly Destroyer.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.




Complying with the orders of Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet, at 0730, in company with U.S.S. AULICK, proceeded toward Panama Canal Zone.


Captain, U.S.N.,


Sunday, January 24, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 33o 18.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 32o 26.9' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 29o 58' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming in company with U.S.S. AULICK on course 186 1/2;o T. 187o PGC. Speed 21.4 knots, 214 R.P.M. Boilers Nos. 2 & 4 in use for steaming purposes. Ship darkened. Material Condition "B" and Condition III set. U.S.S. AULICK patroling ahead of this vessel. 0300 Changed course to 181 1/2;o T., 182o PGC. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 214.6

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Steaming as before with U.S.S AULICK as escort, on course 182o. 0700 Increased speed to 23 knots (224 R.P.M.) and commenced zig-zag plan No. 6, base course 182o (p.g.c.) Exercised crew at general quarters, dawn alert. 0745 Secured from dawn alert. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 216.3.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Steaming as before. 0815 Mustered crew at quarters. 0837 Launched plane #4804 from starboard catapault. Pilot Lieut. E. M. Post, U.S.N.R., observer, Haley, W. J., ARM3/c, U.S.N. 0845 Launched plane #4861 to port, Pilot, Ens. A. B. Hazeltine, U.S.N.R., observer Rasmussen, J. M. RM1/c, U.S.N. 0910 Fired test shots from 40 mm. mounts #41, #43, and #44. 0950 Held 5" surprise firing for mount #4, firing at burst from destroyer escort. Six rounds expended, no casualties. 1000 Mount #3 fired burst for destroyer escort to fire at. 1005 Commenced steaming at various courses and speeds to recover aircraft. 1010 Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples. Conditions normal. 1016 Plane #4804 crashed while attempting to land. Commenced maneuvering ship to effect rescue. 1020 Recovered observer in good physical condition. Lieut. E. M. Post, pilot, was not recovered. 1145 Hoisted in crash boat and commenced maneuvering to recover plane. Average steam 600 lbs., Average R.P.M. 191.5. Directed AULICK to sink Plane No. 4804, which was complied with.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. Navy


12 - 16

Steaming on various courses at various speed while sinking wrecked plane by gunfire. 1209 Hooked on to plane #4861, Cast recovery sled carried away capsizing plane. 1216 Lowered crash boat into water. 1225 Recovered both men, Pilot Ens. A. B. Hazeltine, U.S.N.R. and observer Rasmussin, J. M., RM1/c, U.S.N. 1235 Opened fire with 40 mm gun to sink plane #4861. 1245 Recovered crash boat. 1253 Plane #4861 sunk. 1306 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. Base course 181o T. 1410 U.S.S. AULICK on station 2500 yds. bearing 181o T. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 154.9.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

Steaming as before. 1710 Shifted control to steering aft. 1721 Shifted control to bridge. 1723 Shifted control to Central Station. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 244.6.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before on base course 181o T. using zig-zag plan No. 6 1732 Shifted steering control back to pilot house. 1815 Sounded General Quarters for dusk alert. 1918 Secured from General Quarters. 1945 Ceased zig-zagging, steering base course, 181o T., reduced speed to 23 knots (224 R.P.M.) Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 245.2.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Steaming as before. 2000 Position: 29o 53' N., 74o 06' W. 2148 Changed speed to 25 knots (245 R.P.M.). Average Steam, 600 lbs., Average R.P.M. 240.2.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. Navy




DENVER as nearest ship in case of each plane casualty maneuvered to recover personnel while screened by AULICK. No submarine activity had been reported in vicinity. Wrecked planes sunk by gunfire as military necessity. Required reports covered in separate correspondence.


Captain, U.S.N.,


 Monday, January 25, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 25o 11.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 23o 46.2' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 20o 55' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming in company with U.S.S. AULICK on course 181o T. (p.g.c.) 187o (p.s.c.) at 25 knots (245 R.P.M.) standard speed 15 knots (145 R.P.M.) with boilers Nos. 2 and 4 in use. Ship darkened and in readiness condition III, material condition "B" set throughout the ship. 0218 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 0234 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 0245 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 245.3.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Steaming as before on course 180 1/2;o T., 181o P.G.C. Speed 25 knots, 245 R.P.M. 0640 Sounded General Quarters (Dawn Alert) and commenced zigzagging, using Plan No. 6, base course 181 P.G.C. 0730 Secured from General Quarters. Average Steam, 600 lbs., Average R.P.M. 244.7.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Steaming as before, using zig-zag Plan No. 6 on base course 181o (P.G.C.), 180 1/2o T. at 25 knots (245 R.P.M.) 0915, Held quarters for muster. Made daily inspection of all magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0954 Shifted steering control aft and shifted units. 0957 Shifted steering control to bridge, Unit No. 1 starboard cable in use. 1040 Sighted San Salvador Light House bearing 248.7o distant 18 miles. 1059 Changed base course to 196o (P.G.C.) using zig-zag Plan No. 6. 1115 280 rounds .30 caliber ammunition expended during practice by Marines firing machine guns. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 243.1. 1145 to 1155, Held memorial services for Lieutenant Post, U. S. N. R.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 12 - 16

Steaming as before. 1348 Sighted Bird Rock Light bearing 172o T, distance 18 miles. 1400 Changed base course to 205 T. and P.G.C. 1415 Passed Bird Rock Light abeam to port, distance 8 miles. 1500 Changed base course to 187o T. and P.G.C. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 244.8.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lieutenant, U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Steaming as before on course 187o T. (P.G.C.) 1637 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 1643 Change course to 160o T. (P.G.C.) 1645 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. 1652 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 1715 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 244.5.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before, zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6, base course 160o T. P.G.C. Speed 25 knots (245 R.P.M.) 1820 Sighted Cuba, bearing 199o P.G.C. distant about 58 miles. 1834 Shifted control to steering aft. 1835 Sounded General Quarters (Dusk Alert). 1835 Shifted steering control to the Bridge. 1843 Darkened ship. 1943 Ceased zig-zagging, steadied on course 160o P.G.C. Speed 23 knots. 1953 Secured from General Quarters. Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 242.7.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R


20 - 24

Steaming as before on course 160o (P.G.C.) at 23 knots (225 R.P.M.) 2039 Sighted Great Inagua Light bearing 065o (P.G.C.). 2107 Sighted Cape Maysi Light bearing 190o (P.G.C.). 2157 Passed Cape Maysi Light abeam to starboard. 2230 Changed course to 218o (P.G.C.). 2240 Sighted Point Caleta Light bore 310o (P.G.C.) Av. Steam, 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lieutenant, D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


Tuesday, January 26, 1942

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 16o 59.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 15o 42.5' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 15o 42.5' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming in company with U.S.S. AULICK on base course 218o T. and P.G.C. enroute to Panama Canal. Standard speed 15 knots (146 R.P.M.), steaming at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). Boilers Nos. 1 and 3 in use. Ship darkened. Condition III and Material Condition "B" set. 0234 Sighted Navassa Island Light abeam to port distance 12.8 miles. 0339 Changed base course to 200o T. and P.G.C. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 223.1.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. N.


04 - 08

Steaming as before on course 200o T. (P.G.C). 0635 Sunrise General Quarters. 0626 Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. Changed speed to 25 knot, 245 R.P.M. 0727 Secured from General Quarters. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 230.7.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 - 12

Steaming as before, zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. 0800 Changed base course to 209o T. 0817 Shifted steering control to steering aft. 0829 Shifted control to the bridge. 0843 Shifted steering control to central station. 0849 Shifted steering control to the bridge. 0900 Held quarters for muster. 0949 Changed course to 179o T. 0952 Sounded General Quarters. 1011 Changed course to 209o T. 1014 Commenced offset firing practice. 1020 Ceased firing. 1036 Secured from General Quarters. Daily inspection of magazines and S. P. Samples made. Conditions normal. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 245.0.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R


 12 - 16

Steaming as before on base course 209o (P.G.C.), using zig-zag Plan No. 6. 1309 Sounded General Quarters to exercise crew in battle problem and damage control. 1337 Secured from General Quarters battle problem. 1345 Secured from General Quarters. 1402 Fired 2 rounds to starboard from No. 1 5" Mount for practice with U.S.S. AULICK 1415 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course of 209o (P.G.C.). 1430 Fired starboard automatic weapons at small balloons for practice. 1434 Secured firing. 1435 Resumed zig-zag Plan No. 6, base course 209o (P.G.C.). 1450 Reduced speed to 20 knots (194 R.P.M.). 1533 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 1535 Shifted to No. 1 steering unit, starboard cable. 1550 Shifted steering control to Central Station. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 230.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

Steaming as before. 1646 Steering system on bridge slipped. Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 1715 Shifted to port unit and shifted steering control back to bridge. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 193.8.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. N.


18 - 20

Steaming as before on base course 209o T. (P.G.C.) at 20 knots (194 R.P.M.). Zig-Zagging according to Plan No. 6. 1751 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 1805 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 1813 Shifted to No. 2 Steering Engine. 1817 Shifted to No. 1 Steering Engine. 1833 Shifted steering control to Conning Tower. 1838 Shifted to No. 2 Steering Engine. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 193.5. 1900 Sounded General Quarters. 1906 Darkened Ship. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 193.8.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Steaming as before on course 209 P.G.C., speed 20 knots, 194 R.P.M. Zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. 2013 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on course 209o P.G.C. 2015 Secured from General Quarters. 2100 Shifted control to Steering Aft. 2140 Shifted control to the Bridge. 2200 Changed base course to 207o P.G.C. and changed speed to 20.5 knots. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 196.3.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

Wednesday, January 27, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 9o 56' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 9o 16.5' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude Pier No. 16,

 00 - 04

Steaming on course 207o (P.G.C.), standard speed 15 knots (146 R.P.M.), steaming at 20.5 knots (199 R.P.M.), boilers Nos. 2 and 4, in company with U.S.S. AULICK as escort. Material Condition "Baker" and Condition III in effect, ship in darkened condition. 0230 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 2053 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. Using TBS System for communication with escort. . Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 199.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Steaming as before. 0640 Manned General Quarters stations. Set Material Condition "Afirm". 0650 Changed speed to 23 knots, 224 R.P.M. 0650 commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 6. 0715 Sighted Isla Grande Light bearing 191o (P.G.C.), (191 1/2;o True). 0745 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition III and Material Condition "Baker". 0746 Changed base course to 220o T. and P.G.C. and changed speed to 20 knots, 194 R.P.M. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 204.1.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. N.


08 - 12

Steaming as before. 0906 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 220o T. (P.G.C.) 0930 Mustered crew on station-no absentees. 1008 Passed through Breakwater, Colon, Panama. 1011 Small craft with boarding officer, Lieut. Fitch, U.S.N.R. came alongside, boarding officer and Pilot Reyner came aboard. 1100 Entered Gatun Lock No. 1. 1140 Entered Lock No. 2. 1202 Entered Lock No. 3.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 12 - 16

Underway as before in the Panama Canal. 1244 Completed passage through Gatun Locks and proceeded to passage through Pedro Miguel Locks on various courses and speeds. At 1330 set clocks back one hour. 1430 Entered Pedro Miguel Locks. 1512 Passed through Pedro Miguel Locks and enroute to Miraflores o various courses and speeds. 1525 Entered Miraflores Locks. 1530 Commander N. D. Brantly, U.S.N., met as investigating officer in case of crash of Plane No. 4804. 1554 Entered Gate No. 2. 1600 Adjourned investigation. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 97.2.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


16 - 18

Proceeding on various courses and speeds through Miraflores Locks. 1602 Closed Gate No. 2. 1610 Opened Gate No. 3, proceeded into channel. 1629 Tug GORGONA came alongside our port bow. 1630 Tug EMPIRE came alongside port quarter, assisting in mooring to berth starboard side to Pier No. 16, Balboa, C. Z. 1646 Moored with wire forward and aft, crossed wire springs forward, crossed wire springs aft and double wire breast forward. 1655 Tugs cast off. 1708 Secured boiler No.2, boiler no. 4 in use for auxiliary purposes. 1750 Commenced receiving fuel oil from the dock. Draft of ship at mooring and before fueling, Forward 22' 10", Aft 24' 6". Av. Steam 600, lbs. Av. R.P.M. 45.6.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Moored as before. Received the following stores for use in the General Mess, inspected as to quantity by A.P.C. C.M. Ragsdale, and as to quality by Naval Supply Depot, Balboa, Canal Zone, from Commissary Division, Panama Railroad Co., Accounts Receivable: Pork Loin 1044 lbs., Chicken 1019 lbs., Turkey 1018 lbs., Bananas 180 lbs., Potatoes 9000 lbs., butter 1500 lbs., beef boneless 2110 lbs.

R. M. Ash,

Capt. U. S. M. C.


20 - 24

Moored as before. 2005 Completed fueling. Received 4,914 bbls. (204388 gals). 2300 Darkened ship..

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.




On this date reported by despatch to Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet for duty. Orders from Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet were awaiting DENVER (CincPac 260615 January) and were received about 1700. After determination of time required to refuel and reprovision decision was reached to depart in accordance with orders at 1200, January 28, 1943.


Captain, U.S.N.,


Thursday, January 28, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude Dock No. 16

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude Canal

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 7o 15.5' N.

 00 - 04

Moored, starboard side of Pier 16, Balboa, Canal Zone with wire forward and aft, crossed wire springs forward, Crossed wire springs aft, and double breast forward. Receiving fresh water from dock. No. 4 boiler in use for auxiliary purposes. Following ships are present: U.S.S. DENVER, TRENTON, CHARLES CARROLL.

J. H. Parker,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Moored as before. 0420 Lighted fires under No. 2 boiler. 0515 Secured fires under No. 2 boiler.

R. M. Ash,

Capt. U. S. M. C.


08 - 12

Moored as before. 0815, Mustered crew at quarters. 0930 Lighted fires under Nos. 1 and 3 boilers. 1145 Canal Zone Pilot came aboard.

J. H. Parker,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 -16

Moored as before. 1200 Stationed special sea details. 1205 Draft of ship 24' 6" Forward, 24' 9" aft. 1217 U.S.S. AULICK underway. 1223 Singled up all lines. 1224 Tug GORGONA came alongside port quarter. 1231 Underway from Pier No. 16 Balboa, Canal Zone. 1234 Tug GORGONA cast off. 1237 Tug GORGONA came alongside port bow. 1244 Tug GORGONA cast off. 1329 Pilot left the ship. 1332 Course 155o T. (P.G.C.), 25 knots (245 R.P.M.). 1339 Changed course to 180o T. (P.G.C.). 1452 Fired port automatic weapons at sleeve. 1455 Ceased firing port automatic weapons. 1458 Fired starboard automatic weapons. 1501 Stopped all engines, recovered sleeve. 1523 Commenced zig-zag Plan No. 8 on base course 207o T. (P.G.C.), speed 10 knots (97 R.P.M.)

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.

16 - 18

Steaming as before. Zig-Zagging in accordance with Plan No. 8, base course 205o T. (P.G.C.). Speed 10 knots, 97 R.P.M. 1628 Ceased zig-zagging and steadied on base course 205o. Preparing to receive destroyer to starboard for fueling exercise. 1654 Towing secured to the AULICK. 1659 Spring line secured to the AULICK. 1700 Changed speed to 5 knots (48 R.P.M.). 1706 Forward oil hose secured to the AULICK. 1714 After oil hose secured to the AULICK. Commenced pumping fuel oil. 1722 Ceased pumping. 1740 Cast off all lines. 1742 Changed speed to 20 knots, 194 R.P.M., and resumed zig-zagging, Plan No. 8, base course 205o T. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 94.4.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before on base course 205o T. (P.G.C.) using zig-zag Plan No. 8. 1825 Sighted Cape Mala Light on starboard bow. 1830 Sounded General Quarters for dusk alert. 1955 Secured from General Quarters. Ceased zig-zag Plan No. 8, resumed base course 205o T. (P.G.C.) 2048 Cape Mala bore 020o T., Frailles del Sur Light bore 000o T., and Morrow Puercos Light bore 303.5o T. 2100 Morro Puercos Light bore 313.5o T. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 94.3.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Steaming as before. 2045 changed course to 253o T. (P.G.C.). . Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 193.9.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. N.

Friday, January 29, 1943

 Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 06o 05' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 05o 31.5' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 04o 51.5' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming on base course 253o T. (P.G.C.) at 20 knots (194 R.P.M.) Ship is darkened and in Condition of Readiness III. Material Condition "B" is set. In company with U.S.S. AULICK which is patroling 2500 yds. ahead of this vessel. Boilers Nos. 1 and 3 on the line. . Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 194.4.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Steaming as before. 0550 Sounded General Quarters for dawn alert. Commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No. 8, base course 253o T. (P.G.C.). 0653 Secured from General Quarters. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 193.8.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 -12

Steaming as before on base course 253o T. (P.G.C.), using Zig-Zag Plan No 8. 0816 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 0818 Shifted steering to No. 1 Steering Engine, starboard cable. 0830 Mustered crew at quarters. Made daily inspection of magazines and smokeless powder samples, conditions normal. 0844 Shifted steering to Central. 0900 Changed course to 283o T. (P.G.C.) as base course using Zig-Zag Plan No. 8, in radar ranging and tracking maneuvers with U.S.S. AULICK. 0900 Set all clocks back one hour to Time Zone Plus 6 Time. 0900 (Plus Zone 6 Time) changed base course to 223o T. (P.G.C.) using Zig-Zag Plan No. 8, continuing maneuvers. 0900 Sounded Flight Quarters. 1010 Changed base course to 253o T. (P.G.C.), using Zig-Zag Plan No. 8. Ceased tracking maneuvers. 1041 Test fire 20 mm. gun No. 7, 120 rounds expended, no casualties. Secured test firing. 1126 Secured from Flight Quarters. 1138 Increased speed to 22 knots (214 R.P.M.). Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 195.2.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before. 1252 Changed speed to 15 knots (146 R.P.M.) to stream airplane recovery sleds. 1257 Changed base course to 251o T. and P.G.C. 1300 Made weekly inspection of magazine sprinkling valves, shell stowage sprinklers, and hanger space sprinklers. Conditions satisfactory. 1302 Changed speed to 10 knots (97 R.P.M.). 1303 Recovered sleds. 1310 resumed speed of 22 knots (214 R.P.M.). 1332 Manned flight quarters stations. 1425 Changed speed to 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 1540 Sighted Cocos Island bearing 291o T. distance 30 miles. 1547 Completed degaussing planes and secured Flight Quarters. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 210.3.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. Navy


16 - 18

Steaming as before on Zig-Zag Plan No. 8, base course 251o T. (P.G.C.) at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.7.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before in accordance with Zig-Zag Plan No. 8 on base course 251o T. and P.G.C. 1755 Sounded General Quarters. 1858 Secured from General Quarters. Ceased Zig-Zagging and steadied on course 251o T. & P.G.C. 1905 Commenced scheduled exercise with AULICK. 1935 Sounded General Quarters. 1951 The AULICK commenced firing star shells. 1952 DENVER commenced firing star shells. 1953 AULICK ceased firing. 1955 DENVER ceased firing. 1956 maneuvered to port to simulate avoiding a simulated torpedo attack from the AULICK. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.9.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Steaming as before on base course 251o T. (P.G.C.). 2007 Secured from General Quarters. 2310 Changed course to 250o T. (P.G.C.). Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


Saturday, January 30, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 3o 15.5' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 2o 42.5' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 1o 46.5' N.

 00 - 04

Steaming in company with U.S.S. AULICK on course 250o T. and P.G.C. Standard speed 15 knots (146 R.P.M.), steaming at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). Boilers Nos. 1 and 3 on the main steam line. Ship is darkened, in Condition of Readiness III and Material Condition "B". Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.7.


04 - 08

Steaming as before on base course 250o T. (P.G.C.) at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 0515 Sounded General Quarters for dawn alert. Commenced Zig-Zagging in accordance with Plan No. 8. 0612 Secured from General Quarters. 0616 Sunrise, lighted ship. 0620 Ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course 250o T. P.G.C. 0657 Shifted to Steering Unit No. 1. 0658 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 0715 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 0721 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


08 -12

Steaming as before on course 250o T. and P.G.C. Speed 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 0815 Held quarters for muster. Made daily inspection of magazines and S. P. Samples. Conditions normal. 0925 Plane sighted. 0926 Sounded General Quarters. 0933 Plane identified as a friendly plane. 0940 Secured from General Quarters. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.0.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before on course 250o T. and P.G.C. 1228 Sighted plane bearing 055o T. distant 16.9 miles. 1237 Plane identified as friendly Army B-25 type. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 16 - 18

Steaming as before. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.2.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. N.


18 - 20

Steaming as before on course 250o T., and P.G.C. at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 1830 Sounded General Quarters. 1918 Set Condition II, Watch I. 1955 Held night battle problem with U.S.S. AULICK. Illuminated that ship with star shells. 1957 AULICK illuminated this ship with star shells. 2000 Ceased firing. 2002 Resumed base course of 250o T., P.G.C. 2017 Sounded General Quarters. 2026 Secured from General Quarters. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.5.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


20 - 24

Steaming as before carrying out Battle Problem with the AULICK. Captain at the Conn. Maneuvering to avoid simulated torpedo attack. Ship in Condition II. 2017 Sounded General Quarters. 2026 Secured from General Quarters and set Material Condition "B" and set Condition III and steadied on course 250o T. and P.G.C. Speed 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 2100 Set clocks back 1/2; hour to Plus 6 1/2; Zone time. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.9.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


Sunday, January 31, 1943

Position at 0800 L.C.T. - (Latitude 0o 11' N.

 Position at 1200 L.C.T. - (Latitude 0o 17' N.

 Position at 2000 L.C.T. - (Latitude 1o 16' S.

 00 - 04

Steaming in Condition III, darkened ship on base course 250o T. and P.G.C. on boilers Nos. 1 and 3, U.S.S. DENVER (SOPA) in company with U.S.S. AULICK. Standard speed 15 knots, steaming at 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). Ship in Material Condition "B". 0115 Shifted steering control to Steering Aft. 0120 Shifted steering motors in after control from No. 2 to No. 1, port cable to starboard cable. 0200 Shifted steering control to Central Station. 0235 Shifted steering control to Pilot House. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 224.4.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


04 - 08

Steaming as before. 0518 Manned all General Quarters Stations. 0620 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition III and Material Condition "B". Lighted ship. Average Steam 600 lbs. Average R.P.M. 224.0.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt., U. S. N.


08 -12

Steaming as before on course 250o T. and P.G.C. 0815 Held quarters for muster. 0830 Changed course to 270o T. and P.G.C. 0847 Changed course to 180o T. and P.G.C. 0849 Crossed the Equator. King Neptune and his party came aboard. 0852 Change course to 270o T. and P.G.C. 0859 Changed course to 250o T. and P.G.C. 0900 Set all clocks back 30 minutes to Plus 7 Zone Time. 1058 King Neptune left the ship. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 223.5.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


12 - 16

Steaming as before on course 250o T. and P.G.C. Speed 23 knots (224 R.P.M.). 1428 Changed course to 180o T. & P.G.C. Changed speed to 7 knots, 67(R.P.M.). 1433 Changed speed to 7.5 knots, 73(R.P.M.) 1448 Secured spring line to the AULICK in preparation for fueling. 1504 Commenced fueling the AULICK, forward and aft. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 161.6.

K. P. Houlihan,

Lt. D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


 16 - 18

Steaming as before, fueling U.S.S. AULICK, on base course 180o T. and P.G.C. 1600 Passed 200 lbs. of bread to the U.S.S. AULICK. 1704 Ceased pumping forward. 1706 Ceased pumping aft. 1716 Hauled fuel hoses aboard. 1721 U.S.S. AULICK cast off spring line. 1723 Increased speed to 23 knots (224 R.P.M.) and changed course to course 250o T. and P.G.C. 1725 Fuel lines secured aboard, delivered 74,656 gallons fuel oil @ 76o F. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 119.8.

E. F. Baldwin,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


18 - 20

Steaming as before. 1813 Darkened ship. 1815 Manned General Quarters stations for sunset alert. 1911 Secured from General Quarters. Set Condition III and Material Condition "B". Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 227.2.

J. H. Caldwell,

Lt. U. S. N.


20 - 24

Steaming as before on course 250o T. and P.G.C., 228 R.P.M. in column with U.S.S. AULICK, maintaining station 800 yds. distant on that ship. Av. Steam 600 lbs. Av. R.P.M. 227.2.

J. G. Lightburn,

Lt., D-V(G), U.S.N.R.


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Deck Log & War Diary Transcribed and Edited by Dick Bennett
HTML Markup and Site Maintenance by Andrew Toppan