World Aircraft Carriers List: Master List of US Carriers

Fleet Carriers (CV)
Langley (CV 1)
Lexington (CV 2)
Saratoga (CV 3)
Ranger (CV 4)
Yorktown (CV 5)
Enterprise (CV 6)
Wasp (CV 7)
Hornet (CV 8)
Essex (CV 9)
Yorktown (CV 10)
Intrepid (CV 11)
Hornet (CV 12)
Franklin (CV 13)
Ticonderoga (CV 14)
Randolph (CV 15)
Lexington (CV 16)
Bunker Hill (CV 17)
Wasp (CV 18)
Hancock (CV 19)
Bennington (CV 20)
Boxer (CV 21)
Independence (CVL 22)
Princeton (CVL 23)
Belleau Wood (CVL 24)
Cowpens (CVL 25)
Monterey (CVL 26)
Langley (CVL 27)
Cabot (CVL 28)
Bataan (CVL 29)
San Jacinto (CVL 30)
Bon Homme Richard (CV 31)
Leyte (CV 32)
Kearsarge (CV 33)
Oriskany (CV 34)
Reprisal (CV 35)
Antietam (CV 36)
Princeton (CV 37)
Shangri-La (CV 38)
Lake Champlain (CV 39)
Tarawa (CV 40)
Midway (CVB 41)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB 42)
Coral Sea (CVB 43)
CV 44
Valley Forge (CV 45)
Iwo Jima (CV 46)
Philippine Sea (CV 47)
Saipan (CVL 48)
Wright (CVL 49)
CV 50 through CV 55
CVB 56
CVB 57
United States (CVA 58)
Forrestal (CVA 59)
Saratoga (CVA 60)
Ranger (CVA 61)
Independence (CVA 62)
Kitty Hawk (CVA 63)
Constellation (CVA 64)
Enterprise (CVAN 65)
America (CVA 66)
John F. Kennedy (CVA 67)
Nimitz (CVN 68)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69)
Carl Vinson (CVN 70)
Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)
Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
George Washington (CVN 73)
John C. Stennis (CVN 74)
Harry S Truman (CVN 75)
Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)
CVN 77

Seaplane Tenders (AV)
Wright (AV 1)
Jason (AV 2)
Langley (AV 3)
Curtiss (AV 4)
Albemarle (AV 5)
Patoka (AV 6)
Currituck (AV 7)
Tangier (AV 8)
Pocomoke (AV 9)
Chandeleur (AV 10)
Norton Sound (AV 11)
Pine Island (AV 12)
Salisbury Sound (AV 13)
Kenneth Whiting (AV 14)
Hamlin (AV 15)
St. George (AV 16)
Cumberland Sound (AV 17)
Townsend (AV 18)
Calibogue (AV 19)
Hobe Sound(AV 20)
Ashland (AV 21)
AV 22 & AV 23

Small Seaplane Tenders (AVP)
Lapwing (AVP 1)
Heron (AVP 2)
Thrush (AVP 3)
Avocet (AVP 4)
Teal (AVP 5)
Pelican (AVP 6)
Swan (AVP 7)
Gannett (AVP 8)
Sandpiper (AVP 9)
Barnegat (AVP 10)
Biscayne (AVP 11)
Casco (AVP 12)
Mackinac (AVP 13)
Childs (AVP 14)
Williamson (AVP 15)
George E. Badger (AVP 16)
Clemson (AVP 17)
Goldsborough (AVP 18)
Hulbert (AVP 19)
William B. Preston (AVP 20)
Humbolt (AVP 21)
Matagorda (AVP 22)
Absecon (AVP 23)
Chincoteague (AVP 24)
Coos Bay (AVP 25)
Half Moon (AVP 26)
Mobjack (AVP 27)
Oyster Bay (AVP 28)
Rockaway (AVP 29)
San Pablo (AVP 30)
Unimak (AVP 31)
Yakutat (AVP 32)
Barataria (AVP 33)
Bering Strait (AVP 34)
Castle Rock (AVP 35)
Cook Inlet (AVP 36)
Corson (AVP 37)
Duxbury Bay (AVP 38)
Gardiners Bay (AVP 39)
Floyds Bay (AVP 40)
Greenwich Bay (AVP 41)
Hatteras (AVP 42)
Hempstead (AVP 43)
Kamishak (AVP 44)
Magothy (AVP 45)
Matanzas (AVP 46)
Metomkin (AVP 47)
Onslow (AVP 48)
Orca (AVP 49)
Rehoboth (AVP 50)
San Carlos (AVP 51)
Shelikof (AVP 52)
Suisun (AVP 53)
Timbalier (AVP 54)
Valcour (AVP 55)
Willoughby (AVP 56)
Wachapreague (AVP 57)
AVP 58 through AVP 67

Seaplane Tender-Destroyers (AVD)
Childs (AVD 1)
Williamson (AVD 2)
George E. Badger (AVD 3)
Clemson (AVD 4)
Goldsborough (AVD 5)
Hulbert (AVD 6)
William B. Preston (AVD 7)
Belknap (AVD 8)
Osmond Ingram (AVD 9)
Ballard (AVD 10)
Thornton (AVD 11)
Gillis (AVD 12)
Greene (AVD 13)
McFarland (AVD 14)
Escort Aircraft Carriers (AVG/CVE & BAVG)
HMS Archer (BAVG 1)
HMS Avenger (BAVG 2)
HMS Biter (BAVG 3)
HMS Charger/USS Charger (BAVG 4/CVE 30)
HMS Dasher (BAVG 5)
HMS Tracker (BAVG 6)

Long Island (CVE 1)
Manhattan (AVG 2 reserved)
Washington (AVG 3 reserved)
America (AVG 4 reserved)
Kungsholm (AVG 5 reserved)
Altamaha/HMS Battler (CVE 6)
Barnes/HMS Attacker (CVE 7)
Block Island/HMS Hunter (CVE 8)
Bogue (CVE 9)
Breton/HMS Chaser (CVE 10)
Card (CVE 11)
Copahee (CVE 12)
Core (CVE 13)
Croatan/HMS Fencer (CVE 14)
Hamlin/HMS Stalker (CVE 15)
Nassau (CVE 16)
St. George/HMS Pursuer (CVE 17)
Altamaha (CVE 18)
Prince William/HMS Striker (CVE 19)
Barnes (CVE 20)
Block Island (CVE 21)
HMS Searcher (CVE 22)
Breton (CVE 23)
HMS Ravager (CVE 24)
Croatan (CVE 25)
Sangamon (CVE 26)
Suwannee (CVE 27)
Chenango (CVE 28)
Santee (CVE 29)
HMS Charger/USS Charger (BAVG 4/CVE 30)
Prince William (CVE 31)
Chatham/HMS Slinger (CVE 32)
Glacier/HMS Atheling (CVE 33)
Pybus/HMS Emperor (CVE 34)
Baffins/HMS Ameer (CVE 35)
Bolinas/HMS Begum (CVE 36)
Bastian/HMS Trumpeter (CVE 37)
Carnegie/HMS Empress (CVE 38)
Cordova/HMS Khedive (CVE 39)
Delgada/HMS Speaker (CVE 40)
Edisto/HMS Nabob (CVE 41)
Estero/HMS Premier (CVE 42)
Jamaica/HMS Shah (CVE 43)
Keneenaw/HMS Patroller (CVE 44)
Prince/HMS Rajah (CVE 45)
Niantic/HMS Ranee (CVE 46)
Perdido/HMS Trouncer (CVE 47)
Sunset/HMS Thane (CVE 48)
St. Andrews/HMS Queen (CVE 49)
St. Joseph/HMS Ruler (CVE 50)
St. Simon/HMS Arbiter (CVE 51)
Vermillion/HMS Smiter (CVE 52)
Willapa/HMS Puncher (CVE 53)
Winjah/HMS Reaper (CVE 54)
Casablanca (CVE 55)
Liscombe Bay (CVE 56)
Coral Sea/Anzio (CVE 57)
Corregidor (CVE 58)
Mission Bay (CVE 59)
Guadalcanal (CVE 60)
Manila Bay (CVE 61)
Natoma Bay (CVE 62)
Midway/St. Lo (CVE 63)
Didrickson Bay/Tripoli (CVE 64)
Wake Island (CVE 65)
White Plains (CVE 66)
Solomons (CVE 67)
Kalinin Bay (CVE 68)
Kasaan Bay (CVE 69)
Fanshaw Bay (CVE 70)
Kitkun Bay (CVE 71)
Tulagi (CVE 72)
Gambier Bay (CVE 73)
Nehenta Bay (CVE 74)
Hoggatt Bay (CVE 75)
Kadashan Bay (CVE 76)
Marcus Island (CVE 77)
Savo Island (CVE 78)
Ommaney Bay (CVE 79)
Petrof Bay (CVE 80)
Rudyerd Bay (CVE 81)
Saginaw Bay (CVE 82)
Sargent Bay (CVE 83)
Shamrock Bay (CVE 84)
Shipley Bay (CVE 85)
Sitkoh Bay (CVE 86)
Steamer Bay (CVE 87)
Cape Esperance (CVE 88)
Takanis Bay (CVE 89)
Thetis Bay (CVE 90)
Makassar Strait (CVE 91)
Windham Bay (CVE 92)
Makin Island (CVE 93)
Lunga Point (CVE 94)
Bismark Sea (CVE 95)
Salamaua (CVE 96)
Hollandia (CVE 97)
Kwajalein (CVE 98)
Admiralty Islands (CVE 99)
Bougainville (CVE 100)
Mantanikau (CVE 101)
Attu (CVE 102)
Roi (CVE 103)
Munda (CVE 104)
Commencement Bay (CVE 105)
Block Island (CVE 106)
Gilbert Islands (CVE 107)
Kula Gulf (CVE 108)
Cape Gloucester (CVE 109)
Salerno Bay (CVE 110)
Vella Gulf (CVE 111)
Siboney (CVE 112)
Puget Sound (CVE 113)
Rendova (CVE 114)
Bairoko (CVE 115)
Badoeng Strait (CVE 116)
Saidor (CVE 117)
Sicily (CVE 118)
Point Cruz (CVE 119)
Mindoro (CVE 120)
Rabaul (CVE 121)
Palau (CVE 122)
Tinian (CVE 123)
Bastogne (CVE 124)
Eniwetok (CVE 125)
Lingayen (CVE 126)
Okinawa (CVE 127)
CVE 128 - 139

Amphibious Assault Ships (LPH/LHA/LHD)
Block Island (LPH 1)
Iwo Jima (LPH 2)
Okinawa (LPH 3)
Boxer (LPH 4)
Princeton (LPH 5)
Thetis Bay (LPH 6)
Guadalcanal (LPH 7)
Valley Forge (LPH 8)
Guam (LPH 9)
Tripoli (LPH 10)
New Orleans (LPH 11)
Inchon (LPH 12)

Tarawa (LHA 1)
Saipan (LHA 2)
Belleau Wood (LHA 3)
Nassau (LHA 4)
Peleliu (LHA 6)
LHA 6 through LHA 9

Wasp (LHD 1)
Essex (LHD 2)
Kearsarge (LHD 3)
Boxer (LHD 4)
Bataan (LHD 5)
Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6)
Iwo Jima (LHD 7)

Miscellaneous Aviation Ships
Mississippi (B-23)
Seattle (ACR-11)
North Carolina (ACR-12)
Huntington (ACR-5)
Aroostook (CM 3)
Shawmut (CM 4)
Wright (AZ 1)
Patoka (AO 9)
Wolverine (IX 64)
Sable (IX 81)
IX 514
Atlantic Sentry (SBA 1)
Caribbean Sentry (SBA 2)
Gulf Sentry (SBA 3)
Pacific Sentry (SBA 4)
Windward Sentry (SBA 5)

The World Aircraft Carrier Lists
Compiled and Maintained by Andrew Toppan (
Copyright © 1995-2003 by Andrew Toppan
Reproduction, reuse or distribution without permission is prohibited