Haze Gray Mystery Picture #173


Can You Identify This Ship?

Please use this form to submit your answer.

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If you do not give your name, you cannot be included in the list of correct respondents.

Your Answer for Mystery Picture #173:
Please include ONLY the name of the ship.

You may submit only ONE answer for each Mystery Picture.

Please be patient - this may take a few moments - click "send" only once.

If you have trouble with this form, you may submit your answer by sending email to actoppan@hazegray.org. Please include "Mystery Picture #173" in the subject.

The answer to this Mystery Picture will be announced about two weeks after the photo was released, usually on or around the 1st and 15th of each month. The answer announcement will include the name of everyone who submitted correct identification of this photo. Answer announcements will be posted on this website and will be distributed to the newsgroup sci.military.naval, and to the Maritime History mailing list (MARHST-L). There is no prize for answering correctly, other than having your name published here.

We are not responsible for lost or misdirected answers, and to be considered correct your answer MUST uniquely identify the ship or scene in question.

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This section of the HG&UW site created and maintained by Andrew Toppan.
Copyright © 2005, Andrew Toppan. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction, reuse, or distribution without permission is prohibited.