Looking aft along YORKTOWN's foredeck. The 5"/54 gun can be seen, and
behind it the Mk.26 missile launcher for the SM-2(MR) missile. The hexagonal
shape on the superstructure is the RCA SPY-1A 3D phased array radar; there
are four of these radars on the ship, each pointed in a different direction.
To the left of the photo if the SPRUANCE class destroyer ARTHUR RADFORD,
which is a test bed for a new stealth mast. |
A close-up of the 5"/54 Mk.45 Mod 0 gun. CG 51 onwards have the Mod
1. |
A close-up of the Mk.26 Mod 5 twin-arm missile launcher. CG 52 onwards
have a Mk.41 VLS instead of the older and less reliable Mk.26, and the
first five of the class lacking VLS have been mostly relegated to coast
guard-like duties, including anti-drug patrol in the Caribbean. The Mk.26
is also considerably slower than the Mk.41, as the arms have to return
to the position shown to reload. |
Looking aft along the port side interior at deck level. The history
of all the ships named YORKTOWN to serve in the US Navy is displayed on
the walls here. Down the passage to the right of this photo is the ship's
store, where one can purchase anything from souvenirs to laptop computers. |
Unlike other members of the class, YORKTOWN's bridge features the controls
and displays of the SMARTSHIP system, seen here at right. |
Taken from the starboard bridge wing, this shot looks up at the forward
mast and the Raytheon/RCA SPG 62 fire control radar. The SPG 62 illuminates
the target during the terminal stage of the missile's flight so that the
missile can home in on the target. The left dome shown above the SPG 62
is the SPQ 9A fire control radar. |
Not for those afraid of heights, part of the bridge wing extends out
over the side of the ship. The rail shown in this shot is at the edge of
the superstructure. The E's painted on the rail are Battle 'E's, or readiness
awards, and each colour represents a different division on the ship (i.e.
engineering, etc). |
Looking aft along the port side. |
From the starboard bridge wing looking aft, the starboard Phalanx CIWS
is visible, as well as the main mast. The port Phalanx can just be seen
to the far right. The open area at the bottom is often used as an exercise
space by the crew, and the dish antenna to right of the starboard Phalanx
is for dedicated ship-to-shore communications for the crew. At the bottom
left is the SLQ 32, a powerful electronic warfare system. |
The main mast is to the left, and the two aft SPG 62 fire control radars
are visible in this view taken down the port side looking aft. |
Looking up the main mast from directly beneath. This was the last ship
to have the square mast, as all the following ships have a tripod. |
The SH-60B LAMPS III Seahawk helicopter is shown here in one of YORKTOWN's
two hangars. |
The Seahawk again. Even folded up as it is, these pictures show how
tight a fit the Seahawk is in this hangar. |
Looking forward from the quarterdeck. The man in this shot is standing
on the flight deck, with one open hangar door behind him. The aft SPY 1A
radar is above him. To the right of the SPY, and behind the satellite com
aerial, the aft funnel can just be seen. The bulky mast to the right belongs
The aft Mk.26 missile launcher. The Mk.26 ships have a magazine of
68 SM-2s, while the VLS ships can carry up to 122. |
The aft 5"/54 gun, with the Harpoon anti-surface missile launcher tubes
far aft on the stern. |
YORKTOWN sits at Pier 21 in Halifax during MARCOT '98. |
A close-up of YORKTOWN's starboard aft 3/4. The Raytheon SPS 49 (V)
7 long range air search radar can be seen on the aft end of the main
mast in the top right of the photo. |