A view of MANCHESTER from the forward starboard quarter. |
Looking straight aft down the foredeck, the most prominent feature
is the Vickers 4.5"/55 Mk.8 gun, which can fire up to 25 rounds per minute. |
A view of the interior of the 4.5" gun. |
A side view of the 4.5" gun. |
This picture shows the area immediately forward of the bridge. Note
the large Navy style anchor fastened to the front of the bridge superstructure. |
MANCHESTER in profile: the extra 50 feet of the lengthened bow is clearly
apparent when compared to the earlier batches of this class. The beam running
along the gunnel on each side is for strengthening the hull, a feature
only seen on the Batch 3 ships. |
This is the twin Sea Dart launcher. The Sea Dart is a medium range
SAM which also has some anti-surface capability. The missiles come up through
the clamshell doors under each arm of the launcher. |
The bridge on MANCHESTER; the navigation radar is seen at left, and
the large dome at right houses the forward Type 909 Mod 1 fire control
radar, which guides the Sea Dart missile to its target. |
The large radar to the left is the Marconi/Signaal Type 1022 long range
air search radar. The mast is immediately aft, with another navigation
radar near the top. To the right of the mast is a SATCOM antenna, with
another identical unit on the other side of the ship. The aft mast shows
in the background, with a Plessey Type 996 3D air/surface search radar
at its head. |
Looking aft along MANCHESTER's port side. Note the 20mm Phalanx CIWS;
there is another unit in the same position on the starboard side as well. |
Looking aft along the starboard deck. The cylinders on the platform
above the maindeck house floating torpedo decoys. |
The roof of the hangar supports the aft Type 909 fire control radar.
Note the two Marconi Sea Gnat 6-barreled chaff launchers under tarps at
the bottom left of the photo. |
The superstructure, with the funnel in the background. |
Looking forward from the flight deck at the hangar. |
Three of the weapons used by the Sea Lynx helicopter carried by MANCHESTER.
The far object is an air dropped Marconi Stingray torpedo, in the middle
is a Sea Skua anti-surface missile (which sank a number of Iraqi patrol
boats during the Gulf War), and a helicopter dropped depth charge (thanks
to the many people who have identified this object for me). |