Haze Gray Photo Feature
Great White Fleet Battleships
The battleships assigned to the Great White Fleet represented the bulk of
the US battlefleet. The only battleships that did not sail with the Fleet
were one ship that was in overhaul, one newly competed ship not yet ready
for deployment (both of these ships later joined the Fleet), and four
obsolete, unseaworthy coast defense battleships. The 16 battleships of
the Great White Fleet were organized into four Divisions of four ships each.
They are listed below in Division order as they started the cruise.
Early in 1908, when the Fleet reached California, the battleship Divisions
were reorganized. The two battleships which had not been with the Fleet
previously now joined, bringing the force up to 18 battleships for a short
time. However, over the President's objections, two troublesome ships
were detached, leaving the Fleet at 16 ships. It had been hoped to add
two newly completed ships to the Fleet at this point, but the new vessels
proved to be unsatisfactory, and were sold out of the US Navy after very
short careers.
Also at this time the order of the ships was shuffled, bringing the
best-looking ships to the front of the fleet. All the division/position
changes listed below took place at this time.
All of these ships were taken out of service in 1921-1923 and were
disposed of in accordance with the terms of the Washington Treaty.

First Division
Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, Commanding
relieved by Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry
Connecticut (BB 18)
Captain Hugo Osterhaus
Flagship of the Commander In Chief, US Atlantic Fleet
Flagship of the First Division
Kansas (BB 21)
Captain Charles E. Vreeland
Vermont (BB 20)
Captain William P. Potter
relieved by Captain Frank F. Fletcher
Louisiana (BB 19)
Captain Richard Wainwright
relieved by Captain Kossuth Niles
Relieved by Minnesota and became the flagship of the 3rd
Division in 1908
Second Division
Rear Admiral William H. Emory, Commanding
relieved by Rear Admiral Richard Wainwright
Georgia (BB 15)
Captain Henry McCrea
relieved by Captain Edward F. Qualthrough
Flagship of the Second Division
New Jersey (BB 16)
Captain William H.H. Southerland
Rhode Island (BB 17)
Captain Joseph B. Murdock
Crew Photo Not Available |
Virginia (BB 13)
Captain Seaton Schroeder
relieved by Captain Alexander Sharp
Relieved by Nebraska and moved to the 3rd Division in
Third Division
Rear Admiral Charles M. Thomas, Commanding
relieved by Rear Admiral William H. Emory
relieved by Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder
Minnesota (BB 22)
Captain John Hubbard
Flagship of the Third Division
Relieved by Louisiana and moved to the First Division in
Ohio (BB 12)
Captain Charles W. Bartlett
relieved by Captain Thomas B. Howard
Crew Photo Not Available |
Missouri (BB 11)
Captain Greenlief A. Merriam
relieved by Captain Robert M. Doyle
Maine (BB 10)
Captain Giles B. Harber
Relieved by Virgnia and detached from the Fleet in 1908. She
coal at an excessive rate, smoked badly, and could not keep up with the
Fourth Division
Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry, Commanding
relieved by Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder
relieved by Rear Admiral William H. Emory
Alabama (BB 8)
Captain Ten Eyck DeW. Veeder
Flagship of the Fourth Division
Relieved by Wisconsin and detached from the Fleet in 1908.
She leaked, suffered engine
problems, and could not keep up with the Fleet.
Crew Photo Not Available |
Illinois (BB 7)
Captain John M. Bowyer
Crew Photo Not Available |
Kentucky (BB 6)
Captain Walter C. Cowles
Generally considered obsolete at the time of the Cruise
Crew Photo Not Available |
Kearsarge (BB 5)
Captain Walter C. Cowles
relieved by Captain Hamilton Hutchins
Generally considered obsolete at the time of the Cruise
Replacement Ships, 1908
Wisconsin (BB 9)
Captain Frank E. Beatty
Relieved Alabama as Flagship of the Fourth Division.
Alabama was detached.
Crew Photo Not Available |
Nebraska (BB 14)
Captain Reginald F. Nicholson
Relieved Virginia in the Second Division, 1908.
Virginia relieved Maine in the Third Division, and
Maine was detached. |
Crew Photo Not Available |

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Andrew Toppan.
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